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HiveExt vs Arma2NET vs extDB


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I just modified the code slightly (I wrote it originally, so apologies to anyone who has suffered crashes :P) to output the OwnerID instead of querying for their name. Much easier to search the player_data table by their UID rather than have to look up the object and pull out the owner ID from object_data first.


Actually there is a problem with the players_data table...that i am surprised noone has noticed it before.

Sometimes (i think when someone dies and rages quits) there is NO ENTRY of the player in the table.

Like his guid and player name are totally missing from there....Its as if he never existed.

I noticed this when i was making my custom friend list for my server.

In that case i write "Unknown Friend" when someone opens their friend list and there is no entry for player with GUID blahblah.


Picture some admin pressing "I" and no entry exists in the table :P If you dont code the exception properly...i think it will do something 'bad', especially coming from an AH function.

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HiveExt SHOULD just return "FAIL" or something if no rows are returned by the query.


I tried to make my player setup function as resilient as possible btw :P here's the full code:

//Do Connection Attempt
_playerLoop = 0;
while {_playerLoop < 5} do {
	_extDB = format["0:DB:getPlayer:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
	_playerCheck = _extDB select 1;
	if (extDB_Logging > 2) then { diag_log format["[extDB] getPlayer Data:%1",_playerCheck]; };
	if (count(_playerCheck) == 0) then { 
		if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Player not found, creating."; };
		_createNewPlayer = format["1:DB:createPlayer:%1:%2",_playerID,_playerName] call extDB_Write;
		_newPlayerLoop = 0;
		while {_newPlayerLoop < 5} do {
			_extDB = format["0:DB:getPlayer:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
			_getNewPlayer = _extDB select 1;
			if (count(_getNewPlayer) == 0) then {
				if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating player failed. Retrying!"; };
			} else {
				if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating player succeeded!"; };
				_newPlayerLoop = 9;
			_newPlayerLoop = _newPlayerLoop + 1;
		if (_newPlayerLoop == 5) exitWith { if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating new player failed."; }; };
		_newPlayer = true;
	} else {
		if (((_playerCheck select 0) select 0) != _playerName) then {
			if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Player name incorrect, updating."; };
			_extDB = format["1:DB:updatePlayerName:%1:%2",_playerID,_playerName] call extDB_write;
		} else {
			if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Player setup correctly!"; };
			_playerLoop = 9;
	_playerLoop = _playerLoop + 1;
if (_playerLoop == 5) exitWith { if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Player setup failed!"; }; };
if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Player setup finished!"; };

if (isNull _playerObj || !isPlayer _playerObj) exitWith {
	diag_log ("LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, player object null: " + str(_playerObj));

//Do Connection Attempt
_bankLoop = 0;
while {_bankLoop < 5} do {
	_extDB = format["0:DB:getBank:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
	_bankCheck = _extDB select 1;
	if (extDB_Logging > 2) then { diag_log format["[extDB] Banking Data: %1",_bankCheck]; };
	if (count(_bankCheck) == 0) then { 
		if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Bank not found, creating."; };
		_createBank = format["1:DB:createBank:%1:%2",_playerID,_playerName] call extDB_Write;
		_newBankLoop = 0;
		while {_newBankLoop < 5} do {
			_extDB = format["0:DB:getBank:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
			_getNewBank = _extDB select 1;
			if (count(_getNewBank) == 0) then {
				if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating bank failed. Retrying!"; };
			} else {
				if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating bank succeeded!"; };
				_newBankLoop = 9;
			_newBankLoop = _newBankLoop + 1;
		if (_newBankLoop == 5) exitWith { if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating new bank failed."; }; };
		_newPlayer = true;
	} else {
		if (((_bankCheck select 0) select 0) != _playerName) then {
			if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Bank name incorrect, updating."; };
			_extDB = format["1:DB:updateBankName:%1:%2",_playerID,_playerName] call extDB_write;
		} else {
			if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Bank setup correctly!"; };
			_bankLoop = 9;
	_bankLoop = _bankLoop + 1;
if (_bankLoop == 5) exitWith { if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Bank setup failed!"; }; };
if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Bank setup finished!"; };

