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Posts posted by Grimonja

  1. it wont work with antihacks, since all eventhandlers like this is removed and banned for by default ...




    if you want this with default antihack you will need to add the eventhandler in your security_checks.h


    if you want this with infistar you will need to add your code in the relevant event handler part of your run.sqf


    if you want this without antihacks, you can use these scripts ... else it will not work!

    well OP's one does the same thing execpt it adds (# of EHs * time you enter a vehicle) and OP uses an switch for true false case

  2. And what is this supposed to mean? Are you hijacking my post or something? I think you don't realize what you just did: you interrupted the development of this script by posting that code. Do you want to show off or something? Seriously what is your problem.

    "Interrupting the development of this script" . dude its an a Event handler, not to mention you have a switch statement that's switches true or false. There is a new scripting command called IF.


     It took me exactly 2 mins to make it what development there is?

    if you want to get fancy your Fired EH for vehs wont work with rockets. Hint: check the blast radius of a rocket. so thats only "development" there is about it. Exactly 10 minutes to do.

  3. Well if you want it for players only...


    player addEventHandler ["Fired", 
    	if(isPlayer cursorTarget)then
    		deleteVehicle (_this select 6);

    if you want it for vehicles as well spawn 

    this on a client 


    while {true} do {
    	waitUntil {uiSleep 0.5; player != vehicle player};
    	private ["_veh","_eh"];
    	_veh = vehicle player;
    	_eh = _veh addEventHandler ["Fired", 
    		if(isPlayer cursorTarget)then
    			deleteVehicle (_this select 6);
    	waitUntil {uiSleep 0.5; _veh != player};
    	_veh removeEventHandler ["Fired",_eh];

    Untested, written in 2 minutes.


    Bundled version : 


    have fun

  4. Ok, call compiling something that anybody can set its bad. As you provide an Remote Execution exploit.

    This trader protection thing can be done allot neater with Triggers and not to have 4+ spawned loops on EVERY player.
    I have no doubt code actually works but its not all in that. Its really not optimized, and RE potential in it is really bad.


    Remake it with Triggers. As well there is no need to PV anything here. Maybe an array of objects in a trader but i dont really thing server needs to do anything with it.
    And please dont spawn 4+ threads with while{true} in them. even if you have a sleep its a bad practice to do so. 

  5. Hey,

    I would like to inform the community about a ticket that was raised.

    Its about sendAUmessage script command which was never implemented.


    You might ask what would it be used for?

    Well sendAUmessage would allow mod/mission makers to transfer clients from server to server.
    Which would allow cross-map travel.
    Zone division on 1 map (500 player Altis for example).

    Imagine the possibilities. Epic scale mil-sims, "Frankie" style of map travel(get on a boat from Altis to Chernarus). 
    Events on a whole new scale.

    I believe that this would be a ground breaking change to Arma 3 and would redefine it as a whole, It'd be like when Bungee/Bukkit came around for Minecraft, it completely re-defined the way people played.

    Just imagine the endless list of possibilities, something along the lines of a World of Warcraft RPG style of game mode would be completely possible.

    If you think its a good idea please vote up the following feedback ticket:


    Kind regards, Grim

  6. @vbAwol your statement would make sense if compileFinal would prevent someone to edit Var/fnc in memory...
    besides that what EPOCH fnc/var would you even need to change to do something fishy?
    its not like Epoch is preventing you to do anything,hack wise?

  7. like I said, they gonna reply for what I said.


    Get your theory straight. Every infiStar has a back way into any server running infiStar. It is not fixed!

    Type in infiStar in github. You will find the newly released infiStar files and also edited infiStar scripts to hack on all infiStar servers.

    infiStar hack is the InfiStar files you purchase at infiStar website.

    Here... have the stinking tool for free lol


    rest my case

    Show it ? How about if your massive expertise in Programming spotted that imba backdoor? Simply show it?

    InBefore DCMA claim :P

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