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  1. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Release Changelog   
    Server Hotfix build b1:
    [Fixed] error preventing storage from spawning correctly.
    Server Hotfix build b2:
    [Fixed] Bipods should now persist correctly. [Fixed] magazine loss issue on logout.   Update Notes: If is already installed update just EpochServer.dll and a3_epoch_server.pbo otherwise see    Server Downloads:
  2. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Release Changelog   
    updated changelog with a few that are missing:
    [Changed] Uniforms now store items again. [Fixed] Typo in killed event handler caused false BE kick. [Fixed] Group names may only contain alphanumeric characters - or _.
  3. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Release Changelog   
    Server Hotfix build 3 added:
    [Fixes] Missing BE exceptions in addweaponcargo.txt for Marksman DLC weapons.
    Update Notes b2 to b3:
    Update Notes: Update addweaponcargo.txt in your Battleye folder.
      Server Downloads:
  4. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Steam workshop collections   
    Curated steam collections of Epoch + Maps and supported mods
    Epoch + Esseker - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548552635
    Epoch + Australia - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459408027
    Epoch + Bornholm - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=429485398
  5. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in Patch Server/Client files !!Now on Steam!!   
    Bump for steam workshop integration.
  6. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in Patch Server/Client files !!Now on Steam!!   
    Epoch launcher is out of date but you can still download the new patch. It will require you to manually extract and install the client files.


    Report Bugs:
    Provide Feedback:
  7. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Release Changelog   
    Client Rolling Changelog   [Changed] Uniforms now store items again. [Changed] Updated pricing and loot tables for Marksman DLC content. [Changed] Sapper brain reworked. Avoids jammers. *see notes below.
    [Changed] Lower Sapper and Drone antagonist spawn limits a bit.
    [Changed] Phantom updates.
    [Changed] Moved blocked build areas to mission file config.
    [Fixed] Document mission should now properly limit to one mission.
    [Fixed] Remove extra debug on monitor.
    [Fixed] Typo in killed event handler caused false BE kick. [Fixed] Group names may only contain alphanumeric characters - or _.   [info] Works on Arma 1.42+.
    All fixes from previous server builds.
    Server Admins: [info] *pcre3.dll must be installed into the Arma 3 root directory.    
    More Install/Update Notes:

  8. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Release Changelog   
    Client Downloads:

    Server Downloads:
  9. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Release Changelog   
    Antagonist Updates
    Added Jammer detection - NEst will not spawn in 22m of Jammer, Sappers
    will stalk to a position around the jammer radius - Can still cross
    within jammer radius and will still loiter within radius. Charge is
    unaffected so sapper will follow player into jammer range, is more
    dangerous to do now.
    Updated Stuck Code - May see more self detonations
    Updated Stalk Position - Sapper will loop around player
    Updated Direct Detection of Player to initiate Charge mode. Distance of
    sight is lower
    Added variables in mission files to allow some editing of Sapper and UAv
    Sapper now is influenced by wind direction
    Extended UAV default range slightly
    Filtered units from spawning within jammer radius or static traders
  10. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Dwarfer in A3 Marksman DLC Deployed BiPod   
    Works on the Epoch Walls :-)
    Happy Dance :-)

  11. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in Congrats to the MANW winners!   
    Check out the winners here! Looks like it was a close race for quite a few entries.

