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Dayz Commander does not show all servers



What is up with DayZ Commander now? all of a sudden the other day most of the servers dropped off. I have several servers including my own in my favorites and of 29 favorites only 9 show up as online now.

I checked with my Hosting company for my server and was told...."Unfortunately this is a problem with DayZ Commander, as the developer has elected to use static server lists that were last updated over a month ago."


so I guess what I would like to know is,

Are the developers of DayZ Commander going to fix this issue? if not, outside of using DayZ Launcher or steam or play with six is there any way to fix this issue?

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I know DZC is outdated and buggy but it has been working fine for me. Whenever I am adding an IP/port into favorites I always increment the port by one to use the query port. Might want to give that a go. I'm not sure why your GSP said that as I am able to (even now) add servers to DZC.


If you are having other issues with DZC like you mentioned your favorites got messed up. You can go here




and delete your settings.xml file. Then start up commander again and add your servers in. Don't forget though, increment the port by one to use its query port.


I hope this helps.

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Thanks Harkness! Didn't know that the query ports needs to be used for favorites. Works again now ;))


But do you have an idea what to do if a server is not showing up in white font there? I read something that the length of the text of the hostname parameter in server.cfg is important. I tried so many things but I did not manage that so far. But I see other servers showing up white.

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Thanks Harkness! Didn't know that the query ports needs to be used for favorites. Works again now ;))


But do you have an idea what to do if a server is not showing up in white font there? I read something that the length of the text of the hostname parameter in server.cfg is important. I tried so many things but I did not manage that so far. But I see other servers showing up white.


That might make it show up in your favorites but it won't necessarily make it show up for other players, plus you'll still have the problem of it showing offline frequently when it's online.

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I went to the page where you can download DZC. There is a support link I've used to create a ticket to contact him (green support center button at the bottom of the DZC download page).

I got an answer within 1 or 2 days but that didn't really help me. Thought using the Linux Server port of Epoch caused that my server is not showing up there until I've realized that a lot of other people are having similar issues.

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It seems impossible to contact Dotjosh, the creator of DayZCommander.

I even went through the trouble to make a donation to track down his e-mail address,

all I got was a big laugh when I checked the website of the domain of his e-mail address.


DayZCommander was not updating for week, very annoying when you have a new server,

and now it flushes the server list and rebuilds it live.

When you start DayZCommander it can happen that there only a few hundred servers listed

and then it takes hours to see it fill up again with all the servers till it shows over 3000 again.

This seems to happen every day now.


I love to push my players to start using Dayz launcher, but my server and some others are listed

with the wrong mod version and I have no  clue how to correct it.

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