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[Discussion] "Epoch" Server Scripts

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Hi All,


With the epoch team being so generous and sharing their code and time with us all. I would hope that server owners would be be grateful and do the same.


As such I would like to collaborate a list of Tailored Epoch Server Scripts and generate quick and easy to follow tutorials on how to add them in. Even add a package that could have enable/disable options for all.


Any server owners, coders or enthusiasts that feel they have an addition that suites the style of Dayz Epoch please post them to me with the maps you have tested them on and I will add them to this list.


I understand the want and sometimes need to stand out from the crowd but with a crowd as big as Dayz the epoch community deserves more limelight in general.



== SARGE AI - Customized for Epoch Chernarus == [70% Complete]


Current Configuration


Chernarus Grid Map: http://i.imgur.com/TEOflul.png

Max Number of Groups per GRID
Bandits = 1
Soldiers = 1
Survivors = 1


Chance for a group to spawn (1-100)
Bandits = 40
Soldiers = 30
Survivors = 40
Max Group Size

Bandits   = 5

Max Soldiers Group Size  = 4
Max Survivors Group Size  = 5


AI Killed by Players Broadcast to Server: Enabled
Log AI kills in Debug = Enabled
Time after which dead AI bodies are deleted: 10 minutes

AI stealing vehicles: Disabled
AI XP System: Enabled (They will get stronger over time)

Humanity that gets SUBTRACTED for a survivor or soldier AI kill: 100
Humanity that gets ADDED for a bandit AI kill: 150
Humanity value below which a player will be considered Hostile by Friendlies: -2500

Models [Details Coming Soon]


Weapons and Loadouts [80% Complete - Just needs feedback and refinement]




== R3F Logistics == [90% Complete] - Just needs Testing.


Vehicles Able to Tow:

- Large Trucks
- Armored Vodniks
- HMMWV Variants
- LandRover Variants
- UAZ Variants
- SUV Variants
- Pickup Truck Variants
- Tractors


Towable Options:
- HMMWV Variants
- LandRover Variants
- UAZ Variants
- SUV Variants
- Pickup Truck Variants
- Car Variants


Choppers Able to Lift:
- Chinook
- M17 Variants


Liftable Options:
- HMMWV Variants
- LandRover Variants
- UAZ Variants
- SUV Variants
- Pickup Truck Variants
- Car Variants


Extra Vehicle Cargo Space:
- C130J - 300 Slots
- CH47 - 100 Slots
- MI17 - 50 Slots
- A2 - 50 Slots
- Large Trucks - 50 Slots
- Pickup Variants [Open] - 25 Slots
- Pickup Variants [Closed] - 15 Slots
- Boats - 10 Slots
- LandRover Variants - 5 Slots
- SUV Variants - 5 Slots
- UAZ Variants - 5 Slots


Cargo Options:
- Small Vehicles - 100 Slots
- Medium Vehicles - 200 Slots
- Large Vehicles - 300 Slots
- ATVs - 50 Slots
- Motor Bikes - 25 Slots
- Bikes - 10 Slots
- Large Fuel Crate - 15 Slots
- Large Weapon/Supply Crates - 10 Slots
- Small Weapon/Supply Crates - 5 Slots
- Water Drums - 5 Slots


Player Movable Objects:
- Motorbikes 
- Bikes
- Water/Fuel Barrels
- Weapon/Supply Crates

More Info and Class Names coming soon..

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==Strip Clothing from Dead Players and AI Bodies== [90% Complete] Just needs testing


This has been setup with all of the 1.0.1 skin variants. Allowing survivors to get back their cloths or take cloths from bodies they find or create.

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BaseBuilding 1.2 With Improvements 0.1  50% complete.


Need more testing and changing the Ownership to The GUID. will post when done and in testing stages.


Update: Reworking the Base Building to fix dayz better. A lot of the items in the Base Building 1.2 do not fit the Lore in Dayz. Once this is up and working should be into a testing server place. Still very buggy .

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I have been working on changing the safe code input to use the base building one, its almost there just more testing before its ready for production.


Also working on random AI bandit camps that spawn each restart. It uses sarge but isnt as customizable as i would like at the moment.


Got a couple more things i would like to implement but trying to find the time atm.

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Awesome Work Guys!


Base Building I hope wont conflict with anything the Dev Team has planned but a refined version sounds promising.

Random Bandit Camps sounds nice adding to a more lived in Epoch.

The Code Lock Is sweet.


I will start posting of working and tested additions as well as how to implement them soon with the Dev's blessing if possible, I don't not wish to post anything that the development team is against.