    Now with that out of the way we at the Epoch house would like to thank everyone for the support you provide. In the end it's our main driving force. Although it would have been nice to win :P It's not what was driving us to do what we do. So you guys know we were working on A3 Epoch before the contest was even known about and we will continue to be here well after the fact. So "Stay Tuned" because we have some awesome stuff planned and we would love to share it with everyone!
  12. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in What you can expect from future major milestone updates   
    There have many bugfixes since the initial release of the 0.3.x client files and we will have more fixes to come soon. A Client side hotfix build will likely be released in about 2 weeks to roll up any client side fixes.   Now for the best part, A small taste of what you can expect from future major milestone updates (0.4,0.5,...): Advanced crafting with total UI overhaul fully extensible and customizable. [Released] Refined P2P and NPC trade systems. More Custom Base building objects and base building refinements. More server and user configurable options. [Released] Documentation on backend DLL calls and usage. [Released] More antagonists and AI refinements. CRC check and server file obfuscation removed. [Released] Custom Vehicles, Weapons, Uniforms and apparel. Custom map based in America. Linux server support. [Released] Bugfixes and much more. Download server files here: http://epochmod.com/download_server.php
  13. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in RC2 Client files.   
    Get them here guys! Official servers will be updating today! 
    Official hosts check Skype for server files.
  14. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to prone in Wait.....whut?   
    Agreed, it's been cool watching him create it.
  15. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Darth_Rogue in Wait.....whut?   
    People wanted to feel more of a threat from the environment.  Well....this is what you get.  The settings are adjustable, so if you don't like how one server is set up, pick another one.  It's not like there's not 5000 servers to pick from.
  16. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Richie in Wait.....whut?   
    PvP servers can turn it down
    PvE servers can turn it up
    Anyone else can do as they see fit :)
    Intresting idea, i'll see what my players think when the release drops.
  17. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in Wait.....whut?   
    It's not as bad as you think and can be turned up and down.
  18. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in / RC2 Changelog   
    0.3 RC1 has had a lot of good feedback and bug reports so far.  We will be addressing as many of these as we can this week and should have a new client build RC2 ( released by the end of the week.
    Build ( rolling change log:
    [Added] Owner of a Frequency Jammer device can now remove and get full refund of Jammer kit. [Added] Ability to remove normal storage devices (Shelf and Tipi). Items will be dumped on the ground along with a partial refund of items. [Added] Edit or add Trader prices "CfgPricing" via the missionConfigFile. (Documentation link) [Added] Edit or add Crafting recipes "CfgCrafting" via the missionConfigFile. (Documentation link) [Added] Antagonists spawn system overhaul with spawn bias system. (Documentation link) [Changed] Crypto is now only tracked and stored via the server. [Changed] Moved loot configs to epoch server settings pbo. (Documentation link) [Changed] Antagonists spawn system overhaul. (Documentation link) [Changed] Chance to spawn sapper every 5 minutes (max of 3 within 800m). Chances increase while in a city and if the player is soiled. [Changed] Chance to spawn drone when player fires weapon (max of 3 within 800m). Chances increase while in a city and are reduced if player uses a silencer. [Changed] Initial Sapper spawn distance increased. [Changed] SR-25 and L85a2 use existing ammo now. [Changed] Increased damage for speargun x2. [Changed] Updated 3d interact system with new icons (Unknown, Dead Body). [Fixed] UAV drone now spawns correctly at a distance so that it is longer audible on spawn. [Fixed] Incorrect text output if trader is at max limit for item. [Fixed] rvmat texture path issues with Pink L85A2 [Fixed] Mission document payout now uses unified loot spawn function. [Fixed] Lower example NPC starter items to 50. [Fixed] Removed developer debug from AH admin. [info] Updated example server.cfg for 1.40.
  19. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in / RC2 Changelog   
    0.3 RC1 Changelog: [Added] Wood and cinder base objects now show damage state when over 50% damaged. [Added] Car Jack item added to every fresh spawned vehicle. [Added] Can now loot a dead UAV Drone and in return get Electronic components. [Added] Ability to specify starter items for freshly spawned traders via epochconfig. [Added] New custom epoch weapons: SR-25 and L85A2 (Grenade Launcher and Pink Painted) by Kiory. [Added] Vehicle lock time is now stored in hive and will persist across server restarts. [Added] 3d interaction visuals to show you when an action is available. [Added] New loot bias system with nestable tables and overall loot balance. [Added] LootMultiplier in epochconfig, (0.5 default, 1 = high loot, 0.1 = low loot). [Added] Goldenseal plant can be consumed to reduce toxicity. [Added] Pumpkin food item can be harvested from pumpkin patches on Chernarus and found randomly. [Added] Dynamic Air Supply Drop Event. Use smoke grenades to signal. [Added] Trader mission accessed with "Talk" on trader: Pikes Peak Express. [Added] Ability to eat raw foods but at the risk of toxicity. [Added] New items (Rock, Stick, and Rope) for crafting and added to trash loot. [Added] New craftable primitive melee weapons: Crude Hatchet, Wood Club, Maul Hammer. [Added] Keesha default character