_characterLoop = 0;
_primary = [];
while {_characterLoop < 5} do {
	_extDB = format["0:DB:getCharacter:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
	_characterCheck = _extDB select 1;
	if (extDB_Logging > 2) then { diag_log format["[extDB] Character Info:%1",_characterCheck]; };
	if (count(_characterCheck) == 0) then {
		if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Character Not Found"; };
		_lastGeneration = 0;
		_lastHumanity = 2500;
		_extDB = format["0:DB:getLastCharacter:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
		_previous = _extDB select 1;
		if (count(_previous) == 0) then {
			if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log format["[extDB] Last character not found:%1",_previous]; };
		} else {
			_lastCharacter = _previous select 0;
			_lastGeneration = _lastCharacter select 0;
			_lastHumanity = _lastCharacter select 1;
		_newWorldspace = [];
		_newInventory = [];
		_newBackpack = [];
		_newMedical = [false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0];
		_extDB = format["0:DB:createCharacter:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:Survivor2_DZ",_playerID,dayz_instance,_newWorldspace,_newInventory,_newBackpack,_newMedical,(_lastGeneration + 1),_lastHumanity] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
		_createNewCharacter = _extDB select 1;
		_newCharacterLoop = 0;
		while {_newCharacterLoop < 5} do {
			_extDB = format["0:DB:getCharacter:%1",_playerID] call extDB_syncReadWrite;
			_newCharacter = _extDB select 1;
			if (count(_newCharacter) == 0) then {
				if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating character failed. Retrying!"; };
			} else {
				if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating character succeeded!"; };
				_primary = _newCharacter select 0;
				_newCharacterLoop = 9;
			_newCharacterLoop = _newCharacterLoop + 1;
		if (_newCharacterLoop == 5) exitWith { if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Creating new character failed."; }; };
		_isNew = true;
		_characterLoop = 9;
	} else {
		if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Character Found"; };
		_primary = _characterCheck select 0;
		_isNew = false;
		_characterLoop = 9;
	_characterLoop = _characterLoop + 1;
if (_characterLoop == 5) exitWith { if (extDB_Logging > 0) then { diag_log "[extDB] Character setup failed!"; }; };
if (extDB_Logging > 1) then { diag_log "[extDB] Character setup finished!"; };

if (extDB_Logging > 2) then { diag_log format["[extDB] Primary Reads As: %1",_primary]; };

_charID = format["%1",_primary select 0];
_updateLastLogin = format["1:DB:updateLastLogin:%1",_charID] call extDB_write;

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			if (_object isKindOf "ModularItems") then {
				_maintainObject = false;
				_objectRemoved = false;

				if (_lastMaintained >= DZE_MaintainMinimum) then { 
					if (DZE_BaseMaintenance) then {
						_object setVariable["needMaintenance",true,true];
						_maintainObject = true;

				if (_maintainObject) then {
					if (_ownerID in fp_donators) then {
						if (_lastMaintained >= DZE_MaintainTimeDonator) exitWith { 
							deleteVehicle _object;
							_extDB = format["1:DB:deleteObjectOID:%1:%2",dayz_instance,_idKey] call extDB_write;
							diag_log format["[extDB] Object with ID %2 removed as past donator maintenance period!",_idKey];
							_objectRemoved = true;
						if (!_objectRemoved) then {
							if (_lastMaintained >= (DZE_MaintainTimeDonator - 3)) then {
								_maintObj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
								_maintObj setDir _dir;
								if (_vecExists) then { _maintObj setVectorDirAndUp _vector; };
								_maintObj setPosATL _pos;
					} else {
						if (_lastMaintained >= DZE_MaintainTime) exitWith { 
							deleteVehicle _object;
							_extDB = format["1:DB:deleteObjectOID:%1:%2",dayz_instance,_idKey] call extDB_write;
							diag_log format["[extDB] Object with ID %2 removed as past maintenance period!",_idKey];
							_objectRemoved = true;
						if (!_objectRemoved) then {
							if (_lastMaintained >= (DZE_MaintainTime -3)) then {
								_maintObj = createVehicle ["Sign_sphere100cm_EP1", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
								_maintObj setDir _dir;
								if (_vecExists) then { _maintObj setVectorDirAndUp _vector; };
								_maintObj setPosATL _pos;

