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Roaming AI in Towns Release


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Chernarus Spawn Points Thanks to  

DCLaltistownpositions = [[4500,2460],[14000,15160],[12900,10060],[15100,13860],[3300,3960],[5600,2560],[12000,13760],[6700,2660],[12900,15060],[11200,6660],[3300,4960],[6600,3660],[10400,9860],[10300,2160],[9500,8860],[5900,10360],[8400,6760],[8500,11960],[5300,8660],[1900,2260],[6600,14560],[12100,3560],[12500,14660],[12200,10960],[3600,2560],[4400,4660],[11100,12360],[6400,15060],[2700,10060],[7900,13060],[7500,5160],[11200,5560],[2000,7360],[5800,4760],[9200,14660],[12900,7960],[3600,13160],[11600,14460],[6100,3260],[7000,7760],[13300,12960],[12100,7360],[1600,3860],[4400,6460],[10600,8060],[5700,13560],[7900,3260],[4900,5660],[9100,3860],[3000,7960],[6100,12760],[4700,6860],[7900,12660],[9600,6660],[1400,11960],[11400,15160],[13400,6160],[2500,6360],[10100,5460],[6100,7760],[4900,15160],[9500,13860],[13900,13260],[3400,14860],[2700,12360],[7600,13460],[12800,4460],[13500,14160],[2200,11060],[3800,8960],[9900,10460],[6500,6060],[4500,13260],[2700,5460]];

Monkey yes if you change the spawn locations

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Currently, the antagonist threat is lacking in A3 Epoch. We are looking for more action, so I'm interested in trying out this script. I don't see anyone commenting about Battleye kicks. That's a plus. I have a question, when the AI are all killed in a town will they respawn again in time or will they respawn after a server restart?



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This is what I did, go into the aoa\DCL folder and edit init.sqf


civilclass = ["I_Soldier_EPOCH","Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_Sapper_F"];


DCLgroupsize = 3;


Now you could increase this to 6 and have 4 sappers and 2 AI, all you need to do is do this


civilclass = ["I_Soldier_EPOCH","I_Soldier_EPOCH","Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_Sapper_F"];


DCLgroupsize = 6;

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BattlEye: Script Restriction #20

is there a fix for my problem?

this is what is in my script

20 7 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;"


if you're getting kicked for a restriction, there's an easy way to figure it out. In your Scripts.log file you will see the exact time the kick happened, and next to it you'll find the reason. So long as you put that script in there (the reason that you got kicked), and you want that script to execute on your server, go to the line where it says the kick originated (if the kick is BattlEye Script Restriction #20, that means it is Line 20, but I do believe the first line counts as 0 to battleye, so you have to edit Line 21 when you open it with Notepad++ or some other program that counts lines. You can try it both ways if you have to, but I would try counting line 1 as 0 first). So take that exact script name or variable or whatever it was from the .log file and make an exception for it like this !="THESCRIPTTHATKICKEDME". In your case, it appears you're being kicked for an allowDamage that hasn't been declared as ok, so try to compare the .log name and the file contents that it references to the line you're being kicked for.


Once you are all jacked up on info and feeling like a super bad-arse admin for figuring it out, add it after the others like so: 7 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;" !="THESCRIPTTHATKICKEDME"

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I've also found a better way of getting this script in that makes it easier to install along side other mods, ah's, admin-tools, and whatnot. I'm going to share what I've done here, and it might become standard operating practice, as it makes it a lot easier, but it does add a little size to the Client Side receiving file. Currently with all the stuff I've added I'm at around 287k for my mission file, but it still loads really quickly. When I originally tried installing this script I saw a lot of the errors that everyone else was seeing, so I decided to re-work it in this manner:


1. I made a folder inside my epoch.Altis.pbo named custom. Inside that folder I made another called Roamers. I then copied and pasted all of the files into that folder.


2. I've taken away root level access to the script. It was easier for me to pack the whole thing in epoch.Altis.pbo for reasons of calling the file, and making it work right out of the box with the other mods/tools I'm using. I changed the file init.sqf by altering the file paths: 

generate_zone = compile preprocessFile "custom\Roamers\Generate_Zone.sqf"; 
walk = compile preprocessFile "custom\Roamers\walk.sqf";

3. I used the randomized chance script, and dropped the percentage and amount of spawns per city to make it more realistic (like if my server was constantly running at capacity, so as to mimic a full server's amount of action). I won't post that here because it's still a long list of coordinates.


4. If you don't already have an init.sqf inside your MPmissions epoch.Altis.pbo, you'll need to make one. inside that file add the following code: 

if (isServer) then {
	execVM "custom\Roamers\init.sqf";

MisterT - thank you for the awesome script, and I hope my explanation & changes help rather than hinder. If you like the changes, feel free to use them in release, and just maybe if it makes supporting it a little easier, we might get a few cooler AI than guys running around with glorified pistols?!? lol, thanks again.

I'm attaching my files (Sorry for the outside link, but it's the best I can do) so you can look at what I've done, or just repackage it as a download, whatever :-)





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Okay, create a folder called aoa in your root directory

Open the aoa folder create a DCL folder

Copy all 3 of the files walk, init, and generate_zone into DCL folder


Now open your main mission files init.sqf

add this line to top



Just a question, is this the root of your ARMA3 folder or the root of epoch.Chernarus mission file?

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Check your spawns. Make sure you have the clientside files.

The spawns are KingRaymond795's worldspace coordinates for Chernarus. Clientside files? I didn't know we needed any based on the OP. The install instructions are all server side as far as I could tell.


I have question. I'm using the #2 script for chance AI spawns rather than 100% AI spawns. Where is the value to adjust the % of chance? NVM, found that. If the script starts properly will I see that in the rpt file?


Thanks! :)

Edited by Snakeyes
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if you're getting kicked for a restriction, there's an easy way to figure it out. In your Scripts.log file you will see the exact time the kick happened, and next to it you'll find the reason. So long as you put that script in there (the reason that you got kicked), and you want that script to execute on your server, go to the line where it says the kick originated (if the kick is BattlEye Script Restriction #20, that means it is Line 20, but I do believe the first line counts as 0 to battleye, so you have to edit Line 21 when you open it with Notepad++ or some other program that counts lines. You can try it both ways if you have to, but I would try counting line 1 as 0 first). So take that exact script name or variable or whatever it was from the .log file and make an exception for it like this !="THESCRIPTTHATKICKEDME". In your case, it appears you're being kicked for an allowDamage that hasn't been declared as ok, so try to compare the .log name and the file contents that it references to the line you're being kicked for.


Once you are all jacked up on info and feeling like a super bad-arse admin for figuring it out, add it after the others like so: 7 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;" !="THESCRIPTTHATKICKEDME"

Great explanation! Thanks. :)

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