now has shoes. [Added] Crafting of Rope from Hemp. [Added] Harvest Sticks from a bush using a Hatchet. [Added] Mining of Iron Ore and Rocks with sledgehammer. [Added] Removal with refund of Base building items. Respects Jammer Owner and group. [Added] Most base building items now use a hybrid Static/Physx system with ghost preview on first placement. [Added] Epoch Events 2.0. All server time based events moved to server settings pbo. Scripts are executed with execVM using a simple timer. New events and timers can be changed via epochconfig. [Added] New "Boss" Sapper variant with a larger bang. [Added] Both Sapper variants put off toxic gas if killed without blowing up. [Added] Player can now select gender after each death. [Added] Frequency Jammer now required by default to build a base. Can be controlled with desc.ext mission variable: buildingRequireJammer. [Added] Building limit (default: 100) added to Frequency Jammer. Change with desc.ext mission variable: buildingCountLimit. [Added] Building Jammer Range (default: 75m). Change with desc.ext mission variable: buildingJammerRange. [Added] Hive weather control system as well as Static override var WeatherStaticForecast via epochconfig. [Added] Trader purchased vehicle position can now be controlled with a smoke grenade or a chemlight within 50m of trader. [Added] Wood foundations can be crafted with 8x lumber. [Added] Bornholm Support: Custom a2 building classes for loot spawns and mission file and config support from http://urogaming.co.uk/ [Added] Base building objects now persist damage and armor increased substantially. [Added] Suppress loot spawn within the range of a Frequency Jammer. [Added] Blocked base building areas for Chernarus. [Added] Logging of building, storage, and vehicle killed events to hive log. (StorageKilled, VehicleKilled, BuildingKilled) [Added] Offroad MG Pickup. (Classname: B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH) [Added] Server FPS to the debug monitor. (Max: 50, recommend fps are >15 to keep the game stable) [Added] Chance to spawn Lockbox and Backpacks in lockers or wardrobes. [Added] Variable when Loadingscreen finish. (EPOCH_loadingScreenDone change from nil to true) [Added] Base object interact menu (Remove,Move,Upgrade) shown only in build mode after targeting object with Space Bar. [Changed] Toxicity increase from consuming a toxic food item is now random. [Changed] Increased default antagonist spawn chances. [Changed] NPC Trader inventory menu now stacks like items and shows quantity. [Changed] Players are now sent to the lobby after dead, simply press ok to respawn. [Changed] Can now sell and buy uniforms from traders. [Changed] NPC trader data (AI_ITEMS) will now expire in 7 days if no changes are made within that time. Change this with expiresAIdata in epochconfig. [Changed] Added chance to spawn Lockbox and Backpacks in lockers, wardrobes, shipping containers. [Changed] Fireplace recipe changed to require 2 Rocks and 1 Stick to make empty fireplace. Then upgrade with 1 Wood Log to start the fire. [Changed] Player names saved to a separate data set on player connect.  [Changed] Deathlog now logs distance and position. [Changed] Sapper brain reworked. [Changed] Display of personal Crypto balance when opening bank interface. [Changed] Loot Balance: Lowered heavy muzzles count & increased pistol muzzle. [Changed] Increased loot bias for Ferris Wheel and corrected z height on loot positions. [Changed] Improve Cleanup System on Server. [Changed] Behavior changed on UAV troop support. [Changed] Dog to glitch less, reduced whines and more chance to wander. [Fixed] Accuracy and fire rates of custom ported A2 weapons fixed (M107, AKM, M4A3, M16, M14, M249). [Fixed] Sharks not spawning off shipwrecks. [Fixed] Black icons on admin panel spawn menu. [Fixed] Soiled and Wet calculation corrected. [Fixed] Pumpkin patches on Chernarus now payout proper loot. [Fixed] Traders now only allow one vehicle per trade. [Fixed] Alpha transparency issue with empty clone vats. [Fixed] Attempt to prevent vehicle damage during server startup. [Fixed] Removed fireplace sound for now due to Arma issues with sound cleanup. [Fixed] Frequency Jammer can not be built or placed within 3x Jammer radius. (default 225m) [Fixed] GUI scale issues with additional button menu (Group Menu, Requests) on inventory. [Fixed] Missing sounds on Ruger pistol and removed ability to use silencer. [Fixed] Dupe fixes for backpacks, vests, uniforms. [Fixed] Player revive did not work even after respawn. [Fixed] zasleh1_proxy.p3d error with M4A3. [Fixed] Prevent loot objects from spawning under the ground. [Fixed] Group kick and mod options did not work. [Fixed] Cleanup and removal of unneeded rpt debug logs. [Fixed] Removed spoiler button in Welcome Screen. [Fixed] Misspelling in debug monitor (crypto). [Fixed] Welcome screen will be now displayed only once after a major patch (eg. 0.3/0.4/0.5). [info] Requires Arma version 1.40 or higher.   Admin Tool: [Added] Different Map Marker for Vehicles, AI, Player, Loot, Base Building and Dead Player. [Added] Different 3D Tools for: Player, Vehicles and Loot. [Added] Features: God Mode, Spawn Loot, Teleport Infront.
  20. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Tobias Solem in The road to 0.3.0   
    With the approval of AWOL I write this post to give you some heads up on what is going on behind the scenes, and why there have been little to no information lately as to what's going on with the mod. The information I am releasing here are what I've grasped from conversations with AWOL and streams from the developers themselves and thus are prone to change, but they should give you an idea of what's coming. Have no doubt that the devs are still working hard to release a new patch, and the reason why it (0.2.6) has been delayed is that they wanted to release something that will take a big step in the intended direction, something that will impress the community.

