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Posts posted by Uro

  1. expiresBuilding - The time in seconds it takes for building objects to be removed from the server if upkeep is not done (krypto @ jammer / paint walls / etc)

    expiresPlayer -  The time in seconds before the DB removes player information - people have to keep playing on your server to preserve thier character.

    expiresVehicle = The time in seconds untouched vehicles have before being removed and respawned.


    The way the DB is setup with these variables is so that it is self pruning  - you do not end up with the database bloated like you get with DayZEpoch & MySQL, lessons have been learned here :)

  2. There seems to be some people struggling with the concept of setting up Arma 3 within FireDaemon.


    This XML is for people who install thier servers in a SANE location - I wont offer any assitance to anyone who insists on installing thier server in a "program files" location. :P

    This also is for people who use the default file structure that comes with the Epoch Server files.



    I will make things easy for you by giving you a copy of a working Arma3.xml for FD.


    Things you will have to do in FireDeamon after importing it:

    1. PROGRAM TAB - Change Working Directory to the location of your Arma3 Server's folder.
    2. PROGRAM TAB - Executable - check it exists at that location. Use [...] to point it to the executable (Arma3Server.exe) if it differs from default.
    3. PROGRAM TAB - Modify the Parameters specific to your server -  IP / PORT
    4. PRE / POST SERVICE TAB -  Modify the location of the Working Directory for the included Tools\log-rotator.cmd.

    This along with the imported XML should get you up and running.

    NB - All the timings set in this XML work for me, you may need to tweak them a little depending on your Server's setup.


    Arma3.xml for FireDaemon (copy/paste into Arma3.xml)




    Recommended(slightly more advanced):


    Epoch requires BEC running, so this is worth a read!


    1. Set up BEC via FireDaemon.
    2. Set up a dependency in the BEC Service requiring the A3 Epoch Server Service is running prior to starting.
    3. If you shutdown / restart your server BEC will go down/up with it.
    4. Recommend setting a delay to ensure the server is UP before the BEC Service starts.


    1. Create a batch file to execute BEC, set this up in the POST SERVICE tab within the Arma 3 Epoch Service
    2. This will initialise BEC after the server has started
    3. I recommend setting a delay on this to ensure the Arma 3 Server is UP before BEC starts.


    NBB -  DO NOT do both of these methods or you may have multiple BEC's running and/or looping on a restart.



    There are a bunch more options in FD of which there are guides on their website.


    Also ProTip, FireDaemon have pre-made XML's for common applications on thier website :P

  3. Had it 3 times so far. 


    Boat is stopped in water - passenger tries to get out - passenger then dies. Happens in the middle of water and up along shore. 


    Let me know if anyone else experiences this.



    Server: Mells House


    Ya we've had it reported on our server too

  4. I like how you posted here: 


    But also made another topic here, 2 of the same thing ^_^


    I like trolls, I keep em in my basement,... along with the rest of the bodies...



    Anyways, trolls aside:


    I merely replied to the post in the A3 forum.


    I created a post here for the A2 people Un-Aware of the fact A3 was on sale, incase they were waiting for a sale to purchase A3.

  5. This is purely my opinion:


    FP you have more immersion - try it (for more than 5 minutes) - that moment when you hear the sappers or cloaks creeping up behind you in 1st person and your all WTF!?!?! Same with ANY footsteps / other strange sounds :D

    (I can step outside when I hear a drone and pinpoint it everytime because the sound is more relative).

    FP you dont know what's over that wall when you hear footsteps, the choice is yours whether to play it offensive or defensive, without knowing in advance whats coming.


    3DP breaks that immersion I feel as yes, you can see over walls, outside windows etc from an angle you'd never see in FP/RL.


    The sound factor is a major player in Arma for me - sounds originate from a truer direction in 1st person, people miss this fact in 3rd person where it's more of a rough area (left/right/up/down) the sound comes from.


    Remember when you went from speakers to a headset? Yep the difference in sound direction is THAT much with 3DP vs FP


    Of course we'll always have the 3DP Vs. FP arguement, but by and large first person is a truer perspective for this game imho.


    This is why I plan on keeping our server Hardcore NO 3DP - for people who want immersion in the game.


    I'm not denying you get immersion in 3DP servers, just not as much as FP only servers by a large margin.



    There is an issue related to FP/3DP on the A3 Feedback tracker which is propositioning the ability for mission/mod creators to be able to define when 3DP and FP is available to players by switching the difficulty setting - say on entering a vehicle to enable 3DP and going back to FP upon exiting that vehicle - which may be a more acceptable alternative to one or the other.  Here's the link for anyone interested - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16718

  6. As an admin I find Altis actually gives a decent dispersal of people, plus epicenters / shipping containers create dynamic "heatspots" of player activity which add to the action.


    Kudos to the dev's for working this dynamic into the mod the way they have and I hope there's lots more to come.



    I'm quite open to other maps though as I think it's good to have a variety of maps available for different tastes :)

  7. Yeah I'd like to change the density of loot spawning as well, I've been through whole towns, cleared every building (like 40+ buildings) and found only a few with furniture in them, not very realistic and also very frustrating since you have to then move out of the town like 300m, wait 2 minutes then run back in again and sweep it all again.


    I'd also love to have completely random rubbish spawns, that appear all over the map kinda like the old heli crashes and that used to, maybe 50 or so spread out over the whole map with there always being 50 on the map, so you clear one and another spawns somewhere else.



    Why dont you post something about this that is constructive in the feedback section and maybe the dev's will take your idea's aboard, that is after all what the feedback forum is for.


    Instead of posting in GD and effectively saying "when i get my hands on the mod im gonna rip it apart and put my own mark on it"


    Just sayin' :)

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