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Posts posted by UKSS

  1. I like and love how this was put together and everything but damn with mods like this and that heli call script your just making things a walk in the park for this game and for all the lazy people. I thought it was meant to be hard lol


    Anyway I'm not bashing it at all but how will this be countered if someone stole your car and sticks it in there built up base? will the car just pass through the wall/garage door? or will it get stuck on them and keep damaging itself till it blows up along with everything else in that said base?

    It can be configured if you don't want it to be really easy. Use a rare item, such as a laser designator or radio (depending on how rare they are on your server). Regarding cars going through base walls & doors, I would guess at no - the vehicle will most likely become stuck, seeing as they stop at road obstacles that are too hard to navigate around. Base items such as doors etc aren't on the debris array in the callcar.sqf either.


    Just implemented this on our Origins Epoch server, works well and you'll do well to

    • Find the item you need to have in your inventory
    • Have your vehicle travel a long distance, as Origins 3.5 has a lot of wrecks built in to the map.

    Works better when you've parked your vehicle away from the road. Just watched a test car keep offroad for 3km and reach me. Cheers jahangir13

  2. The A3 Epoch mod has a long way to go. It's got potential, but compare it to all the things you can do in Arma 2 and it's still rather limited, and a bit on the arcade side. I'm more looking forward to version 1.0, see how things shape up then. Like Zupa (and others) have said, everyone seems to want to get a server up as soon as the files are out. 95% of A2 Epoch servers have had less than 5 players on average, for the past 6 months. Over 3000 of them. I expect within a month to see half the A2 Epoch servers die out and there be 1500 or so A3 Epoch servers up with most of them having low player numbers. And most of them having the same content as each other.


    It's a surefire way of the Epoch mod losing its appeal early, unless some people just close their servers if they're empty. Or simply make a private server, make it unique and then go public 3-6 months down the line.

  3. There are people who want the survival experience. Some of these played all the popular servers with easy street features and then got bored. The opposite of how some got bored with survival elements. We have a few hang out on our Tavi server, plus those on our Vanilla server have practically all come back from Epoch.

    Trouble is, there's more survival lovers who go on to make a survival server than there are arcade players who go on to make an arcade server. There's a shit ton of survival servers that average out at 5 regular players if lucky. Survivalists are a picky bunch.

    Overall, Epoch isn't an apocalyptic mod sadly. It does some other things splendidly but overall it caters for the more pick up and play gamers due to it having traders that are easily accessible and generously priced by default. Traders that remove so much of the scavenging aspect and feel of desperation. If you want apocalyptic gameplay you either go back to the Mod or find a hard Epoch server that is probably rather quiet, sadly.

  4. If you wanted to keep all 12 missions but have them in one array, I guess you would have to rename the Minor mission filenames to SM7, SM8 and so on, drag them into the Major folder and then add them all to the DZMSMajorArray in DZMSConfig.sqf.

    DZMSMajorArray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","SM8","SM9","SM10","SM11","SM12"];
    DZMSMinorArray = [];

    You'd also have to open up each mission and rename the log text, plus use Notepad++ or whatever to rename all instances of "minor", to "major", such as the AI spawns. Use the Replace With option.

  5. A lot of people have got used to the easy street servers where the "endgame" is reached within a day or a week. Most will never retreat to the harder servers at this stage.


    "WTF, a few days play just to be able to buy a little bird?"


    "You have to LOOK for medicine, not buy it?"


    "OMG there's no safe food in this shop"


    "Well this is shit, all vehicles I find need repairing"


    Hear that kind of stuff so often. There is a playerbase out there for those wanting to battle the elements as much as they'd battle players, but a big number of that playerbase have seemingly become so determined to get that "hardcore" feel that they've opened a server up themselves. It's such a customizable mod that a large chunk of the minority of Epoch players, the survivalists so to speak, are hosting servers and not playing someone elses - because they can get things running exactly how they want.


    People are really picky too, coming off the customization possibilities. There can be a server with 8 out of 10 desired features for someones taste. Yet the missing 2 out of 10 will make that player move on and look for perfection elsewhere, which as said could lead to them opening their own server and again dwindling down the non-owner player numbers. If you're a casual or arcadey player, or have grown tired of the survival elements, you have a list of popular servers to choose from where you can get set up and "done" quickly. Our Tavi server is challenging but not very popular, luckily though we don't really give a shit as it was made for our own tastes, for us to play on. Which is a common case.

  6. Please bring those female skins mentioned earlier... That would be finally a reason to pick a woman in the gender selection.


    +1 for female skins.


    If you guys find skin packs that you like male or female message the aurthor and ask if he would grant Epoch the use of his/hers files.

    Than let Awol know.


    I think it would be pretty cool for Epoch to have custom skins. And maybe a few other mods like



    Epoch is awesome but this kind of stuff would just BLOW IT AWAY!

    Oo-er! They look awesome too.

  7. NO, something was changed in the last 1 or 2 updates. I have noticed all the loot vanish in an area when the zombie bodies clean up, need to make it so the bodies clean up but not loot.

    In the bottom of server_functions.sqf they added a clean up script I'm guessing that's the one.

  8. I'm using the client files for DayZ Namalsk v0.741. It's split into two folders: @DayZ_Namalsk and @DayZ_Namalsk_DayZ. I only have the @DayZ_Namalsk folder on my server, so when people connect they only need to activate that one by adding "-mod=@DayZ_Namalsk" to their launch parameters. This folder is pretty much the same as @Namalsk, but it has an extra .pbo called ns_dayz. This includes the models for the warm clothing, which don't seem to be in the standalone map. Since it's more or less the same, you can just swap the @Namalsk folder for @DayZ_Namalsk and just change your server command line to run it.


    Excellent stuff thank you very much!!!! Working 100% now. Thank you ever so much for this!

    Next up is blood suckers then we pretty much have the best epoch experience out there (Well to me :P). :D

  9. Hi ok so i've almost got the namalsk expreance with with epoch.


    I managed to get blow outs and snow fall working. I know how to get the namalsk harsh tempture working also the

    I can bring in the APSI and rail guns via traders but not the skins so I can't use the namalsk temptures.


    Well  saying that i could just edit it so other skins act as them but is there any chance of the skins getting added in please?

    Our group is loving this map we have a huge amount of npcs flying and walking about its extremely hard and by far our best epoch experience yet.


    Such a shame that nine out of ten people dont know how to connect to the other epoch maps.


    Saying that couldn't you just bundle epoch with the maps in commander so you would have a separate download for each map i'm sure if that was possible the maps would get 10x more love from everyone.

  10. Managed to get blow outs working. next up is blood suckers + the weather effects (snow)



    Snow fall done. I just cant figure out how to get the blood suckers runing.

    Edit 2>>

    Spotted object a2 didn't have the correct sounds playing when going down into the bunker plus the objects wasn't there. added them back in.

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