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Posts posted by SpiRe

  1. Wait, what? We make a mod that allows for modding but the devs aren't allowed to have a modded server? Nice to see you're still grasping at straws.

    Mells House started using mods to be able to see how the community is dealing with our structure and maybe find ways to make modding even easier. 

    Its not that long when you didn't approved and criticized modded servers and also official server could be only the Vanilla server while one of your servers violated that.

  2. Just curious on how do you know the addon names to add to the mission.sqm file

    Sorry but I am new to the mission building and running a server, just trying to learn and understand.


    I made a list of loaded addons and choosed the ones for the MAS weapons...


    ( used it on my server as admin script and spawned all kind of weapons and vehicles and then exec the script )





    Easy way is but you will not catch mods like blastcore :
    place in the editor ammo, boxes units from the addons / mods.
    Complex way but will work!:
    1. Start your arma 3 with logs enabled.
    2. open up the mission in the editor
    3. Click Preview
    4. press escape and in the Code box (http://i.imgur.com/eaooJdu.jpg) enter this code
    { diag_log format["Addon: '%1'", _x]; } foreach activatedaddons;
    5. Open your latest RPT (can be found here: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Arma 3)
    6. Cut all that starts with "Addon: " (http://i.imgur.com/2H6ZVQQ.png) and paste in a new window.
    7. Then get rid of the unneeded info with http://i.imgur.com/BDvq0PU.png (.* ') and http://i.imgur.com/BDvq0PU.png ('") using the replace funktion.
    8. Bring that in the right format with http://i.imgur.com/OlFqJV7.png (find ^ replace with ") and http://i.imgur.com/pk6py8D.png (find $ replace with ",) and then remove in the last line the ,
    9. Add this code in the mission.sqm to Addons and addonsauto
    10. enjoy.
    They may be even easier ways that are not that complex but yeah.
    if you have questions add me on skype : nevada13589
  3. Scripts are public release on internet, so shut the fuck up Spire...

    Have a nice day.


    Btw spire..if you are so big mr.coder why you have all on MP side? Not server side?



    Well since you stole my stuff i banned all of you and have everything that is not public on the server side :).


    And it's really shame that second server in our country is filled with copy pasters like you :).


    Atleast you admitted that you stole, that's all i needed.




    I made a topic with shared bans, so if anyone didn't want them on their server .

  4. Hello to everyone.

    Horbin, thanx for awesome mission system. I try to use this on my server but it running without issue only if i set IP of server and HC starter BAT's only to And in SC/config too,of course.

    In this case HC connected but if server was restarted, HC has not connected again, client still running. Anybody know why?

    And second issue, if i change server start IP to my typically PC IP address, change in HC start BAT to the same, HC is not connected anymore.

    This I set to config:


    headlessClients[] = {"",""};


    But client not connect.

    Thanx for help

    Best regards from Czech rep. Martin.


    I would help you if your admin friends didn't steal stuff from other servers at first place.. ( From Reminiscence.cz and Second coming's EpochYorkshire.co.uk ).. :)

  5. What you define there is not obfuscation, removing space characters is called compacting therefore name of this thread and tool could be more accurate with a rename...


    With regards to uncompacting you are right, anyone with a macro-capable text editor can uncompact about 5K lines per second on an average PC.


    Obfuscation on the other hand, is the process that makes one's head spin when one tries to follow code and no macro will help with that, at least nowhere near 5K line per second - one would be luckly to get 5 lines per second if anything at all.


    If done well, reading obfuscated code is so hard that people usually give up which is the main point: here is a contest and here is a good example of obfuscation -- except the fact that code looks like a plane and the code when compiled runs a flight simulator so not totally hidden :)

    Also on the subject, there is a good paper from Microsoft Research discussing Obfuscation in detail (perhaps a bit too specific however it's a good read first few pages is of intro nature) if interested search for: On Best-Possible Obfuscation Microsoft Research.


    You ask why people do that, #1 reason in my experience is fun, occasional practical joke between colleagues handing over an module in obfuscated form (on non-urgent stuff since we would like to keep our jobs at this time) does lead to fun times and usually some reciprocity.


    For other uses, in my only actual case of obfuscation in the last at least 5 years, I did it to prevent an early fork of an arma3 project before I complete a few milestones I had on mind.

