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I recently got into scripting etc, But addactions do work with StockAH ( if i think that means the default epochAH)


what i basicly do is calling the addaction in the Altis Mission,

		player addaction ["Start Event", "addons\xxxxxxx\start.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];

Then start.sqf

systemChat "Starting event";
event = false;
publicVariableServer "event";

Then in the @epochHive Addon

"event" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	[] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\xxxxxx\xxxxxxxx.sqf";

This way the addactions worked for me? and runs the scripts i want to run pretty easy.

Or did i just got lucky, could be since the latest epochupdate but also had it working one build before

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I recently got into scripting etc, But addactions do work with StockAH ( if i think that means the default epochAH)


what i basicly do is calling the addaction in the Altis Mission,

		player addaction ["Start Event", "addons\xxxxxxx\start.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];

Then start.sqf

systemChat "Starting event";
event = false;
publicVariableServer "event";

Then in the @epochHive Addon

"event" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
	[] execVM "x\addons\custom\serverside\xxxxxx\xxxxxxxx.sqf";

This way the addactions worked for me? and runs the scripts i want to run pretty easy.

Or did i just got lucky, could be since the latest epochupdate but also had it working one build before


Addactions have always worked on the standard AH if you are an admin, if you aren't an admin then introduced the ability to let non admins use them too. Prior to that it was totally hit and miss as to whether it worked or not.

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Addactions have always worked on the standard AH if you are an admin, if you aren't an admin then introduced the ability to let non admins use them too. Prior to that it was totally hit and miss as to whether it worked or not.

Aah like that, i got confused thanks for explaining ;) 

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Does anyone know how to change the 2 vehicles in this script? personally I would rather use the Quad and a Civil version of the Little Bird/Hummingbird. I have died too many times because that new Mozzie is too sensitive in the controls. Takes to much to slow it and land.

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anyone know how to clear the vehicles when people deploy them they have arma3 medkits that dont work.




yes, add:






_spawnPos = _this select 1;

_spawnDir = _this select 2;

_veh = createVehicle["I_MRAP_03_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"];

_veh allowDamage false;

_veh setPos _spawnPos;

_veh setDir _spawnDir;

_veh setVectorUp (surfaceNormal (getPos _veh));

_veh call EPOCH_server_setVToken;

_veh call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;

_veh setVelocity [0,0,.1];

_veh allowDamage true;

clearItemCargoGlobal _veh;

clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh;

clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh;

clearBackPackCargoGlobal _veh;




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i've been using this(found it on the other page that was posted and commented about not giving credit) but when ever i try to sell the bike(i know you cant) it stops all trading after the attempt till i relog, can anybody tell me why or how to stop this? obviously i know not to try and sell it but players will not and they will be asking why they cant trade, 

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  • 3 weeks later...



as soon, as I try to craft an EBike, i get kicked for PublicVariable Restriction #0


From server: battleye/publicvariable.log

16.07.2015 16:20:48: jawollja (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) xxx - #0 "UDBike" = [B Alpha 1-1:1 (jawollja) REMOTE,[23761.6,16197.3,0.00143862],79.902]

Any ideas?


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  • 2 weeks later...



as soon, as I try to craft an EBike, i get kicked for PublicVariable Restriction #0


From server: battleye/publicvariable.log

16.07.2015 16:20:48: jawollja (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) xxx - #0 "UDBike" = [B Alpha 1-1:1 (jawollja) REMOTE,[23761.6,16197.3,0.00143862],79.902]

Any ideas?





Not to be rude, but try looking for Battleye exceptions,


publicvariable    line 0 is the very top line, line 1 is line 2 and so on always look 1 below the number, 


!="UDBike"   Try that 

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Just trying to learn the coding.  This is from the server-side of the "deploy bike". I'm curious what the purpose of the 2nd half of the code is starting with "_goat" ... is it to get around the vehicle limit numer or something?


Everything installed and is working great. I'm just trying to learn as I go instead of just copying and pasting code without understanding it.  thanks :D

if(isServer) then {
    "UDbike" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 call Spawn_Ebike};

    Spawn_Ebike = {    private["_playerObj","_spawnPos","_spawnDir","_veh","_goat"];
        _playerObj = _this select 0;
        _spawnPos = _this select 1;
        _spawnDir = _this select 2;

        if("itemCorrugated" in (magazines _playerObj))then[{
            _veh = createVehicle["ebike", _spawnPos, [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"];
            _veh allowDamage false;
            _veh setPos _spawnPos;
            _veh setDir _spawnDir;
            _veh setVectorUp (surfaceNormal (getPos _veh));
            _veh call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
            _veh call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
            _veh setVelocity [0,0,.1];
            _veh allowDamage true;
            _goat = createAgent ["Goat_random_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "FORM"];
            _goat setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
            [_goat,_playerObj] spawn {
                private ["_goat","_playerObj","_end"];
                _goat = _this select 0;
                _playerObj = _this select 1;
                _end = time + 300;
                waitUntil{ UIsleep 10;
                    _goat moveTo (getPos _playerObj);
                (!alive _goat || time >= _end)
                _goat setDamage 1; sleep 30; hideBody _goat;


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As Soon as I finish My Script for arma 2, Im going to be rewriting this, including removing the Vehicles that spawn from the traders.

It may be a week or so off, but it will be coming :D


:D  thanks!  This script really has help up well over all the patches. You did a great job, man.  In your re-write, could you add "repack bike" if it's not too much trouble?  Either way, really appreciate what you've done here.  So whats the goat for?

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