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Building system broken as of (PICS)



Hey guys,

We recently adopted a new DayZ server and ran on it , building worked like a charm and we all had quite large bases etc etc but yesterday after updating to and smoothing out alot of the minor problems we notice that building any structure whether it be woodpiles, walls, doors, safes anything just does not work.

Ill explain what happens in words and then in pictures

1. we rightclick the object we'd like to place

2. the "Press pgup/dwn to move up or down etc etc" message pops up for a split second then starts to countdown from 60

3. pressing spacebar or any of the usual building keys to place the object does not work the object just stays floating infront of us until the counter reaches 0 and it tells us we ran out of time to place the object.


Picture explanation:


The first picture is the step 1 then second is step 2 etc...


We have tried placing a 30m plot marker down to see if the new update forced players to have built their own 30m plot before building their structures but we cant place the plot pole either... 


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9 answers to this question

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Building is working just fine there are many servers that can prove that. Please try to reproduce this with vanilla epoch with no custom code. If it works with vanilla epoch then your implementation of custom code was either done using old code or just improperly done. If you make any custom changes that involve our code you must rebase your changes for every file that you override with the "fixes" method each patch.

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It is your debug monitor.


I'm using the same one and had the same issue and I fixed it. 


Open the custom_monitor.sqf (or whatever you called the debug sqf) and comment out or remove this code at the top.



dayz_spaceInterrupt =

    private ["_dikCode", "_handled"];
    _dikCode = _this select 1;
    _handled = false;
    if (_dikCode == 0x7e) then {
        if (debugMonitor) then {
            debugMonitor = false;
            hintSilent "";
        } else {[] spawn fnc_debug;};


The code should then start with 



fnc_debug = {

    debugMonitor = true;
    while {debugMonitor} do


The code I'm telling you to comment out is for the toggling of the debug monitor. When removing, you wont be able to toggle it anymore, it will always stay on. So Mercules is right. It is overwriting hotkeys or something and disabling all the keys in build mode. You probably cant cancel trades either right?

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It is your debug monitor.


I'm using the same one and had the same issue and I fixed it. 


Open the custom_monitor.sqf (or whatever you called the debug sqf) and comment out or remove this code at the top.



The code should then start with 



The code I'm telling you to comment out is for the toggling of the debug monitor. When removing, you wont be able to toggle it anymore, it will always stay on. So Mercules is right. It is overwriting hotkeys or something and disabling all the keys in build mode. You probably cant cancel trades either right?




Wanna confirm I had this same problem and this fixed it.    Anyone know how to get this to toggle now?


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Building is working just fine there are many servers that can prove that. Please try to reproduce this with vanilla epoch with no custom code. If it works with vanilla epoch then your implementation of custom code was either done using old code or just improperly done. If you make any custom changes that involve our code you must rebase your changes for every file that you override with the "fixes" method each patch.


Vbawol, what do you mean by "rebase" and "the fixes" method?

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Vbawol, what do you mean by "rebase" and "the fixes" method?

Make sure you have the latest file from the vanilla Epoch code and edit that manually, with a text editor, adding your own changes.

In short, replacing or changing references to files, that are required to run epoc, will break the code if you are trying to use files designed for something else..

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