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I have added a picture on the AI Load-outs and Weapons. The Items and Tools have a % Drop to the right of each object.


Please note they will be changed/refined over time to include chance currency (Copper, Silver and Gold) drops if people approve.

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I keep getting snagged, even when all the extras are commented out I am getting stuck on "Wait for Host".


Revert to default and working fine..... ARRG!


If anyone out there is scriptwriter/coder or has a good set of eyes and has done a lot of script injecting in the past and feels they can help please contact me.


Or look here for a copy of the files and some info around them.






Mr B

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I wanted to put a reviving script when you attack a bandit crew with your team, can reviving it it's a most +


- If you need more Help just tell me :)


- Can i take your self blood, strip cloth ? for my private server ?

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You are more than welcome to use the bloodbag script and the clothes script. They are open source from OpenDayz - Credit to the creators - Krixis and Chruchie.


If you aren't sure how to activate them let me know.



For yourself you can also add your new clothes as well to the options.


In Clothes.sqf


Line 8

if( _model in ["Sniper1_DZ", "Camo1_DZ", "Functionary1_EP1_DZ", "Haris_Press_EP1_DZ", "Ins_Soldier_GL_DZ", "Priest_DZ", "Rocker2_DZ", "Soldier_Bodyguard_AA12_PMC_DZ", "TK_INS_Soldier_EP1_DZ", "TK_INS_Warlord_EP1_DZ", "Rocker1_DZ", "Rocker3_DZ", "Rocker4_DZ", "Bandit1_DZ", "Bandit2_DZ", "BanditW1_DZ", "BanditW2_DZ", "SurvivorW2_DZ", "SurvivorW3_DZ", "SurvivorWpink_DZ", "SurvivorWcombat_DZ", "SurvivorWdesert_DZ", "SurvivorWurban_DZ", "CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ", "Drake_Light_DZ", "Pilot_EP1_DZ", "RU_Policeman_DZ", "Rocket_DZ", "Soldier1_DZ", "Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ", "Soldier_TL_PMC_DZ", "FR_OHara_DZ", "FR_Rodriguez_DZ", "CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ", "Graves_Light_DZ", "GUE_Commander_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_2_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_CO_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_Crew_DZ", "GUE_Soldier_Sniper_DZ"] ) then { _model = "Skin_" + _model;

Just add/change your models in there to suite what you have available.


The only issue that still remains is females as they drop as default males when you take their clothes.

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hey guys


i got this working:

studybody, more helicrashes take clothes, Tent sleep Healing, self bloodbag(half hour limit), R3F´s lift & tow(needs converting to all epoch models) & car radio


needs testing

knockout, need some one to be knock the fuck out ;)

Animated Helicrashes

dropping of Carepackages (like bungle talked about in another thread)

some of the map addons Nox & Bungle made


moving to afterwards

sarge 1.5.2

some of freaking freds work


i got a test server there can be used for the greater good of the community

just send me a pm or join my TeamSpeak(ask for Richard Alpert) so we can get something tested or if u want help adding anything


TS: zap.tsservers.com

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Well so much progress has been made on a "Custom Pack" for everyone to use with the ability to enable/disable server side addons/scripts.




Some of the additions that have worked before are now not for unknown reasons.. 


Have you customized any of your addins Absoultion? As some of the defaults I feel need to be tweeked to fit the Epoch Scene, not to overpower things.

I would like to know if you would be willing to share and collaborate with others already to complete this pack and start looking at more to offer the community.


Also have you tweaked in a custom anti-hack or BE folder?

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i got this working:

studybody, more helicrashes, take clothes from dead bodies, Tent sleep Healing, self bloodbag(half hour limit), R3F´s lift & tow(needs converting to all epoch models), car radio, knockout, dropping of carepackages


needs testing

Animated Helicrashes(should work, but not sure)

fred´s zombie bait,bomb & anti-zombie frequency emitter


moving to afterwards

sarge 1.5.2



will update this post in half hour with my results on freds work

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Awesome Ricardo!


If you're willing to share I will work in the customization's / others I have and release the pack then.


This will make it so much easier for new server owners to just grab the pack and then choose what they want to use.



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I just followed the tutorials on opendayz didnt have to change anything specific for epoch apart from our fn_selfactions.sqf is different.

Im willing to share yes. Just tryin to get R3F lift and tow working it was before now no lift or tow scroll menu shows? I put the folder in my root and included the execute cmd in my init file

Has anybody confirmed it works or could link another script?

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