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Advanced flying


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Not sure what you mean, but if you want to get rid of the whacky flight controlls (in epoch) un pack the mission file and edit this;


forceRotorLibSimulation = 1;

in description.ext to

forceRotorLibSimulation = 0;


And it will be more like the regular flight in ArmA

Thanks for this. Other one is really bad...

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Noooobs!  Yeah it is a bit of a learning curve.  I believe there's a test flight mission thing for Arma 3 itself, is there not?  I've wrecked a few helis myself, but I'll get the hang of it.


 This thing is crazy sensitive. So easy to flip the thing over. Find it way harder to fly than the sim settings.

Yeah, the thing feels like you've been shrunk and are sitting in a remote controlled model heli lol.  I did the same thing, I was marveling at its nimble-ness, banked hard and it just fell out of the sky lol.  You just have to get used to it, can't be using any crazy sensitive settings.  It's slower so it's going to drop faster when you bank and turn.  I don't think it's as hard as flying one of the advanced helis though. o_O



Well it is just a bunch of metal stock welded together by some dude in their backyard lol.  

Flying scrap metal.

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My biggest issue was with my fight stick it seems. Getting the right dead zone to configure to match the game settings. I do fine if I use the keyboard but to get the rotor up to speed if the deadzone kicks in is a pain, but I have done much better since the day I started this. Have not crashed since.


Thanks for the feedback.

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