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Official DayZLauncher Thread


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DayZ Launcher

The DayZ Launcher is no longer black listed so with Macas permission I have setup the official thread for people to use to report any problems on and give feedback on. It will also be updated when the launcher gets updated with the changes.


Download: http://dayzlauncher.com/

Support and Requests: Post on this thread or check http://epochservers.com/viewforum.php?f=38

VIrusTotal Report: https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/94b951a3c4f1719e523ece89ffd36949ad53c88658489cff44d8758f0071f9bb/analysis/1406059671/ & https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/65345df4b97352606553830a357f0405d89c5d1ed87a81ee51eb19044b58ed43/analysis/1406059676/

HowTo DayZ Launcher


Change Log


New - Auto Updater (http://puu.sh/axPS1/71fb81c5c4.png & http://puu.sh/axQ2T/2f3c45dd4b.png)
New - Mod Page Layour
New - Ping/Location Filters

New - Link your server on your website using dzl://IP:QueryPort to have people join your server from your website. E.G dzl:// when ran will load DZL and start you joining ingame

New - Checks for more than one instance of Arma, offers to close it.

Fixed - Launch(Quick) no longer loads the IP:PORT from the advanced page so it loads only the mods selected to and opens the game

Fixed - Server name/mod updated on refresh so you do not need to wait 5 minutes for it to update.



Server filters
Refresh buttons works better now
Backend systems completely rewritten
View online players
Launcher will pick up DZC versions of certain mods (DayZ Epoch) and will use it, instead of having to download again.



Support for Favourites

Added 1.8.1 Mods


If you have any other problems or questions then please post below and they will be passed on to the developer.

Edited by domuk
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DZC wasn't open source.


Correct.  I just get bad feelings about these one-off launchers, got a bad taste in my mouth since the breaking point launcher.


edit: decompiled it and it doesn't look too bad.  Only thing questionable is this method: GetMacAddress, however it is not being used in the code to my knowledge:

public static PhysicalAddress GetMacAddress()
NetworkInterface[] allNetworkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)allNetworkInterfaces.Length; i++)
NetworkInterface networkInterface = allNetworkInterfaces[i];
if (networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet && networkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up)
return networkInterface.GetPhysicalAddress();
return null;

Appears he is using a web server to host all of the server listings for the interface. ex: http://launcher.dayzlauncher.com/servers_view_1.php?pid=1


Also using web server to deliver list of mods but these are all hosted locally on his site (JSON). ex: http://launcher.dayzlauncher.com/?mac=1


I'd say it looks clean

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I know, I'm running it.

I mean work work ;-)

As in performance, stability, cleanup, fps, parachutes not floating around map, invisible sold cars not letting players get stuck in them...need I go on.


please go on, because all you need is a recurring rcon message saying DO NOT ENTER THE INVISIBLE VEHICLES OR YOU WILL GLITCH AND DIE. NO REFUNDS.


honestly, how many parachutes do you have on your server after 3 hours.


For all intents 112555 works and I'm having no issues that can not be worked around, like every patch BI released, or every update of any dayz mod.

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Insertcoins, with the utmost respect, I have to say I disagree whole heartedly with your view on this.


Too many people 'put up' with things rather than strive to improve on them to make them better for all in the future. Putting up with more and more things, adding more and more workarounds gradually just dampens the spark and eventually too much for something to survive.


I work in the licensed fintech software industry in a customer facing capacity and I have seen many small companies with great software lose because of an attitude like, 'just tell the customer to work around it'. I especially hate the workaround of horrible spam messages 20% of players read 10% of the time. I mean, it doesn't get much more reactive than that.


Arma2oa is licensed software, we all (certainly should have) paid for it. Now don't get me wrong, it performs, in terms of speed, better than did but, it has a lot more issues with clean up which leads to FPS and stability problems where things are just not getting cleaned up properly.


