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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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Just found this in HC RPT.  Files are stock except for changing world coords for Bornholm.


EDIT:  Found a few more errors.  Better just take a look at the file below




22:10:29 Error in expression <format ["FuMS_AdminActiveMissionList%1",FuMS_ThemeControlID];
_endMission = (FuM>
22:10:29   Error position: <FuMS_ThemeControlID];
_endMission = (FuM>
22:10:29   Error Undefined variable in expression: fums_themecontrolid
22:10:29 File FuMS\HC\MsnCtrl\LogicBomb.sqf, line 218
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  On 4/1/2015 at 1:18 AM, rhammer2003 said:

Hi Guys,

 Please see my earlier message. I am looking for a working description.ext example. does anyone have one they could post that I may look at this. Mine is not working correctly, and I want to make sure I have this setup right.




Nothing in this pack requires edits to description.ext.  Only mission.sqm and config.cfg

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According to the instructions...

4) Modify your 'descriptions.ext':

If RscTitles is already defined in your descriptions.ext, then just add the code between the //************  comments to the appropriate 'class' code.

class RscTitles
    class radioChatterBar {
        idd = -1;
        onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', _this select 0]";
        onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radoiChatterBar', objNull]";
        onDestroy = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', objNull]";
        fadein = 0;
        fadeout = 10;
        duration = 10e10;
        movingEnable = 0;
        controlsBackground[] = {};
        objects[] = {};
        class controls {
            class statusBarText {
                idc = 1010;
                x = safezoneX;
                y = safezoneY; // upper left hand corner
                //x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.5;
                //y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.4; //H
                w = 1;
                h = 0.3;  //hopefully makes it 10 lines tall
                shadow = 2;
                colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0.0 };  // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a     background
                font = "PuristaSemibold";
                size = 0.03;
                type = 13;// CT_TYPES = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT
                style = 1;
                text="Loading server info...";
                class Attributes {
                    color = "#FFFFFF"; //"#00FF09";BrightGreen   //#FF8700

class CfgSounds
    #include "HC\Zombies\infectedsounds.hpp"



are the instructions incorrect? if so does someone have a corrected version?


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   Here is a copy of a working descriptions.ext

author = "Epoch Mod Team";
class Header
 gameType = Sandbox;
 minPlayers = 1;
 maxPlayers = 100;
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 600;
respawnDialog = 0;

onLoadMission= "Epoch";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Epoch Mod";
loadScreen = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\pictures\loadScreen_ca.paa"; 
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
onLoadName = "Epoch Mod";
disabledAI = true;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
enableDebugConsole = 0;
joinUnassigned = 0;
respawnOnStart = 0;
forceRotorLibSimulation = 1;

corpseManagerMode = 1;
corpseLimit = 10;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1200;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;

wreckManagerMode = 1;
wreckLimit = 2;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;

class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};

class CfgEpochClient
	buildingNearbyMilitary = 0; //1 to allow building nearby
	buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 300; //Define radius of blocked area

	buildingRequireJammer = 0; // 1 = to allow building without a jammer 
	buildingCountLimit = 200; // how many objects can be built within range of a jammer 
	buildingJammerRange = 75; // jammer range in meters 

class RscTitles
    class radioChatterBar {
        idd = -1;
        onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', _this select 0]";
        onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radoiChatterBar', objNull]";
        onDestroy = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', objNull]";
        fadein = 0;
        fadeout = 10;
        duration = 10e10;
        movingEnable = 0;
        controlsBackground[] = {};
        objects[] = {};
        class controls {
            class statusBarText {
                idc = 1010;
                x = safezoneX;
                y = safezoneY; // upper left hand corner
                //x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.5;
                //y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.4; //H
                w = 1; 
                h = 0.3;  //hopefully makes it 10 lines tall
                shadow = 2;
                colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0.0 };  // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a 	background
                font = "PuristaSemibold";
                size = 0.03;
                type = 13;// CT_TYPES = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT
                style = 1;
                text="Loading server info...";
                class Attributes {
                    color = "#FFFFFF"; //"#00FF09";BrightGreen   //#FF8700

class CfgSounds
	#include "HC\Zombies\infectedsounds.hpp"
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  On 4/1/2015 at 4:02 AM, rhammer2003 said:

According to the instructions...

4) Modify your 'descriptions.ext':

If RscTitles is already defined in your descriptions.ext, then just add the code between the //************  comments to the appropriate 'class' code.



are the instructions incorrect? if so does someone have a corrected version?




Sorry for the misinformation.  I don't use the radio messages and never have so I forgot about that.  

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I have some questions. "I can not speak English, it is easier to ask than to translate 17 pages"


* How do I define the "on and off" themes for each missio?


* Possibility to put a simultaneous mission limit?


* How do I disable the message on the screen? "side left upper the screen"


thanks very much





the first time it  worked. Now appears very errors.


  Reveal hidden contents

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* How do I define the "on and off" themes for each missio?

