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Animated Ikea truck? Moving marked patrols?



I would like a MOVING truck (maybe with a live updated marker) to move from 1 position to another on the map.  

The objective would be to intercept and shoot the driver (and co-driver) and then grabbing the vehicle with the loot INSIDE.

If vehicle gets destroyed then some loot will spawn around like a chopper crash.


I like the idea of a moving marker (saw it in Wasteland) but it could also just be start and end position shown.


Both start position and end position should be randomly set.  So players are able to chase the vehicle but as such not knowing where the mission starts.



I have tried editing the existing animated crash spawner but had no luck.  Anyone willing or wanting to take on this task?  Creating this would result in unlimited variations for server owners.  They will be able to create missions based on this and activating their players even more.  ATV/MC patrols getting chased.  Policecar on its way to apprehend criminals - intercept and protect your friends = loot


The possibilities are MANY.


Should be run as an Epoch event.

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Here is the other part


// =========================================================================================================
//  Convoy  control
//  Version: 1.6
//  Author: DTM2801
// =========================================================================================================
// - to tweak the behaviour change the distance (example: _dist > 80) or forcespeed (example: forceSpeed 0).
// example using only controlscript with vehicles and named on the map:     
// veh1:    first vehicle nothing
// veh2:    null = [veh2,veh1,false] execVM "convoy_control.sqf";
// veh3:     null = [veh3,veh2,false] execVM "convoy_control.sqf";
// veh4:    null = [veh4,veh3,false] execVM "convoy_control.sqf";
// and so on
// to enable/disable debug change option 3 to true/false
// =========================================================================================================

private ["_units", "_convoy1", "_convoy2", "_debug", "_unit1", "_unit2", "_dist"];

_convoy1 = _this select 0;
_convoy2 = _this select 1;
_debug = _this select 2;

_units = [];
_units = _units + [_convoy1, _convoy2];
_unit1 = _units select 0;
_unit2 = _units select 1;

while {alive _unit1 && alive _unit2} do {
    _dist = (_unit1 distance _unit2);
    if (_dist > 50) then {_unit2 forceSpeed 0; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 waiting for %2",_unit2,_unit1]};};
    if (_dist < 45) then {_unit2 forceSpeed 2; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 front slowding down 2",_unit2]};};
    if (_dist < 40) then {_unit2 forceSpeed 5; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 front slowing down 4",_unit2]};};
    // preffered distance
    if (_dist < 35) then {_unit1 forceSpeed 8;_unit2 forceSpeed 8; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 & %2 \nin formation",_unit1,_unit2]};};
    if (_dist < 30) then {_unit1 forceSpeed 8;_unit2 forceSpeed 8; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 & %2 \nin formation",_unit1,_unit2]};};
    // ----------------------------------
    if (_dist < 25) then {_unit1 forceSpeed 5; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 back slowing down 4",_unit1]};};
    if (_dist < 20) then {_unit1 forceSpeed 2; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 back slowing down 2",_unit1]};};
    if (_dist < 15) then {_unit1 forceSpeed 0; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 waiting for %2 to move",_unit1,_unit2]};};

    if (_debug) then {_unit1 sideChat format ["dist %1, to front %2",_dist,_unit2];};
    sleep .5;
    if (alive _unit1) then {_unit1 forcespeed -1; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 gone, %2 without control",_unit1,_unit2]};};
    if (alive _unit2) then {_unit2 forcespeed -1; if (_debug) then {hintsilent format ["%1 gone, %2 without control",_unit2,_unit1]};};

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And they used the mission file


class Mission
    class Intel
    class Groups
        class Item0
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    player="PLAYER DRIVER";
        class Item1
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    init="null= [this,west,[""convoywp1"",""convoywp2"",""convoywp3""],false,5,7,[],[],false,false]execvm ""convoy.sqf"";";
        class Item2
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
        class Item3
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                class Item1
                    init="null = [t2,t1,false] execVM ""convoy_control.sqf"";";
                class Item2
                    init="null = [t3,t2,false] execVM ""convoy_control.sqf"";";
            class Waypoints
                class Item0
                    class Effects
                class Item1
                    class Effects
                class Item2
                    class Effects
                class Item3
                    class Effects
        class Item4
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                class Item1
                class Item2
        class Item5
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    init="null= [this,west,[""convoywp1"",""convoywp2"",""convoywp3""],false,5,7,[""HMMWV_M2"",""MTVR"",""HMMWV_M2""],[],false,false]execvm ""convoy.sqf"";";
        class Item6
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    init="null= [this,west,[""convoywp1"",""convoywp2"",""convoywp3""],true,5,7,[],[veh1,veh2,veh3],false,false]execvm ""convoy.sqf"";";
        class Item7
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    player="PLAY D";
        class Item8
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    init="{_x moveincargo veh3} foreach units this";
                class Item1
                class Item2
                class Item3
                class Item4
                class Item5
                class Item6
                class Item7
                class Item8
        class Item9
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    player="PLAY D";
    class Markers
        class Item0
            text="2nd waypoint";
        class Item1
            text="3rd waypoint";
        class Item2
            text="1st waypoint";
        class Item3
            text="4th waypoint";
class Intro
    class Intel
class OutroWin
    class Intel
class OutroLoose
    class Intel

