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Posts posted by Sukkaed

  1. Here is "admin hat" for you.

    adminadd = adminadd + ["  Admin Hat ON",adminHat,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];
    adminadd = adminadd + ["  Admin Hat OFF",removeHat,"0","0","0","1",[0,0.8,1,1]];
    adminHat = {
    		if (name _x == _this select 0) then {		
    			hint format ["Admin Hat added for %1",name _x];
    			cutText [format["Admin Hat added for %1",name _x], "PLAIN"];
    			_savelog = format["%1 put Admin Hat on %2",name player,_this select 0];
    			PVAH_WriteLogReq = [_savelog];
    			publicVariableServer "PVAH_WriteLogReq";			
    			_adminH = getPosATL (vehicle _x);
    			_hat = createVehicle ["Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1",_adminH,[],0,"NONE"];
    			_hat setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];
    			_hat setVariable ["ObjectUID","1",true];
    			_hat attachTo [vehicle _x,[0.0,0.0,3.0]];
    			_x reveal _hat;
    	} forEach playableUnits;
    removeHat = {
    		if (name _x == _this select 0) then {		
    			_findHat = nearestObjects [_x,["Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1"],4];
    			{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _findHat;
    			hint format ["Admin Hat OFF"];
    			cutText [format["Admin Hat OFF"], "PLAIN"];
    			_savelog = format["%1 removed Admin Hat from %2",name player,_this select 0];
    			PVAH_WriteLogReq = [_savelog];
    			publicVariableServer "PVAH_WriteLogReq";
    	} forEach playableUnits;
  2. NO

    _soda = [["ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    YES :)

    _soda = ["ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaPepsi","ItemSodaOrangeSherbet"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
  3. Error in expression <};
    _option = _this select 3; must be _option = _this select 0;
    switch _opt>
      Error position: <be _option = _this select 0;
    switch _opt>
      Error Missing ;
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.panthera2\custom\plotManagement\maintain_area.sqf, line 60
    Error in expression <};
    _option = _this select 3; must be _option = _this select 0;
    switch _opt>
      Error position: <be _option = _this select 0;
    switch _opt>
      Error Missing ;
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.panthera2\custom\plotManagement\maintain_area.sqf, line 60

    HAHA XD LOL, sorry but u made my day xD



    read that and try to figure it out xD


    this is too good xp



    :D  :D  :D  amazing.. thank you, made my day.

  4. I wouldn't necessary blame the server without knowing the full truth. I know many cases where player is banned for breaking simple server rules and then they start throwing toys out of their pram and yelling admin abuse and making up all kind of stories to get their "revenge".

  5. I was also told that fishing from a boat increases your chance of success so if there's anyplace to prove the increased chances or rarity of any fish I'd like to see it.


    Fishing from boat and fishing in deep water will increase your chances notably.

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