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ARMA 3 DLC required to fly some choppers?


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So server owners can remove the rip off piece of shite dlc? Just last night I was complaining in-game about the fucking pay to win shite, because it's a Fucking liberty that these fucking things are included. The server admin said they can't turn them off because Epoch devs have made it like that.

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So server owners can remove the rip off piece of shite dlc? Just last night I was complaining in-game about the fucking pay to win shite, because it's a Fucking liberty that these fucking things are included. The server admin said they can't turn them off because Epoch devs have made it like that.


Just need to remove them from the spawn list. Vehicles on the map can be removed too.

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So server owners can remove the rip off piece of shite dlc? Just last night I was complaining in-game about the fucking pay to win shite, because it's a Fucking liberty that these fucking things are included. The server admin said they can't turn them off because Epoch devs have made it like that.

I find it interesting that You feel the need to berate the server "owners" instead of finding a server more to your liking . "Entitlement issues ?"

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I find it interesting that You feel the need to berate the server "owners" instead of finding a server more to your liking . "Entitlement issues ?"

Never berated them, they're as close to perfect as you can get. I was just disappointed they've implemented them, and I said as much in the side chat.

It really wasn't that interesting.

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To play arma 2 epoch you needed the operation arrowhead which also is a dlc ;)


Operation Arrowhead was an expansion, but required. The British Armed Forces, Private Military Company and Army of the Czech Republic were DLCs, and most of the Epoch servers used/use content from some or all of them. So that is quite alot of DLCs that were required for Arma 2 Dayz Epoch.


Bohemia has allowed us to use Arma 2 content (including all the DLCs) in Arma 3 for free. That is why, thanks to modders who ported the content, we already have Chernarus and other Arma 2 based maps in Epoch. Pretty neat, huh? :)


If someone doesn't have the helicopter DLC, you should just adopt a gameplay style that does not require piloting those noisy, and large (easy to spot) heavy transport helicopters. If you really need to operate them, get someone on your crew that has the DLC, or just buy the darn thing. ;)

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I got no problem supporting BIS but this has to be the most offensive rollout of DLC ever. 

Agreed.  My issue with the dlc is the obscene price they're asking for so little product.  This kind of thing is what drove me from other games in the past (like charging $10+ just for a couple maps).  


To play arma 2 epoch you needed the operation arrowhead which also is a dlc ;)

There's a difference between adding an entire new campaign plus extra features to a few new helis to fly around.  


I'm saddened and pretty disgusted that Bohemia jumped on the bandwagon of doing this kind of crap.  It's flat out taking advantage of players, money grabbing tactics.  

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I spent £19.99 for the game, I spent £12.99 for the DLC = £32.98

I've spent 727 hours playing the game, I think it's value for money :D


The DLC helicopters shouldn't be removed because people are too tight to buy it, you see a DLC vehicle just ignore it or buy the DLC, it's that simple.

Couldn't have said it better

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Agreed, it was a pretty good example of apathy toward pay to win gaming.

So is it safe to assume that "Arma 3 Marksmen DLC, which should include new weapons and a focused overhaul of certain shooting mechanics." won't impress you much either ?

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So is it safe to assume that "Arma 3 Marksmen DLC, which should include new weapons and a focused overhaul of certain shooting mechanics." won't impress you much either ?

Impossible to say without any knowledge about it.

Hopefully it'll be priced to what I consider good value for money. If it is I'll surely buy it.

That being said, I do feel it should be turn onandoffable so server owners can choose to omit it or not.

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I spent £19.99 for the game, I spent £12.99 for the DLC = £32.98

I've spent 727 hours playing the game, I think it's value for money :D


The DLC helicopters shouldn't be removed because people are too tight to buy it, you see a DLC vehicle just ignore it or buy the DLC, it's that simple.

Coming up for 700hours... Like Fog Horn said, "Couldn't have said it better"

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I love how you get into a vehicle and it just decides to blow up.


Just did it to me in a chopper I was using.. It had ZERO damage.



I've had it happen so many dam times it's not funny.


I wouldn't really care if I could go back and get my body gear and krypto but it's history (again).


You are better off walking at the state of the mod right now until they address and fix it cuz it's a freaking joke.

ATM if your the one piloting the heli and it blows up or creashed the pilot can't see his own body but others can, try getting a team mate to look for your body, this has happened to me everytime so far on every server ive played on, in short if you have no one else to look for ya then your stuffed :-(

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