    Just to be clear, physical security trumps all in this area too so once one give the code or binary away, one should assume it is broken into, any other assumption is foolish.

    I said assume to be broken but it's a matter of numbers game, for example since I am planning to open the code anyway, when I give away code in (semi) obfuscated form, in worst case scenario when someone 'break' the (semi)/quick obfuscation I put in, I won't lose anything at all but I can guarantee that person will have lost several hours if not days or weeks depending on their skill level.


    On my end it costs near-nothing as I barely renamed files and piped all local vars to random string generator before PBO generation phase.


    I totally agree software should be free hence the reason I put everything I release (not much though) under GNU GPL and provide the uncompacted/unobfuscated 'normal' source code [even though it's obfuscated in one example for a few weeks only].


    Your software however is in binary format only (ironically released on GitHub) and it cannot be looked into without a proper decompiler and again massive amounts of time and specialized knowledge.

    Hence the solution you offer to counter problem of compacted text code, involve binarized code and basically defeats the initial argument behind it, namely:

    people should know what they are running.


    They will never know what they are running with your EXE unless you release the source, am I wrong...


    I seriously doubt that i will ever read that...

  6. What if they're only using Redis until such time as they remove the server security features and obfuscation? Maybe the whole point of using Redis was to intentionally make it difficult for people to edit stuff until the devs are "ready" to allow it? Just a thought.


    The obfuscation makes no good when the code is public. You mean like driving a prius at driving school and then change to camaro ( MySQL isn't camaro.. it was just example ) :D :D :D.. Nah i don't think so.

  7. Somehow this debate seems more and more like a debate about maybe building the Eiffel tower after construction is about 1/3rd done in construction steel rather than puddling iron.


    It's already built there, everything beyond that point is mere trivia at best.


    I almost saw there: Hey lock the topic, people wants something different.

  8. I have made and setup 100s of websites. I have sites that get millions of hits a month. These sites run PHP and use MySQL for storage of information. Some also use redis for storing cached data that normally has a TTL of a few minutes at most.


    I can tell you from experience, MySQL AND Redis can both deal with ALOT of data IO, even concurrently. 

    And yes Redis is faster than mysql at pure data IO but were it falls down is trying to manipulate the data once its in there.


    The fact that Redis has no scheme/structure so having no data validation, makes it fast. In my opinion this is terrible for a game server like ARMA, were structure is everything, one var datatype miss match and the whole server can go to shit.


    Redis IS NOT FASTER than MySQL when you consider the day to day management of an ARMA server, were hackers can and do spawn crap in which is near enough impossible to find in Redis, without an application to load to the data set into memory and search it. (This is were MySQL is faster).


    The reason the dev's are using Redis I suspect is because it is easy to change the "database* schema" on the fly and you don't need much additional knowledge to interact with Redis, MySQL is more involved.


    * Redis IS NOT a database!


    Please don't flame me, I really do have a lot of experience with this crap :P


    The thing with data manipulation is real... Do everyone remember "WIPE WILL BE NEEDED"... With MySQL you can just apply DB structure update and you are fine. Or what you will do when your Redis crash your DB data? all that you really can do is big rollBack. Like that happen to me: ( ). I can't imagine how wow server would survive with Redis.... And if WoW server with really really big DB and 1000 players can run smoothly then A3 Epoch with 100 can too...


    So using excuses isn't really necessary.. Just DEVs wants Redis. Thats it... When Epoch will be open then there will be sure someone who will port it to MySQL.


    Yeah seen the smoke thing in previous version also.


    However after the A3 update to include the marksman dlc...the HC is getting killed...lol.


    No idea why or what from.


    EDIT - He's been banned...any idea why?


    "<infiSTAR.de>BanLog| HC2624(HC_HAL) (v0129)"
    21:57:31 Unable to get file version size: .\ARMA_LOG.dll
    21:57:31 "<infiSTAR.de>HL| 0h 04min | HC_HAL(HC2624) BANNED | BadControls count on D12: 64 should be 62 (v0129)"
    21:57:31 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.
    21:57:31 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.
    21:57:31 "<infiSTAR.de SERVER>: Kicked Player with UID HC2624.. (v0129)"


    also for players..


    /*  Check CTRLs on D12   */ _C12 = false;    /* true or false */    /* *experimental* - will announce BadControls count on IDD 12 or BadControl and a number */

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