prue420 Posted May 16, 2015 Report Share Posted May 16, 2015 Hey guys i know this is the wrong place to post this but no one will help me over in A3EAI forum and there are no step by step tutorial on how to set up a headless client. i have this mod work perfect thanks to the awesome instructions that was given could some one help with running A3EAI with FUMS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimic Posted May 16, 2015 Report Share Posted May 16, 2015 Hey guys i know this is the wrong place to post this but no one will help me over in A3EAI forum and there are no step by step tutorial on how to set up a headless client. i have this mod work perfect thanks to the awesome instructions that was given could some one help with running A3EAI with FUMS. In your init.sqf make sure it's loading FuMS before A3EAI. To be honest, I removed A3EAI from my server because FuMS was able to do everything that I wanted out of A3EAI. Mostly the roaming vehicle patrols. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocko_MB Posted May 16, 2015 Report Share Posted May 16, 2015 So I fixed the issue I had.. after hours of trawling through the code couldn't find anything. I simply removed it from the PBO, added the soldierdata, changed it to read the theme's solderidata and it idea why lol. But have seen that some of the AI are not all being cleaned up after mission failure. But other than that.. all working perfectly. R. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 16, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 16, 2015 Rocko, There is code in FuMS that will prevent AI from being cleaned up if they are engaged with, or detect players. If a mission ends and the AI detect a player, they will remain 'in play' until they go 3 minutes with no detection of a player. This was implemented to provide a little more realism (AI dont go poof), and to prevent 'smash and grab' missions, where players could race past AI to an objective, complete it, then let the game clean up their mess :) If you are seeing AI hang around outside this '3min no-detection' window' please let me know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 16, 2015 Report Share Posted May 16, 2015 Dirty, Can do, will add it in the next update. I wanted too on this one, but was short on time before leaving town :) More than likely the option will add smoke/fire to ALL the buildings in the array....but nothing stops you from having two or more building spawn groups in a mission. Sounds good Horbin. Also Rocko, I noticed in making my own theme folders that using your own loot but not it's own soldier data causes an error with fums, so if trying to use in folder data make both of em true not just one of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimic Posted May 16, 2015 Report Share Posted May 16, 2015 FuMS does not work properly with Bornholm map. I know that's a broad claim, but I have done HOURS of testing between my Bornholm server and my Altis server which are literally identical in setup except for the map. What works: Missions spawn AI spawn As of 1.5e structures at missions spawn What doesn't work: AI do not patrol around the missions, they just stand there at the mission center until a player is detected, or they're shot at, then they start looking for defensive cover Convoy patrols do not drive around the map at all. They just stay where they spawn and do nothing until engaged How I tested this was I setup a brand new Altis server and installed FuMS 1.5e on it. Configured the missions the way I like them, and tested it. Noticed immediately that there was a HUGE difference in the AI. They are not all sitting on the mission center, but are based around the mission, sometimes up to 300m away from the center. They are all exploring or moving around, even before they spot a player. The convoy's were driving around the map, something they never did on my Bornholm server. I spent the next few days really customizing and tweaking the missions to my server. After I was happy with it, I took an exact copy of FuMS from my Altis server, and copied it to my Bornholm server. The results listed above still apply. So both the Altis server and the Bornholm server are both using the exact same version and modified instance of FuMS, but they don't work the same. You can join my servers and see for yourself. Bornholm - Altis - Thanks for any assistance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Mimic, Here is the info FuMS is using for the Bornholm map: [ "bornholm", [10088.2,9045.73,0], //Map Center 13500, //Map size [ //Exclusion Areas [[4144.52,9255.61,0],[3144.52,8255.61,0]], //West Spawn Area [[11466.9,12192.4,0.],[12466.9,13192.4,0]], //East Spawn Area [[3537.25,15053.3,0],[3537.25,16053.3,0]], //North Spawn [[13313.2,6376.4,0],[14313.2,7376.4,0]] //Clone Lab ], [ //Default Areas ] I am out of town for the next few weeks, so can't hop on to take a look, but if you can send me a server.rpt and HC.rpt for your Bornholm server I'll take a look at them and see if I can see any issues. What you are describing is very odd. I don't see why the AI would not be working, unless their way points are possibly being defined to points that are 'off the map' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimic Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Mimic, Here is the info FuMS is using for the Bornholm map: [ "bornholm", [10088.2,9045.73,0], //Map Center 13500, //Map size [ //Exclusion Areas [[4144.52,9255.61,0],[3144.52,8255.61,0]], //West Spawn Area [[11466.9,12192.4,0.],[12466.9,13192.4,0]], //East Spawn Area [[3537.25,15053.3,0],[3537.25,16053.3,0]], //North Spawn [[13313.2,6376.4,0],[14313.2,7376.4,0]] //Clone Lab ], [ //Default Areas ] I am out of town for the next few weeks, so can't hop on to take a look, but if you can send me a server.rpt and HC.rpt for your Bornholm server I'll take a look at them and see if I can see any issues. What you are describing is very odd. I don't see why the AI would not be working, unless their way points are possibly being defined to points that are 'off the map' Where does that go? I searched through some of the FuMS files and couldn't find that code. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyrane Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 hey Horbin. is it possible to use this feature: class CfgSounds { sounds[]={intro}; class intro { name = "intro"; sound[] = {"\Sounds\intro.ogg", db-5, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; }; ---------------- playSound "intro"; in a "single" SEM Mission? maybe i put it into "BanditCamp.sqf" and when BanditCamp comes up it will play a special sound for this mission? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Quick and Dirty: 1) Add the following to \FuMS\HC\MsnCtrl\MissionInit.sqf at line 48 2) Replace <MISSION NAME> with the ALL CAPS version of the 'Mission Title' found in the 1st section of the mission file. Ex: for Bandi.tCamp.sqf, "<MISSION NAME>" = "BANDITCAMP" switch (toupper _curMission) do { case "<MISSION NAME>": { playsound "intro";}; }; DirtySanchez and kyrane 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyrane Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 nice, thank you :) i guess this goes the same way for mission success and mission failed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 If you look further down in the that file, you should see where it 'tests' for 'win' or 'lose'. You should be able to place similar code there. DirtySanchez 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyrane Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 it works.. so i looks like but i get no sound o.O should i write down the path to sound file where it comes from? its an .ogg file in mpmission.. so i guess its to far away for FuMS or something? oh and can i get only once for that mission or can i make different with copy n paste undergoing that code like... _mkr1 = format ["%3_%1_%2_1",_missionTheme select 0, _curMission, _eCenter,FuMS_HC_SlotNumber]; _mkr2 = format ["%3_%1_%2_2",_missionTheme select 0, _curMission ,_eCenter,FuMS_HC_SlotNumber]; createMarker [_mkr1, [0,0]]; createMarker [_mkr2, [0,0]]; switch (toupper _curMission) do { case "BanditCamp": { playSound "intro";}; }; switch (toupper _curMission) do { case "VanCrash": { playSound "intro2";}; }; _dat = [_buildingData, _eCenter, _themeIndex, _curMission] call FuMS_fnc_HC_MsnCtrl_Spawn_SpawnBuildings; _buildings = _dat select 0; _vehicles = _dat select 1; ?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 standbye. Forgot the sound needs to run on the client side. Give me a few to resolve the issue. I will repost Also, google how you use a 'switch do' statement. You can combine what you posted above into just 1 switch statement. kyrane 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Ok, here ya go: AND Don't forget to repack both FuMS.pbo AND your mission PBO.... :) Add at line 7 of \MPMission\.....\HC\Player_Init.sqf (in the mission PBO) "FuMS_GlobalSound" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private ["_sound"]; _sound = _this select 1; playsound _sound; }; new code for \FuMS\HC\MsnCtrl\MissionInit.sqf at line 48. FuMS_GlobalSound = "" switch (toupper _curMission) do { case "BANDITCAMP": {FuMS_GlobalSound = "intro1";}; case "VANCRASH": {FuMS_GlobalSound = "intro2";}; // just add more cases // I'll clean this up to init off the mission data file, // if this sort of sound support seems to be desired by more folks }; if (FuMS_GlobalSound != "") then { publicVariable "FuMS_GlobalSound";}; // NOTE: There is the potential for 'audio' collision if two or more missions attempt to run their sound file at the same time. If others want this type of functionality, let me know, and I will fold it into the next release, with the sound option and file being part of the 'Notification' section of each mission file. kyrane 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kyrane Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 excuse me and where should i save the .ogg soundfile? ;-) i mean: intro1.ogg and intro2.ogg just the same directory like Player_init.sqf ? there is also a folder in the same directory called "Zombies" maybe we add a folder called "Mission" ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 17, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 they need to go in the mission pbo. See the zombie sounds installation for an example path and description.ext changes needed. kyrane 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DirtySanchez Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Thanks again Horbin,For working/helping while out of town man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocko_MB Posted May 17, 2015 Report Share Posted May 17, 2015 Some do hang around others don't. It's mainly the town AI. Not sure if they are seeing players in choppers or not. Also have problems with loot boxes not spawning in trees. To counter this I've made 110 locations around Cherno so they don't spawn in trees. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocko_MB Posted May 18, 2015 Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 Ok, done some testing. When AI spawn in towns or near buildings that they interact with and no player engages. When the mission fails they stay around the buildings guarding them. They walk around in no aggressive posture and you can walk upto them with your weapon lowered or holstered. If you shoot they they react as normal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 Rocko, Thanks! I'll take a look at this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimic Posted May 18, 2015 Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 [ "bornholm", [10088.2,9045.73,0], //Map Center 25000, //Map size [ //Exclusion Areas [[4144.52,9255.61,0],[3144.52,8255.61,0]], //West Spawn Area [[11466.9,12192.4,0],[12466.9,13192.4,0]], //East Spawn Area [[3537.25,15053.3,0],[3537.25,16053.3,0]], //North Spawn [[13313.2,6376.4,0],[14313.2,7376.4,0]] //Clone Lab ], [ //Default Areas ] ], This is what I have in my "GetWorldInfo.sqf". I noticed your worldsize was not the same as what's in the "@epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings\configs\maps\bornholm.h" so I just changed that now. Also noticed that on your "East Spawn Area" line you have a "." after the 0 in the coordinates. I removed that "." and will test with the updated world size and report back. ** EDIT ** Noticed the worldsize for Altis didn't match what was in the "@epochhive\addons\a3_epoch_server_settings\configs\maps\altis.h" file either. I've updated that and will test on my Altis server. You have 12000, and that other file has 20000. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimic Posted May 18, 2015 Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 Also, Small missions are coming up with the town name they're situated in, instead of the mission name. How can I make it show the mission name instead? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
horbin Posted May 18, 2015 Author Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 If you are using geographic keywords in the 'locations' section of the theme, the missions will be named based upon the name of those locations. Alternative is to place the actual locations for those towns in the 'locations' section. Then FuMS will use the mission name as the default name of the mission. Thanks for the inputs on the map data. At one point I had shrunk the Altis map size to reduce the 'spawn area' from the outer edges of the map. Let me know if you see better behavior with the full 20K map size. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mimic Posted May 18, 2015 Report Share Posted May 18, 2015 Changing the mapsize for Bornholm had not effect on the convoys moving. They still just sit there. On Altis it's put the missions all over the place now as opposed to more centralized. Which is good IMO because it forces players to move around the map. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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