In answer to your question about parachutes, I have highly configured ai missions so, it depends on which ones have spawned in my 3 hour restart cycle and whether players have triggered the AI para drop, so could mean anything from 0 to about 50.


Anyway, we are sort of having a pointless discussion because I originally went to 125408 and saw massive improvement on 112555. All of the above were sorted out and FPS was wonderful. Can't speak for the even later patch as I never got there. I had to turn back, like many because I just couldn't hack the loss of player base. Incidentally, and slightly off point, after the week I spent on Steam, when I came back I saw 80% of my player base return and all they said was "What happened to the server? Why was it offline for a week?" They just don't know how to find servers without DZC and DZL hasn't got the coverage yet. They literally thought the server had just gone....


As I mentioned earlier, I don't mean to have a 'ding dong' with you as your posts have been very helpful to me and I'm sure lots of others in the past but, just felt I have to get my point over.


Us admins/producers put up with stuff because 'we get it', but players/users won't because they don't.


Come on Dotjosh! Lets get DZC back up to it's lofty status of the Primary Epoch enabler!

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So yeah, looks good. How about we come back to this one when we actually switch to the steam version.

Right now there is no reason for spreading this to the player base or using it instead of DZC, but there is also no reason to not test the shit out of it now.


I would also suggest to keep the talk about "DZC is better or worse" to the other 100 threads about it. Keep that one clean, stay on topic and report feedback, if you have.

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The thread was put up for the people who are on the new steam version, if you are not running the steam version then it is advised that you stick to DayZ Commander but please do not post up pointless posts about how DayZ Commander still works because for people running steam which this tool is for, and for steam it works a treat.

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Honestly, after more thoughts about the DZL by macca, I have serious doubts about its integrity.  It is put out by a server host that is for profit.  Meaning if they are not on top of the charts, they are losing money.  They have a clear conflict of interest in the rankings of servers and are pulling the server listings in the program from their own source.  Yes, they appear to aggregate the steam data but we have no way of knowing how they are weighting the results.


for those interested, here is the decompiled source: -SNIP-

Edited by vbawol
No reason to post the source
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Domuk, Rather than beating us with a shitty stick and when I say us I mean the admins and players that make up 80% of the epoch community, why don't you include 112555 in dzl so there is a clear choice and all servers are once again listed in one place?

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Domuk, Rather than beating us with a shitty stick and when I say us I mean the admins and players that make up 80% of the epoch community, why don't you include 112555 in dzl so there is a clear choice and all servers are once again listed in one place?

You are aware that the launcher doesnt work with the old version because it was build to query steam servers only. 112555 is not a steam build so it would never show up in the list, and not to mention that the tool also launches the new exe "ArmA2OA_BE.exe" which is the one that needs the commandline running.


Its just not going to support the old version of the game, update and be ready for whne gamespy and Battleye finally goes down, no point going backwards.

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Honestly, after more thoughts about the DZL by macca, I have serious doubts about its integrity.  It is put out by a server host that is for profit.  Meaning if they are not on top of the charts, they are losing money.  They have a clear conflict of interest in the rankings of servers and are pulling the server listings in the program from their own source.  Yes, they appear to aggregate the steam data but we have no way of knowing how they are weighting the results.


for those interested, here is the decompiled source: -SNIP-

god job awol!

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Honestly, after more thoughts about the DZL by macca, I have serious doubts about its integrity.  It is put out by a server host that is for profit.  Meaning if they are not on top of the charts, they are losing money.  They have a clear conflict of interest in the rankings of servers and are pulling the server listings in the program from their own source.  Yes, they appear to aggregate the steam data but we have no way of knowing how they are weighting the results.


for those interested, here is the decompiled source: -SNIP-

Maca filed a DMCA takedown notice for that link...

This could have easily been removed by just reporting the thread.

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Maca filed a DMCA takedown notice for that link...

This could have easily been removed by just reporting the thread.


I dont think we put an DMCA in, I sent you a PM about it. I will how ever remember that for next time, but the DMCA didnt come from us.

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