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errors after update

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hey vampire,


got this error after the last update (12555)


15:19:03 [DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System.
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations.
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Currently Running Version: RC1.1
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!
15:19:03 [DZMS]: namalsk Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!
15:19:03 [DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Loading Compiled Functions.
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Loading All Other Functions.
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting!
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!
15:19:03 [DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!
15:19:08 [DZMS]: Running Minor Mission SM5.
15:19:19 Error in expression <{
_findRun = false;
if (_isTavi AND (_tavHeight <= 185)) then {
_findRun = fa>
15:19:19 Error position: <_tavHeight <= 185)) then {
_findRun = fa>
15:19:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: _tavheight
15:19:19 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 107
15:19:21 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:21 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:21 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
15:19:21 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
15:19:21 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:21 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:21 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
15:19:21 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
15:19:22 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:22 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
15:19:22 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
15:19:22 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 3 units in mission.
15:19:23 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:23 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:23 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
15:19:23 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
15:19:23 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:23 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:23 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
15:19:23 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
15:19:23 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:23 Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
15:19:23 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
15:19:23 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
15:19:23 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) 3 AI Spawned, 6 units in mission.
15:19:24 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMinor) Waiting for 0/6 Units or Less to be Alive and a Player to be Near the Objective.
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getting this same error.  Re installed DZMS just to be sure there was no bad code and still have the issue. 


Edit: Doesn't matter what mission its for


hahah I did the same, seems its related to the variable _aicskill making everything else error.

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Yea thats what it seems.  Even DZAI is throwing a bunch of errors.  Think it has something to do with positioning on the map with AI units in general.  Could be wrong though lol  Its on my test server so i havent had players gunning me down : ) lol

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Same, doing all this on my test server.


I haven't had any DZAI errors though (yet :unsure: ), although I think I've resolved all the DZMS errors.


Server's now throwing up FMission errors, oh well.  One by one I'll get them fixed lol :D


Note: All errors are through undefined variables.  Just means setting them to true/false/0/whatever before they are called, it's more time consuming fixing them than anything else.


That, and it generates MASSIVE RPT files.  :o  FMission errors made a 38MB RPT before I switched it off due to Notepad++ constantly wanting to reload the file lol :D

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Would anyone care to share the solution to the DZMS errors? I've fixed the one that includes making sure the MajMarker and MinMarker files are up to date from the Github, but I'm having a similar issue to the one from above and AI are not spawning.

19:39:39   Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazine
19:39:39 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 72
19:39:39 Error in expression <l = DZMSSkills1;};
case 1: {_aicskill = DZMSSkills2;};
case 2: {_aicskill = DZMS>
19:39:39   Error position: <DZMSSkills2;};
case 2: {_aicskill = DZMS>
19:39:39   Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsskills2
19:39:39 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 94
19:39:39 Error in expression <" from 1 to _unitcount do {
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Need to fix all of my errors first, as its scripting, and one fix might break something else, and generally when you fix one thing relating to undefined variables it moves onto the next one in each script, as it wont read the rest of the file when it errors. :)


FYI im running DZAI, WAI, DZMS, Fmission, My own random loot ammobox system. ;)


Out of the above DZMS, WAI, Fmission have all thrown up errors for me.

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For DZMS/DZAI related log errors, do any of the addons show noticeable problems ingame? I notice that for most of the undefined variable errors, they don't seem to have anything actually wrong. For example, one DZMS-related error posted somewhere on the forums was an undefined variable message pointing to a line of code that checks if the variable is undefined, kind of nonsensical if you ask me.


In short, a lot of errors related to the new beta seem to be false positives, although very annoying ones.

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If suppressing error logging is an absolute must, one of the changes included in the newest beta is the -noLogs server startup parameter, which should suppress all error messages. I haven't tried this myself since I require error logging and haven't updated to the newest beta, but for people who are desperate you can try this.

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For DZMS/DZAI related log errors, do any of the addons show noticeable problems ingame? I notice that for most of the undefined variable errors, they don't seem to have anything actually wrong. For example, one DZMS-related error posted somewhere on the forums was an undefined variable message pointing to a line of code that checks if the variable is undefined, kind of nonsensical if you ask me.


In short, a lot of errors related to the new beta seem to be false positives, although very annoying ones.

Yea my AI are spawning correctly and missions are running correctly for the most part.  DZAI when you blow up a heli and AI parachutes out, the parachutes do not get cleaned up and an error gets thrown about clean up can not cleanup parachutes because of an unknown location.  And i agree with the rpt spam errors, its getting massive in just an hours time.  I need to test more to actually see if everything is working correctly though.  


If suppressing error logging is an absolute must, one of the changes included in the newest beta is the -noLogs server startup parameter, which should suppress all error messages. I haven't tried this myself since I require error logging and haven't updated to the newest beta, but for people who are desperate you can try this.

I was going to do this but im a little OCD and have to know if errors are being thrown lol.  

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Yea my AI are spawning correctly and missions are running correctly for the most part.  DZAI when you blow up a heli and AI parachutes out, the parachutes do not get cleaned up and an error gets thrown about clean up can not cleanup parachutes because of an unknown location.  And i agree with the rpt spam errors, its getting massive in just an hours time.  I need to test more to actually see if everything is working correctly though.  


I was going to do this but im a little OCD and have to know if errors are being thrown lol.  


Same thing here ranoko, also the parachutes from the WAI paratroopers do not disappear as well.

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Vampire you should come out of your hole and get to fixin :D http://prntscr.com/3owye6 19 days it's been a while.


I'm gettin the same thing and it's starting to bug me.

 6:19:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 6:19:13 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
 6:19:14 Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ
 6:19:14 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 6:19:14   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
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Vampire you should come out of your hole and get to fixin :D http://prntscr.com/3owye6 19 days it's been a while.

I'm gettin the same thing and it's starting to bug me.

 6:19:13   Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
 6:19:13 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
 6:19:14 Duplicate weapon NVGoggles detected for CZ_Soldier_Sniper_EP1_DZ
 6:19:14 Error in expression <[(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]
} forEach _aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>
 6:19:14   Error position: <_aicskill;

_unit addEventHandler ["Kil>

Some of us have irl obligations

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I did an update that should fix _tavHeight and _aicskill being undefined.


If you are still getting errors after updating DZMS, let me know.

Thanks vampire!  going to test now : )


Edit: After testing for about an hour and a half, all is well : )  Thanks Vampire for the fix! (tested 5 missions)  Now just need to figure out DZAI and parachute cleanup : ) 

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Thanks vampire!  going to test now : )


Edit: After testing for about an hour and a half, all is well : )  Thanks Vampire for the fix! (tested 5 missions)  Now just need to figure out DZAI and parachute cleanup : ) 


Same thing here. Mission system still working, now without errors. Thanks Vamp, I give you dibs on me blood :)

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The parachutes issue is related to the beta patch itself, not due to incorrect coding. This is all I know at this time.

I kinda figured, i know the issue is defiantly not coming from DZAI or DZMS.  To be honest i don't think it hurts anything as my FPS after shooting many choppers down was still 50~61.

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