    Maintaining two separate developer builds for release was not feasible, and pushing 0.2.6 further and further just wasn't reasonable any longer, so the current next milestone is version 0.3.0. It will come with a database wipe, partly because the database has been changed in development. A changelog is in the works and should be released soon.

    Version 0.3.0 will first be released to the official hosts only, the objective is to stress test the build and see how it performs under pressure (100 players). Us official hosts have an established line of communication with the devs and will be forwarding test data during this initial launch so that the patch works well for a public release.

    The current approximate ETA for release is about a months time.


    + Revamped building system, you can now insert buildables (walls, etc.) into the ground and snap to them, falling walls is a thing of the past
    + Axeman has been working on a new Epoch multi-part mission system, involving using UAV's to gathering intel, , engaging human opponents, etc. etc.
    + More stuff/items you can pick up
    + Expanded map support
    + Improved sapper brain
    + More sapper variants
    + New UGV-enemy
    + Several anti-duping fixes, one of the consequences currently of this is that you get booted to lobby after you permadie.
    + New treasure sites underwater, you can now loot underwater
    + More new loot containers (ie. at Ferris wheels)
    + Several bug and glitch fixes + improved antihack and admin menus
    + You can now bash persistent wrecks of vehicles/rocks and get scrap metal from them
    + Frequency Jammers now prevent loot from spawning within their area
    + More functions/upgradability for frequency jammers
    + Loot tables have been tweaked
    + Base items (cinder, wood, etc.) now are much sturdier and can take lots more punishment
    + New server events (shore ship wrecks) spawn with chests
    + A take all-button
  21. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in (Build B) Server Only Hotfix Changelog For Arma 1.38+   
    [Changed] BE filters updated for Arma 1.38.
    [Changed] Required build and hostname updated in config.cfg
    [Fixed] SteamAPI error handling added to DLL that fixes 100% CPU issue (This feature will be re-enabled after fully tested).
    [Fixed] Removed allowDamage false on player model which caused server side AI not to damage players.
    [info] AiA Terrain pack updated. Download the proper version here http://epochmod.com/download.php.
    [info] Remove old 2014 AiA TP bikeys and use the newer 2015 ones included in this release.
    Admin Tool:
    [Added] Admin sub menus configurable for Owner and lower admins. [Added] Give Krypto option added. Default values are 2500,1000,500,100,50,-1000 These options are configurable. [Added] Vehicle Repair and Repair Vehicle Target. [Changed] Admin Delete Target Key is now F5, fix double usage of DEL Key. [Fixed] Misspelling in spawn menu (Categories). [info] Some new features commented because they require a newer client build.  
    Antihack: [Added] Dynamic loading server side of rscdisplay onload/unload checks with override ability (CBA support). [Added] Checks if the antihack is running, you can change in the config what happens when found not running. (Log/Ban). [Changed] Prefix added to PVS names and a BE filter added in publicVariable.txt. This means that BEC + watchdog are no longer mandatory and will only be needed if no prefix is used. If you change the prefix update the BE filter accordingly. [Changed] Improve anti-teleport script. [Changed] Native support for All in ArmA Version from 01.01.2015.   Please Note: Some of this information is incomplete and will be fully documented in the next major patch changelogs.
  22. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Changelog   
  23. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Changelog   
