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A couple of addons for Altis


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Since I'm not running an Altis server anymore, I thought I'd share my addons for it. The code just gets inserted in your config.cpp file in the a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo file under "class Altis", under the last entry in that section. 


Look for these lines in the config.cpp and make sure you add that last , at the end of the last line, then insert the below pastebin code underneath it.:

				{ "Land_CncBarrierMedium4_F", { 18464.2, 14281.7, 0.00330925 }, 62.7671 },
				{ "Land_LampShabby_F", { 18451.7, 14285.3, 0 }, 221.564 },
				{ "Land_HBarrier_1_F", { 18458.1, 14290.3, 0.0128841 }, 317.438 },

Code: http://pastebin.com/nUrrh4ga


The first one is a small triage area at the hospital on Altis. 


The second one is a small military base at the AAC airfield.



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Here's the same thing in SQF format if you would rather use instead of putting all these in the config.cpp.

Since you are only selecting and not looping each array further inside forEach, you might as well go with count instead, should give you some performance boost, especially taking in account the size of your script. (simply rename forEach to count at the end).

Here's more info on the subject:


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Here's the same thing in SQF format if you would rather use instead of putting all these in the config.cpp.


I don't think the post linked to in the "this thread" link is right. It doesn't explain how to use the sqf method. I've saved all my addons in sqf format, so that would be nice to use.

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There are additional posts in the same thread that flesh it out a little more.  My rationale for suggesting to do it that way is to help prevent admins from having to do extra steps when upgrading their servers.  The config.cpp in epoch server settings pbo will change frequently as new Epoch builds are released as the devs add support for new maps or do tweaks to trader city areas.  That being the case, the more you add to config.cpp the more you will have to copy and paste out of the old one and into the new one each time, adding to the chances that you can make a mistake and have trouble getting your server running again.  Using a standalone PBO for map addons allows you to "set it and forget it", since you won't have to change or maintenance anything related to map addons due to a server version update.  My mantra:  Work smarter, not harder.  :) 

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Yeah, after I posted, I went back to the first post in that thread and found the other way to do. I'll be doing that myself and updating the first post in this thread.

Darth_Roque couldend say it better , as a fact i used that approach with A3-editor from Maca and the a3_epoch_server_building.pbo (a3_epoch_custom.zip)

Hopefully its also 'approved' by the Epoch devs , to make life a little easier

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Zed this is awesome thanks!

Can you post whatever guides you used to start you out editing the map stuff...as all the YouTube vids I've watched are terrible and done by squeakers!

I want to add extra areas for my players for them to explore etc.



I used this to create these areas: 


Darth_Roque couldend say it better , as a fact i used that approach with A3-editor from Maca and the a3_epoch_server_building.pbo (a3_epoch_custom.zip)

Hopefully its also 'approved' by the Epoch devs , to make life a little easier


I tried the other method of making a pbo and it didn't work for me. It kept saying it couldn't find the fn_init.sqf, so I'm sticking with the other method.

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If you look at this post, it will help you put your addons in a pbo, which is more organized, but the cpp method does work fine too: 


If I have time, I may update the first post to have detailed instructions for that method as well.


i have tried the first way through cpp but my server is stuck on waiting for host

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