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Not at the moment, but theoretically you could use PVCs and a server-side handler to make it local to the owner of the objects.


However, that could cause problems on shared bases; half of our bases on our server are built by 2-3 people; if you limited the display of the orbs by PlayerUID then 2 out of 3 people wouldn't see them.

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Not at the moment, but theoretically you could use PVCs and a server-side handler to make it local to the owner of the objects.


However, that could cause problems on shared bases; half of our bases on our server are built by 2-3 people; if you limited the display of the orbs by PlayerUID then 2 out of 3 people wouldn't see them.


could't you use smaller spheres and give them a different collor so it's doesnt get notice that hard haha? ^^

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Presumabily you could limit it to the plot pole owner or friendlies like building rights for Epoch are controlled on plots.


Triggers are expesive but you could make it a plot pole option or add it to the fn_selfactions as a get nearest object within 30m range and if ownerUID = player uid or owneruid in friendlies etc.  Not very efficient but then fn_selfactions is already a pretty big mess.  To reduce impact you could limit it to one in every 10 runs of fn_selfactions or something.


KillzoneKid also had an article on his site on using something as a short range trigger which may work well.  Have a browse through his tutorials.

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could't you use smaller spheres and give them a different collor so it's doesnt get notice that hard haha? ^^


Yeah you could use the 25cm spheres, but you'd have to offset them from the centre of the objects dependent on class, otherwise they don't show up on certain things (floors, etc) at all lol.


Unfortunately there's no 50cm sphere, which would've been perfect :(


Yep RimBlock, that's another way of doing it. It'd also work great on Plot Management where the plot pole itself has a list of the owners; you can then iterate PVC for each UID listed, or even more efficiently (code-wise, but not bandwidth wise) have a client side filter and PV to all clients but draw the spheres using createVehicleLocal.

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Just to let everyone know, this is now LIVE on our Cherno server :)


I would appreciate assistance stress-testing it before I post everything up on Github. Need to iron out any remaining issues and make 100% sure that it offers better performance in a live environment than HiveExt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Silly question but, is Arma2Net a default "thing" of DayZ Epoch? Or do I have to manually install it ? 

I've found this as installation setup https://bitbucket.org/Scott_NZ/arma2net/wiki/Getting_started is it the correct one to follow?


No its now..its an extra thing admins put to allow custom sqls.

If you want to play with it, get my 3d.live.mission from my signature..it has all the necessary files to make it work.

and check dayz_server/init/server_function.sqf (in the 3d live files) to see how you can use it.

Its not that hard..you just need to know how do mysql queries. 


ps: in the mission folder/init.sqf at the top is the global variable for the database i am using. You dont have to have it there...you can edit the server_functions.sqf instead. I just put it there so people using the mod dont get lost trying to find the db value.

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No its now..its an extra thing admins put to allow custom sqls.

If you want to play with it, get my 3d.live.mission from my signature..it has all the necessary files to make it work.

and check dayz_server/init/server_function.sqf (in the 3d live files) to see how you can use it.

Its not that hard..you just need to know how do mysql queries. 


ps: in the mission folder/init.sqf at the top is the global variable for the database i am using. You dont have to have it there...you can edit the server_functions.sqf instead. I just put it there so people using the mod dont get lost trying to find the db value.

Ok thanks I'll check your files then. Don't worry for SQL queries, this is kind of my daily job ^^ (PHP/Symfony dev)

But just for my information, is the link I provided the good stuff too?

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