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Has anyone had any luck getting custom signs and flags to work?



I am going to build a small town to give those poor souls that spawn into Kamenka a chance to get some good loot stuff before heading north,


I don't want to modify street signs, I just want to use a billboard and a custom flag at the firehouse.


I have been using this tutorial, but not having any luck with it showing ...


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Here's a quick script I mocked up in order to paint "Free Candy" on a black-textured s1203:

_vehicles = ["S1203_TK_CIV_EP1"];
_ids = ["2302"];
	_keyID = _x getVariable ["characterID","0"];
    if(_keyID == _ids select 0) then 
		_x setObjectTexture [0,"resources\candy.jpg"];
} foreach (nearestObjects [[3000,3000,0], _vehicles, 50000]);



This could be used on other objects that can be textures, such as flags and maybe boards.

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would this go in the mission.sqm or sqf file?

I included this in a separate file, then called it within the if (!isDedicated) function near the bottom of the init.sqf.

_textures = [] execVM "scripts\textures\textures.sqf";

THIS WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU AS-IS, you will have to edit it to fit for you.

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We have custom signs and flags on our server. You don't need any code to implement them, as long as you're not intending on spawning them with a new texture (in game I mean). it's a string in the objects init string when you place it in the editor that needs to be set. Basically you set the object texture to the custom jpg you want to use on your flag or sign, then upload that jpg to the root directory of your mission.pbo. Increases the pbo size a fair bit so try and make it a really small sized jpg. Sorry, really not sure if this is what you were after or not.


this setFlagTexture "newtexture.jpg";


That should work for the flag anyway, this is entered in the 'init string' part of the object properties inside the editor itself. If not I'll have to open up the editor when I get home and see exactly what I put in there

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I will give it a try tonight, been trying to get our new server up and running for longer than a few minutes at a time and had a successful 4 hour run last night before we did a manual (not lagging, but since the 2 devs were calling it a night, we decided to push the reboot instead of letting it go)- now to get the BE scheduler working...

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Well i have a small problem that when i attempt to do a different texture on my flag it doesnt appear in-game (server) but works fine in the 3D and 2D editor ...


Here is an example on how i got it set up on my mission.sqm:

	class Vehicles
		class Item0
			init="this SetFlagTexture ""flag.jpg""; this setpos [9609.0801, 13722.2, -1.5258789e-005];";

But ingame there is no flag just the pole ... i would appreciate some help.


EDIT: this one is my sqm code for the 3d editor: 

	class Vehicles
		class Item0
			position[]={9609.0801, -1.5258789e-005, 13722.2};
			init="this SetFlagTexture ""flag.jpg""; this setpos [9609.0801, 13722.2, -1.5258789e-005];";

and it works just fine .... dont know what to do on this problem.

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MGJamesProductions I've the exact same problem right now~

I spawned a new flagpole, initialized it with the new texture.., after saving it I can see the flag in preview w/o problems.


When I put the flag texture on my server and add/edit the flagpole in the mission.sqf  it will spawn the flag but w/o the texture..the pole stays blank/empty.


my snippet of the mission.sqf:

_vehicle_9998 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6557.2295, 5592.2808, 21.184782], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_9998 = _this;
  _this setVehicleInit "_this setFlagTexture ""fail0r_flag3.jpg""";
  _this setPos [6557.2295, 5592.2808, 21.184782];

I copied it from the mission.sqf of the saved level and pasted it onto my server (like I do with custom buildings) but the flag is rly making me crazy!


as I said, it is working in the preview, but not on the live server <_<

I also tried just to use _this setFlagTexture "flag.jpg";  but this was also leading to an error message on map-load and empty pole

error: "cannot load texture mpmissions\dayz_epoch_11.chernarus\flag.jpg".

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Same problem as @MGJamesProductions and @crckdns, it works fine in editor but there's just an empty flagpole ingame.

