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    NastyBastrd reacted to raymix in [Video] Guide to server structure, variables, functions and Diffmerge   
    What is this guide for?
    Actually for everyone who ever wanted to learn about file structure of Arma 2 MP environment (Epoch in this case), from beginners to a bit more advanced users alike, including script makers and editors.
    What is this guide not for?
    If you ever created your own @mod, this guide is probably not for you.
    Damn 1 hour long video, is it worth watching it?
    No, create new topic and ask someone to help you with scripts if you came here to ask that question
    What are benefits from watching this video?
    If you actually follow along, you will be able to better troubleshoot problems with server and custom scripts. You will also be introduced to file structure of Epoch server, custom variables and compiles files as well as diffmerging files for script updates or compatibility issues.
    Are there any requirements to follow this guide?
    No, grab a coffee and chill. Don't try to replicate anything, instead just try to follow along, this is a theoretical guide rather than a tutorial.
    What's in the video?
    Introduction: I am explaining reason behind this video in full detail and talking about further contents, so skip ahead to what suits you best.
    Structure (03:00): We will be exploring file structure from first press of a button that lets client join the server. I will be explaining about different types of files used to run a server and how they chain load each other to make up a fully working server. Topics covered: Config files, mission config (ext) file, bin files, sqm and include files. I will be covering certain less essential parts like how RAM and HDD is used while loading scripts or PBO contents on demand.
    Variables (16:51): This section is for admins and script makers who brings over custom variables.sqf over to mission file. I will be explaining how variables are being defined to avoid RPT errors as well as introducing to common mistakes of redefining already defined variables that are present with many scripts and their guides and how to reduce mission file size by only reusing what is required. For all modders out there, please keep your own vars within your scripts, lets stop this madness.
    Functions (33:15): Precompiling functions is what actually makes our servers work. In this part of guide I will explain how they make up the server structure and how you are literary loading client and server files starting from init.sqf in your mission file. Yes you read that correct. I will be explaining common mistakes server admins commit by using custom compiles file server side and how majority of admins would blindly follow bad advices/guides and force loading their client and server files twice. We will be diving into more detail about compiles.sqf client side and server_functions.sqf files explaining how common mistakes are made when installing several addons that reuse same function and how to avoid future problems.
    Diffmerging (47:55): Last major part of this guide. I will be explaining how to work some magic with Diffmerge (or similar tools) to keep your addons up-to-date, as well as ironing out any incompatibilities between your custom scripts. We will be looking at how to diffmerge single file, whole folders and even merge two functions together to make them compatible. Experience gained here should allow you to merge any mod (or multiple mods) out there that uses same function making them compatible again.
    Final words (1:08:35): Conclusion and quick review of what we have learned within an hour of this guide.
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    NastyBastrd reacted to vbawol in Need BitTorrent seeders for A3 Epoch   
    Please help us reduce our costs by seeding our releases.

    Latest version torrent RSS:
    http://epochmod.com/mirrors.xml direct torrent
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    NastyBastrd reacted to Axle in New Limited Edition Tee!   
    It's time for the sapper.
    Help support the mod by picking up a limited edition shirt!

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    NastyBastrd reacted to titan in Custom HiveExt.dll Release...   
    can i request a pinned on this?

    No Arma2NET or extDB.dll required. just replace your HiveEXT.dll.
    I have included a version for Multiple Character Mod for DayZ Epoch 1.0.5 by Axe Cop.
    Coin Currency Modded hiveExt.dll for DayZ Epoch 1.0.5 by TiTAN ========================================================   Installation instructions =========================   Download file .zip from https://github.com/AKA-TiTAN/Coin-Currency-HiveExt.dll   Pre-requirements: a PBO manager and basic knowledge of ArmA script editing

    Please Test before you commit to a live Server!

    Alternatively If you are running a standard Overpoch server (you will still need @DayzOverpoch and the Key File if you have'nt already got it)
    You can Just Replace your server's @DayZ_Epoch_server file, and replace your DayZ_Epoch_Server11.Chernarus file in your MPMissions folder.
    This includes Axe Cops Multi Char support.

    and run the following querys


    modify your player cleanup Query from deleting all 'dead' players with something like

    DELETE n1 FROM Character_DATA n1, Character_DATA n2 WHERE n1.CharacterID < n2.CharacterID AND n1.PlayerUID = n2.PlayerUID

    then the last player entry will remain dead or alive, and palyer will not loose their "bank balance" or Humanity!

    Thats it and you are Done!

    Alternatively you can modify you own files below.

    You might want to compare/edit the .sqf files rather than replace, if you already have made modifications to them.

    1) run the SQL query to add the Required columns to the "Character_DATA" table in your Epoch database:

    2) unpack your dayz_server.pbo

    3) copy the file HiveExt.dll to the @DayZ_Epoch_Server folder (overwrite the Epoch file)

    4) Replace the file compile\server_playerSetup.sqf, in your dayz_server.pbo with File supplied.

    5) Replace the file compile\server_playerSync.sqf, in your dayz_server.pbo with File supplied.

