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After playing a3 epoch mod for a bit, 

I'm noticing a trend where players are trying to wall off entire military compounds and use that as their bases, effectively keeping all that loot for themselves


in a2 epoch, i use a piece of maca's code to prevent players building within 150m of high loot areas on my servers

/* credits go to Maca134 */
NoBuildNear = [
NoBuildRange = 150;
if ({typeOf _x in NoBuildNear} count nearestObjects[player, NoBuildNear, NoBuildRange] > 0) exitWith {
	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
	cutText ["You are building too close to a high loot building.","PLAIN DOWN"];

a similar piece of code should  be added into arma 3 epoch.
I'm not sure if others agree with me, but i think any high loot areas shouldn't be able to be built in. 

it just creates a negative experience for the majority of players.


my 2c 



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I do think vanilla should be hard as fuck and non restricted.. When the server files are released people will mod their server as they please and I'm sure that this will be put in effect on most of them.. But keep vanilla clean and tough..

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If someone wants to hole up in a military base like Pyrgos, let them. Sooner or later everyone else will know and they'll never be able to relax. That's the price to being king of the hill, the usupers aren't far. There's kind of a roleplaying factor to this and I like it.


But I can understand people who don't like it, so +1 for making it an optional feature.


The only thing that's a must-have is no loot spawns within freq jammer range, if that's possible.

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