_vehicle_3 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [9352.6484, 9900.8584, -9.1552734e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_3 = _this;
  _this setDir -142.9415;
  _this setVehicleInit "this SetFlagTexture ""z_dmikflag.jpg""";
  _this setPos [9352.6484, 9900.8584, -9.1552734e-005];
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Same problem as @MGJamesProductions and @crckdns, it works fine in editor but there's just an empty flagpole ingame.

_vehicle_3 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [9352.6484, 9900.8584, -9.1552734e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_3 = _this;
  _this setDir -142.9415;
  _this setVehicleInit "this SetFlagTexture ""z_dmikflag.jpg""";
  _this setPos [9352.6484, 9900.8584, -9.1552734e-005];

Make sure _vehicle_3 is not already defined if you are adding it to the mission.sqf.

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Make sure _vehicle_3 is not already defined if you are adding it to the mission.sqf.


This comment doesn't help/apply at all here in this case~ as our flags ARE shown ingame, else there would be no flag and/or an error in the RPT file would show up. Also in my case there is for sure no vehicle higher than ID 600 - I checked it twice..


Instead we get an empty pole or empty white flag.

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wow.. I see that the thread was never answered :D

I've found a way to do the stuff we were all trying to do!


The problem is/was, that the texture we were setting .. wasn't in the mission file or loaded while logging in.


my code works~  it spawns the flag only once while mission load (it HAS to be done by server load, not the player, else you will end up with X flags for each player logging in (funny looking I can tell!)

if (isServer) then {
_vehicle_481 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6293.7886, 7857.4033, -0.01191554], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_481 = _this;
  _this setDir -56.676376;
  _this setPos [6293.7886, 7857.4033, -0.01191554];
  _this setFlagTexture 'scripts\fail0r_flag3.jpg';

residing in own sqf file flags.sqf   and called via init.sqf in the mission folder (dayz_epoch_11.chernarus)

..you can add it in the already existing isServer section of init.sqf ..to avoid being processed by players for nothing (edit the if () away!)



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wow.. I see that the thread was never answered :D

I've found a way to do the stuff we were all trying to do!


The problem is/was, that the texture we were setting .. wasn't in the mission file or loaded while logging in.


my code works~  it spawns the flag only once while mission load (it HAS to be done by server load, not the player, else you will end up with X flags for each player logging in (funny looking I can tell!)

if (isServer) then {
_vehicle_481 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6293.7886, 7857.4033, -0.01191554], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_481 = _this;
  _this setDir -56.676376;
  _this setPos [6293.7886, 7857.4033, -0.01191554];
  _this setFlagTexture 'scripts\fail0r_flag3.jpg';

what size is your fail0r_flag3.jpg

like 256x256 512x512 ???

does it matter ???

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Can't get this to work Please help me

vehicle_256 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagCarrierGUE", [12731.5, 12275, 12.85], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _vehicle_256 = _this;
  _this setDir -56.676376;
  _this setPos [12731.5, 12275, 12.85];
  _this setFlagTexture 'custom\dk.jpg';

Have picture in custom folder named dk.jpg 512x256

Get error can't load picture

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Can someone PLEASE tell me what is wrong with the following. All I see is the flag pole.

I get this warning in the RPT:   Warning Message: Cannot load texture mpmissions\dayz_epoch_17.chernarus\flag.jpg.

I have my picture in the root of the mission side. its call flag.jpg.  its 512x256.  

The following is my script, it is called flag.sqf and it is located in the mission side at  signs_flags\flag.sqf

btw i call the file flag.sqf in the init.sqf   []execVM "signs_flags\flag.sqf";


if (isServer) then {
_vehicle_4 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createVehicle ["FlagPole_EP1", [6354.6543, 7792.2114, -0.00012207031], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE];
  _vehicle_4 = _this;
  _this setDir 127.06387;
  _this setPos [6354.6543, 7792.2114, -0.00012207031];
  _this setFlagTexture 'flag.jpg';
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