Turn themes on/off in BaseServer.sqf.

Comment out the themes you want off.

        // ActiveThemes
        // A folder matching the names below needs to exist in the ..\Themes folder.
        // use this block to easily turn off/on your various mission sets.
        // -1 = all HC's.  0= Server only,  1=1st HC to connect, 2=2nd, etc.
        //  Note: Server option not currenty operational.
        // ["StressTest",-1],
       // ["SEM",1],   //<<------ SEM is commented out so is turned OFF

Another option, if you are using the AdminTools is to set ThemeAutoStart to false in the theme's ThemeData.sqf




* Possibility to put a simultaneous mission limit?

This is controlled simply by how many themes you have running and how you configure them to run.

In the ThemeData.sqf you can set the theme to ONLY spawn 1 mission at a time.




* How do I disable the message on the screen? "side left upper the screen"

In BaseServer.sqf.  Set EnableRadioChatterSystem to false.

 [  // Event and AI Radio messsage behavior
        false, // EnableRadioChatterSystem: turns on the system, allowing below options to function
        false, // EnableRadioAudio: turns on 'audio' effects for radio chatter
        true, // RadioRequired: if false, messages are heard without a radio on the player's belt.
        false, // RadioFollowTheme: Conforms with Theme radio channel choices. False:any radio works for all channels.
        true, 800 // EnableAIChatter: enables random radio chatter between AI when players get within the specified range (meters) as default.
              // NOTE: Theme 'Radio Range' will override this setting.

Looking at the error in your .rpt it looks like you have some sort of Typo in your BaseServer.sqf.  A missing ']' or something.

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i want that every hc one mission controlle that is why i have 4 HC


if (!isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_handle"];
FuMS_HCIDs = [];
FuMS_HCNames = [];
FuMS_HCIDs set [0,0]; // set the 1st slot to be the actual server's ID.
FuMS_HCNames set [0, "SERVER"];
FuMS_AdminListofMissions = []; //Full list of all missions on the server. [themeIndex, themeName, missionName] format.
FuMS_isStable = true; // set to false in LoadCommonData if critical errors are found.
must i edit this ??
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One HC could easily handle multiple missions, the sticking point really is that lots of AI in the game (whether server or HC controlled) have a really large impact on server performance.


With 60 players on my server I've had to remove all but the SEM mission from auto starting otherwise the server FPS/CPS dips down under 10. (the server is a dedicated i7 3770@3.9GHz, 16GB RAM and running from SSD on a 100/100MBps dedicated ethernet line).


As I have it at the moment the FPS/CPS is between 15-20 when the server is full (60 players).

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18:27:48 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:27:51 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:27:54 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:27:57 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:00 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:03 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:06 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:09 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:12 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:15 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:19 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:23 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:26 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"
18:28:29 "##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for <NULL-object>"


any where a idea???


and this


18:27:17 Error in expression <_SuffBlur ppEffectCommit 8;

sleep 8;

BIS_SuffCC ppEffectEnable FALSE;
18:27:17 Error position: <BIS_SuffCC ppEffectEnable FALSE;
18:27:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_suffcc

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     Is your HC spawning missions?


   Did you assign the HC to the 1st slot or at the end in your mission.sqm


Code had to be added because some folks where doing non-standard installs and that along with changes made in .3.0.1 are causing some issues with HC detection by the server.


Anyway, let me know the answers to the above, and I may be able to help.


The other BIS errors are not related to FuMS.

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   If you are NOT getting missions to spawn there is some other issue.  If you are getting missions to spawn, try commenting the following code OUT of the \FuMS\Functions\HeartMonitor.sqf  (lines 32-37).


This will allow the server to cleanup AI if the HC should disconnect.


Again, code was added to try and deal with the 'gender' selection delay causing some unpredictable behavior for some folks...I am still trying to figure out the specifics.

 //  waitUntil
  //  {
  //      diag_log format ["##HeartMonitor: Waiting on Gender for %1",_owner];
  //      sleep 3;
  //      typeOf _owner == "Epoch_Male_F" or typeOf _owner == "Epoch_Female_F" 
 //   };
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Another option that may work.


Log in as admin and 'kick' the HC.  See if it reconnects properly.  The hang up seems to be when the HC connects with NO identity.  <NULL-Object> should contain the HC's name. I believe this issue is with Arma3 not Epoch or FuMS mod.


I'm adding code to the next update that will 'time out' the wait for gender assignment after 2 minutes, so the server can still perform cleanup if necessary.

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  On 4/2/2015 at 7:51 PM, horbin said:


  May be a config on your side. I am aware of multiple servers running FuMS with an HC and Infistar...no kicks.


Is it a BE kick?  Shoot me a copy of your .rpt if you want.

I'll check the logs later, but I never had an issue with the default AH and the HC. I did have issues with the default AH banning all the non-admin players. Looks like I traded one issue for another.

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