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hi schwede, unfortunately no luck on the latest process.



20:56:04 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Hero) at [7487.78,7913.18,0]"
20:56:04 "Schwedes_WAI: _unitGroup: R 1-1-D"
20:56:05 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Hero) at [7487.78,7913.18,0]"
20:56:05 "Schwedes_WAI: _unitGroup: R 1-1-E"
20:56:06 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:06 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:06 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:07 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:07 "WAI: Paradrop waiting for player"
20:56:07 Error in expression <604.2,0],[4490.38,8301.01,0],[6651.26,2 650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error position: <650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error Fehlende ]
20:56:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\hero\movingconvoy.sqf, line 20
20:56:07 Error in expression <604.2,0],[4490.38,8301.01,0],[6651.26,2 650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error position: <650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error Fehlende ]
20:56:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\hero\movingconvoy.sqf, line 20

i doublechecked line 20, in my opinion there's no bracket "]" missing.

(line 20: _waypoint_data = [ [8586.8,11604.2,0],[4490.38,8301.01,0],[6651.26,2 650.07,0] ]; //some koordinates)


any ideas on that?

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hi schwede, unfortunately no luck on the latest process.



20:56:04 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Hero) at [7487.78,7913.18,0]"
20:56:04 "Schwedes_WAI: _unitGroup: R 1-1-D"
20:56:05 "WAI: Spawned a group of 4 AI (Hero) at [7487.78,7913.18,0]"
20:56:05 "Schwedes_WAI: _unitGroup: R 1-1-E"
20:56:06 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:06 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:06 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:07 "WAI: Spawned in 1 M2StaticMG"
20:56:07 "WAI: Paradrop waiting for player"
20:56:07 Error in expression <604.2,0],[4490.38,8301.01,0],[6651.26,2 650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error position: <650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error Fehlende ]
20:56:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\hero\movingconvoy.sqf, line 20
20:56:07 Error in expression <604.2,0],[4490.38,8301.01,0],[6651.26,2 650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error position: <650.07,0]]; 

_num_waypoints 	= 5; 
20:56:07   Error Fehlende ]
20:56:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\hero\movingconvoy.sqf, line 20

i doublechecked line 20, in my opinion there's no bracket "]" missing.

(line 20: _waypoint_data = [ [8586.8,11604.2,0],[4490.38,8301.01,0],[6651.26,2 650.07,0] ]; //some koordinates)


any ideas on that?

maybe the fact you have a space in the final co-ords?

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try spawn a unit 200m in front of convoy and give him a marker to go to convoy and make a trigger event to start convoy when the unit reaches 100m from convoy, trigger move to waypoint 


Move waypoint to activate through trigger?

Commands - Init/Trigger/Activation


ARMA 2 editor tutorial waypoints and triggers part 1

ARMA 3 Editor - 29. How to activate a waypoint using a trigger


i know this last 1 is arma3 but they are very similar

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what is wrong with you?

just sit there and wait till we got it or try it yourself!

We do not get paid for this, so do not expect it to get it solved in a couple of hours

Well said mate.


I'm sure if/when you do release this that it will be amazing, and wanted by lots of server owners.


Thanks to you everybody who writes stuff and releases it on here, without you guys 99% of servers would have self bb and that's about it.

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what is wrong with you?

just sit there and wait till we got it or try it yourself!

We do not get paid for this, so do not expect it to get it solved in a couple of hours

Im impatient and meant no insult.


firstly, I know exactly how much hard work this is and appreciate the work scripters do, how ever I mentioned that after nearly a week of no updates and the only update that were there were some reposts of old work.


secondly I really appreciate how much hard work you guys do on keeping this mod up and running...I'm just a little impatient to get it on my server, this coupled with my wandering AI would rock.

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