    [Added] Started on Basic food crafting: Cooked Meat + Sweet corn + empty cooler equals full hunger; returns empty cooler. [Added] Crafting of Large Energy packs: 3x small energy pack + Circuit Parts and a nearby fire. [Added] Basic wild plant spawner: Poppy [Added] New dynamic event object: Ferris Wheel [Added] Antagonist chances moved to epochconfig. [Added] Split server events from weather and added separate timers for each in epochconfig. [Added] Direction labels added to teleport pads. [Added] Epoch Story: Debug area is now Epoch Cloning facility. [Added] Started support for all "AiA Terrain Pack" maps, starting with Chernarus. [Added] Support for Krypto account access from classed ATM and phonebooth objects. [Added] New loot objects: Tarp covered pallet and freezer chest. [Added] Tree support for Bornholm. [Added] Player Krypto accounts now expire after 90 days of inactivity. Can be changed with expiresBank. [Added] Further enhanced DLL logging. [Added] Paint stripper & building parts pricing has been added to Traders. [Added] Extra logging of player connects and disconnects. [updated] Further optimized sound system. [Fixed] Group invite not working [Fixed] Vests and Headgear now populate with correct epoch variants in spawn menu. [Fixed] Item spawning now will add the items to a vehicle if target is in one. [Fixed] Disable SteamAPI VAC ban calls for now as it was reported to cause CPU high load, it will be renabled in a future patch. [Fixed] Better way to track dead state of player. [Fixed] Losing group when logging out while dead. [Fixed] Revive statistics were not persisting. [Fixed] Optimize cleanup system for more stable server fps. [Fixed] Removed doppleganger code for now, as it was not working as intended. [Fixed] Epoch welcome message encoding issue and fixed Scroll bar. [Fixed] Parachutes are now safe to use. [Fixed] Increased the amount of thirst gained from Drinks/Sodas. [Fixed] Increased the amount of hunger gained from Can Food and Cooked Meats. [Fixed] Bug in sound system with Cultist caused error that broke master loop. [Fixed] False publicVariable kicks that happen since the ArmA 3 update 1.36. (BattlEye Log shows PLAYER_REJECT_NoResponse) [Fixed] False script restriction kicks that happen when player destroy electric wire.  
    Release date: 12/23/2014
  24. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to Axle in Approved Servers Listing, Read first!   
    If you do not follow these rules, your thread will be deleted or hidden until you comply. We love that you are hosting Epoch and want nothing more then to have you here advertising your Epoch server But we follow rules and adhere to Bohemia and content creators licensing.  Follow these simple rules.
    TITLE: Will contain your server name as listed in the Arma 3 game browser or your server.cfg.
    Tags: Up to you but keep it relative to your server (no "best server" ,"number 1 server")
    1.  Absolutely no "donor" boxes or "donor" stores selling Arma 3 and/or Epoch assets,  Read if you have more questions DML-SA ,  https://www.bistudio.com/monetization/faq#c5
    2. Your ip of your server! If no ip then it will be hidden then eventually deleted.
    3.  List the addons you are running along side with @EPOCH ( @overwatch,  @Napf, and so on.) Helps players connect to your server.
      3a.  Current mods not allowed is Origins by request of the creator. 
    4.  List your website address if you have one (preferred), or teamspeak, discord,  msn,  yahoo,  aol,  irc,  bbs so we can direct your players if they have a problem to the server owner. We just let you advertise, We don't do support for your players. No excuses. Discord is free and a great alternative to teamspeak if you don't have the resources. Create a discord server
    5. English first then convert to your preferred language below. Do not create two separate posts with different languages.
    6. Only one "bump" by OP within a 24 hour period. We understand that editing or replying to a post will bump you automatically. Just no "bump" posts.  
    7.  I tend to check servers to see if they are online monthly randomly, if they are not I will hide them and send a pm. If no response within 7 days I remove them. 
  25. Like
    DruidRaven reacted to vbawol in Hotfix Changelog   
    [New] Control sound volume in-game with Ctrl plus - or +. [Fixed] Issue that caused admin panel to bug out and close all dialogs.   This build will be posted today
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