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[Tutorial] Overpoch - Custom traders, all weapons/ammo/vehicles in menus

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Alright, so I don't know if this has been covered already, but I installed the trader, loot table, and all that, step by step from the tutorial. I had one problem where none of the traders would give me an option to trade, but I fixed that as I was missing a "];" near it.

Now I can access all of the traders menus apart from the overpoch trader, which doesn't even give me a scroll wheel option.

Any ideas?

it's all about naming the skin properly in server_traders. Don't forget the prefix as well.

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// Overpoch Vendor
menu_Rocket_DZ = [

That's what I have, and I did have gsc_scientist1 before, and it wasn't working, so I tried a different skin to see if I would make a difference.


// Overpoch Vendor
menu_Rocket_DZ = [
];   <--------- your missing this
here is mine.....
//Overpoch VENDOR
menu_MVD_Soldier = [
[["ACR snow camo",1000],["ACR black camo",1001],["ACR tan camo",1002],["ACR woodland camo",1003],["HeavyMachineGuns",1004],["G3 Variants",1005],["Masada ACR",1006],["HK416's",1007],["HK417's",1008],["Pistols",1009],["AK Variants",1010],["Sniper Rifles",1011],["Ammunition",1012],["SCAR Rifles",1013],["CTAR's",1014],["MPS",1015],["LandVehicles",1016],["Air Vehicles",1017]],
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in top of server_traders.sqf you changed the serverTraders =

from your old  gsc_scientist1 to Rocket_DZ


also I had same issue and it was an ACR I added to trader broke it soo I removed all and added only a few trade items to test until I found the bad weapon

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I need help, trader is there where I want it, spawned. I click the trader menu, 

no items show up...


The trader is there, just no items in the menu.


My files are as followed:


_unit_666 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["gsc_scientist1", [11459.8, 11360.1, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_666 = _this;
  _this setDir 120;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};
and servertraders:
serverTraders = ["gsc_scientist1","RU_Functionary1","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4","Profiteer4","Rita_Ensler_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1","GUE_Soldier_MG","Worker2","Worker3","Woodlander1","UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","RU_WorkWoman1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","RU_Citizen4","RU_WorkWoman5","RU_Citizen1","RU_Villager3","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","Pilot_EP1","RU_Profiteer4","Woodlander3","Dr_Hladik_EP1","Doctor","HouseWife1","GUE_Woodlander2"];
// Overpoch Store
gsc_scientist1 = [
I choose 1 trader to add, because that's all I need.
In my database the trader TID named "Overpoch" is 177.
In my traders data, everything is correct, weapons 800, ammo 801.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong ? 
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I need help, trader is there where I want it, spawned. I click the trader menu, 

no items show up...


The trader is there, just no items in the menu.


My files are as followed:


_unit_666 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["gsc_scientist1", [11459.8, 11360.1, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_666 = _this;
  _this setDir 120;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};
and servertraders:
serverTraders = ["gsc_scientist1","RU_Functionary1","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4","Profiteer4","Rita_Ensler_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1","GUE_Soldier_MG","Worker2","Worker3","Woodlander1","UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","RU_WorkWoman1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","RU_Citizen4","RU_WorkWoman5","RU_Citizen1","RU_Villager3","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","Pilot_EP1","RU_Profiteer4","Woodlander3","Dr_Hladik_EP1","Doctor","HouseWife1","GUE_Woodlander2"];
// Overpoch Store
gsc_scientist1 = [
I choose 1 trader to add, because that's all I need.
In my database the trader TID named "Overpoch" is 177.
In my traders data, everything is correct, weapons 800, ammo 801.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong ? 




/ Overpoch Store
menu_gsc_scientist1 = [
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[Help Required]   


I recently added my custom trader for Overwatch items but for some reason only 1 out of the 3 I added are showing in-game.



The skin i'm using is  "RU_Hooker2" and as said before seems to be fine at stary trader only.


I added a new trader to the database   server_traders  as below  


ID= 177  

classname= RU_Hooker2  

instance= 17

status= neutral

static= {NULL}

desc= Overwatch



Then in my "mission.sqf"  I added the 3 trader's at the bottom like below.

_unit_1500 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["RU_Hooker2", [6386.31, 7769.65], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_1500 = _this;
  _this setDir 150;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};

_unit_1501 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["RU_Hooker2", [11477.7, 11380.5], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_1501 = _this;
  _this setDir 210;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};

_unit_1502 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["RU_Hooker2", [4073.05, 11671.5], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_1502 = _this;
  _this setDir 80;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};


_unit_1500  seems to be the one that works fine at Stary sobor   1501  and 1502 are not visible on map.



I have ran over tutorial again to try and see where the Klen and Bash ones are going wrong but I honestly cannot see anything.


Any help would be much appreciated!








Captain bigzy

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Hi i have a problem 

My custom trader is on Scalisty island Chernarus map i was following your video and i have trader shown up on Scalisty but it dose not have  Trader menu option


This is what i have :




// DayZ Epoch TRADERS for 11
serverTraders = ["USMC_Soldiers_Engineer","RU_Functionary1","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4","Profiteer4","Rita_Ensler_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1","GUE_Soldier_MG","Worker2","Worker3","Woodlander1","UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","RU_WorkWoman1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","RU_Citizen4","RU_WorkWoman5","RU_Citizen1","RU_Villager3","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","Pilot_EP1","RU_Profiteer4","Woodlander3","Dr_Hladik_EP1","Doctor","HouseWife1","GUE_Woodlander2"];
// Scalisty Vendor
menu_USMC_Soldiers_Engineer = [
[["Helicopter Armed",800],["Military Armed",801],["Trucks Armed",802],["Weapons",803]],
_unit_666 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["USMC_Soldiers_Engineer", [13421.6,2784.67,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_666 = _this;
  _this setDir 58.7591;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};
class Item18
text="Scalisty TRADER";
trader_tids      693 Scalisty 177
server_traders    177 USMC_Soldiers_Engineer 17 neutral NULL Scalisty
All my other traders works fine.I am running Epoch server...I did not put the custom helipad
Thank in advance.
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All i could find is this and i am not shure is conected to custom trader:


Error in expression <hen {
_losCheck = 0;
_cantSee = [_agent,_target] call dayz_losCheck;
  Error position: <_target] call dayz_losCheck;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _target
Error in expression < = alive _agent;
_targetPos = getPosATL _target;
_agent moveTo _targetPos;
  Error position: <_target;
_agent moveTo _targetPos;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _target
Error in expression <hen {
_losCheck = 0;
_cantSee = [_agent,_target] call dayz_losCheck;
  Error position: <_target] call dayz_losCheck;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: _target
Error in expression < = alive _agent;
_targetPos = getPosATL _target;
_agent moveTo _targetPos;
  Error position: <_target;
_agent moveTo _targetPos;
Maybe i can not put trader to this position?Where can i finde server RPT my host is Vilayer.
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coords are wrong, you are only defining X and Y and missing Z. Just add Z as 0 to all of them at the end like this:

[6386.31, 7769.65, 0]

Jeeese man, I normally spot stuff like this....  Your a star!  


Thanks a bunch dude!

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I can't get vehicles to show in Car trader.


I have 3 traders: Weapons, Ammo & Cars


Weapons tid: 800


Ammo tid 801


Cars tid 802


This is what I tried for query:


INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_red",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');

INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_kiwi",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_black",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_silver",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_green",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_blue",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_gold",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_white",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_pink",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_mod",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_ruben",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_v",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_city",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_yellow",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_black_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_blue_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_green_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_kiwi_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_pink_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_white_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_yellow_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["350z_cream_DZ",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_Trooper_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_TrooperSL_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_NYPD_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_HighwaySL_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_UnmarkedB_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_UnmarkedG_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_LAPD_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_UnmarkedW_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_LAPDSL_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');
INSERT INTO `dayz_epoch`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["CVPI_NYPDSL_Patrol",2]', 6, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 802, 'trade_any_vehicle');




INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `order`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES

('["CVPI_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_Trooper_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_TrooperSL_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_NYPD_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_HighwaySL_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_UnmarkedB_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_UnmarkedG_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_LAPD_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_UnmarkedW_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_LAPDSL_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["CVPI_NYPDSL_Patrol",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["Civcarbu",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["Copcarswat",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["Copcar",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["Copcarhw",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z_kiwi",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z_city",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z_v",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z_mod",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z_pink",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle'),
('["350z_gold",2]', 250, '[2,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', '[1,""ItemBriefcase100oz"",1]', 0, 802, 'trade_any_vehicle')


Both ways enter vehicles into database but when I go in game and check Car trader I click on Cars Catagory and nothing shows up.


I managed to get weapons and ammo in using the latter method.


I tried changing tid number but that didn't work.


Any ideas?



Thank you.

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SQL looks fine

can you post your server_traders.sqf line?


Well, for some reason it's working now, but I appreciate the reply.


Here's my trader sqf lines:


// Overpoch weapons

menu_GUE_Commander = [





// Overpoch Ammo

menu_Ins_Lopotev = [





// Overpoch Cars

menu_RU_Damsel2 = [







I'm having trouble with the ammo trader. A lot of the time the option for Trader doesn't show & I have to relog to get it to appear. When it does appear, it works fine.


Trader option always shows for other traders so I have no idea what's going on...

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coords are wrong, you are only defining X and Y and missing Z. Just add Z as 0 to all of them at the end like this:

[6386.31, 7769.65, 0]


Hey RayMix  after adding the 0 for Y coordinates the bash and klen traders still do not show up in-game.  Stary trader is still fine.



Heres what I added in my  server_traders.sqf

// Overwatch Store
menu_RU_Hooker2 = [

The 3 Traders that have been added to mission.sqf  with the Y coordinates added.

_unit_1500 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["RU_Hooker2", [6386.31, 7769.65, 0.00152588], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_1500 = _this;
  _this setDir 150;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};

_unit_1501 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["RU_Hooker2", [11478.4, 11380.4, 0.00149536], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_1501 = _this;
  _this setDir 210;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};

_unit_1502 = objNull;
if (true) then
  _this = createAgent ["RU_Hooker2", [4072.49, 11671.6, 0.00152588], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _unit_1502 = _this;
  _this setDir 80;
  _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0;";
  _this setUnitAbility 0.60000002;
  _this allowDammage false; _this disableAI 'FSM'; _this disableAI 'MOVE'; _this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _this disableAI 'TARGET'; _this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _this forceSpeed 0;_this enableSimulation false;};


In the Database table  "trader_tids"  I added a new trader at the end as below:


ID=  693     NAME= Overwatch     Trader= 177




Any help resolving this issue would be of great appreciation,  if I can't resolve though I will just remove code for the 2 broken traders and leave the working Stary one.





Captain Bigzy

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Ok so did I miss a step someplace?  I added all the weapons to the traders and when I try to buy certain ones or certain ammo I get an error.  Example:  Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.RH_20Rnd_762x51_AR10'.


This happens for several different weapons and ammo types.  When I purchase the item the trader does the trade but the item is not transferred to my inventory.  I have all of the PBOs from Overwatch listed in my Epoch mission.sqm, so it should have all the files loaded into memory.


Any ideas??

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