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Posts posted by 82ndAB_Bravo17

  1. Still getting this, but not sure whether they are actually being spawned by the UAVs. Tonight I had it happen 3 times whilst in a vehicle driving along, twice in a Mohawk and once in a Hunter, when I was in 3rd person and saw them fly out of the back of the vehicle whilst driving/ flying. Also had a one that spawned right in front of me whilst on the ground in the mohawk, and a couple of others start shooting at my hunter from immediately behind.

  2. Something is definitely up, one of the players on our server had the AI spawn 150m up in the air next to him whilst he was in a  mosquito. Apparently the AI immediately dropped their weapons and acted like they were skydiving, but alas they had no chute so it didn't end well for them!

    I'll double check that I copied all the code correctly.

  3. Unless I am missing something, the Inventory doesn't seem to be working in Experimental branch. The soldier seems to be dong the looking, but the Inventory menu doesn't appear.

    I get get it to appear again by removing the reference to the custom EH for InventoryOpened in CfgEpochClient.hpp.

    PS The pbos in experimental do work, but the mission pbos don't contain the latest files, and still have the old  CfgEpochClient.hpp in them (at least for the Altis one).

  4. If you want to stop players being airlifted whilst in Vehicles then try adding this to the end of epochserver\compile\epoch_server\EPOCH_server_vehicleinit.sqf


    if (_this isKindOf "air") then {
        _this addEventHandler["RopeAttach", { if (count crew (_this select 2) > 0) then { {moveOut _x} forEach crew (_this select 2)};}];
    } else {
        _this addeventhandler["GetIn", { if ( not isNull (ropeAttachedto (_this select 0))) then { {moveOut _x} forEach crew (_this select 0)};}];

  5. On respawn the stamina bar seemed to be stuck on max, so I was able to run long distances without it getting smaller from the right. It still got smaller from the left when adding inventory, but the right never moved. The Stamina value in the debug console also just kept on rising, even whilst running.

    I have had this, or something very similar, happen to me twice since the 0400 update, has anyone else noticed it? The second time it was after respawning from a character that had been revived and then died again from a helicopter crash. Can't remember how it happened the first time or the exact details of what was happening.

    I seem to remember something similar happening before, when a new spawn would start with 100 stamina sometimes.


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