    6) If its a standard dayz_server pbo (ie: if not and modifying to Zupa's 999 version) then you will need to add the files in Server Folder to the Relevent folders.

    7)    repack your dayz_server.pbo

    8) If modifying Zupa's 999 version In Your Mission folder, Replace the relevent files in the missions folder .


    6) repack your dayz_server.pbo

    you will need to edit your scripts for use.

    If you are using your own scripts, you will need to edit your scripts!!!!

    to call eg:-

    PVDZE_plr_Save = [_activatingPlayer,(magazines _activatingPlayer),true,true] ;
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_plr_Save";

    "wealth" and "bank" variables will need to be used, (unless you change them to you own in the server_playerSetup.sqf and server_playerSync.sqf to what ever variables you use to store your player money and bank variables in your scripts).
    i have added a gold folder in my github file, it is quick and dirty edit of Zupa's from his github.

    loads of Credit goes to him for those.
  5. Like
    NastyBastrd reacted to Soul in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    just finished compiling the dll still need to make a simple sql query file to add needed field and table
    but have no time to do that right now, will do it this evening tho.
    i'll upload everything when i'm done and you guys can test it out. not confirmed working or tested for bug
    compiler returned 0 errors so it should be good to go.
    if it has bugs i can have thevisad take a look at it if its over my head, if anyone knows the guy. he's the
    creator of the reality hive. a most helpfull guy he is :)
    will soon release my custom auto refuel that you now have to pay goldcoins for and update it in the future
    with config files that handle fueltank size and fuel base price/L etc and do calculations of that to see
    how many liters where fueld and get a realistic price that way... but first i have to get this hive out of the way :p
  6. Like
    NastyBastrd reacted to Zupa in [Outdated] [Release] Single Currency & Banking 1.1   
    Outdated, already built into Epoch 1.0.7
    Single Currency & Banking
    999 Hive: 1.1 Arme2Net: 0 ExtDB: 0 Own Hive: 2.0 (NEW) DEFAULT HIVE: 3.0 recommended ->  EXCLUSIVE NEW
    Loud has did the dll changes to have our own support ( Titan did this great work aswell, but Loud his ones are better since it will give a nicer support on axe multichar ( 1 bank for 3 chars). + the bank is seperate from the character, linked to PUID. If character data is corrupt in titans version you will loose your bank.
    I will extend this post later ( i have to go in 10min). But find the Topic here already:
    This script adds virtual money on a players character. Next to that there is a global banking linked to your playerid. No more gold items in your precious inventory.
    Trade with gold coins (not an item) Give coins to other people Take coins from dead bodies Bank coins at ATM's Bank coins at Open Safes/Lockboxes Configurable currency name Configurable limits on bank for normal/donators. The current release will sacrefice your headshots coins for your money, other version releases will probably change this to an independent field. This option will stay for people not willing to change the database.
    PlayerMade Addons:
    Force Update on disconnect: (Soul)
    infiSTAR Anti-Hack Additions - Add Money to player (kaotix)
    Please make a new topic for every big/issue you want to report. We will get to you as soon as possible.
    Known Issues:
    No Maintaining with the 999 hive 
    We are going to revive axes maintain to solve this for the 999 version.
    Download and instructions:
    Currently on an external website, will be made more clear later
    Fixed money duping Configurable banks and Currency name 1.0
    Innitial release.
    We are planning to release multiple versions with different backbones. We have 4 versions in mind who all be developped eventually. We know the 999 is the worst solution, but it works for now.
    Macca : Made the original single currency on ccg servers which is the skeleton of this project. AsReMix: Making the innitial fancy debug. MGM: Making a nice structured Thread and contacting people. All the people helping on the project ( individually added later) Screenshots:

    If you still using 1.0, this is the duping fix
    Change the followig in your server pbo, compiles/server_playerSync.sqf
    at line 117
    _headShots =     ["headShots",_character] call server_getDiff; to
    _headShots =     0;
  7. Like
    NastyBastrd reacted to Zupa in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    Ugh; atm's in safezones is sooo lame ^^
    money will never leave the safezone, cus u bank it right after u sell/buy. 
    Goodbey pvp.
  8. Like
    NastyBastrd got a reaction from mgm in [PROJECT] Gold Coin based Single Currency & Banking System   
    I would Like to take this opportunity to say a Big Thank-you to Zupa and all the other people using their time to create Single Currency.
    Hats off to you keep up the Good Work.
  9. Like
    NastyBastrd reacted to vbawol in Unified Epoch Project   
    We have always welcomed commits to the gitHub for Dayz Epoch ever since it was released at the end of 2012. I encourage anyone that has made something for DayZ Epoch or using our code to at least attempt to make a commit. You wont know if you don't try.
    I don't know how many times I must say this but 1.0.5 will not be our last patch. We have plans to take DayZ Epoch to 1.1 and beyond provided that the community actually keeps committing fixes and features and I will keep assisting in getting them tested and ready for release. Long term I will likely get back into developing for A2 DayZ Epoch when things calm down related to A3 Epoch Mod.
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