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Posts posted by kat

  1. I understand that '_this' can work for this as a local variable :


    _myVariable =


    _mVa = _this select 0;

    _mVb = _this select 1;

    _mVc = _this select 2;


    _total = _mVa + _mVb - _mVc;



    [1,2,3] call _hinting;


    hint format ["Example Total: %1",_total];


    Then i see things like this:

    _body = (_this select 3) select 0;


    Can someone give some detailed advanced examples where "_this" is used?


    Also is _this strictly local?


    Thank youuuu!


  2. Thanks, been waiting for this. :)


    I'm getting some errors in my client rpt log

      Error position: <select 1] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then >
      Error Zero divisor
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.panthera2\custom\service_point\service_point_refuel.sqf, line 15
    Error in expression <;

    if !([ player,_costs select 1] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
    _textMissing >
      Error position: <SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
    _textMissing >
      Error Undefined variable in expression: sc_fnc_removecoins
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.panthera2\custom\service_point\service_point_repair.sqf, line 14
    Error in expression <;

    if !([ player,_costs select 1] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
    _textMissing >
      Error position: <SC_fnc_removeCoins) then {
    _textMissing >
      Error Undefined variable in expression: sc_fnc_removecoins
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.panthera2\custom\service_point\service_point_rearm.sqf, line 15
    Error in expression <;

    if !([ player,_costs select 1] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then >


    anyone figure this out yet?


    Oh and just to let everyone know there is a missing ] in service_point.sqf


    _repair_costs = [
        ["Air",[CurrencyName,_coinsRepairAir], // 5 Gold for helicopters and planes
        ["AllVehicles",[CurrencyName,_coinsRepairVehicles]] // 2 Gold for all other vehicles

    should be this

    _repair_costs = [
        ["Air",[CurrencyName,_coinsRepairAir]], // 5 Gold for helicopters and planes
        ["AllVehicles",[CurrencyName,_coinsRepairVehicles]] // 2 Gold for all other vehicles


    Did you add the variables to your custom compiles? 


    If you have Souls custom Hive.dll

    In those variables change 'headShots' to 'cashMoney'


    Refuel wasn't working as i was getting null something null (cant remember exactly)  :rolleyes:

    In Service_point.sqf i changed


    _refuel_costs = [];




    _refuel_costs = [




    Then added:


    _coinsRefuelVehicles = 0;

    _coinsRefuelAir = 0;




    _coinsRepairVehicles = 2000;


    Probably not the best way to go about it, works tho.  :lol:



  3. If you want to test quickly, change '<start>001000</start>' to '<start>000010</start>' = start after 10 seconds

    Change '<runtime>002500</runtime>' to '<runtime>000010</runtime>' loop after 10 seconds from start.


    Change '<loop>1</loop>' to '<loop>-1</loop>'    -1 = infinite loop

  4.  Here is a slice of my scheduler.xml.


    <job id='0'>
    <cmd>say -1 Your Message</cmd>


    This will run 25mins after server start and loop forever at 25 min intervals.


    Change the job id to suit.

    Change "Your Message" to what ever.


    Useful link



    *Post your scheduler.xml

  5. Yep, if adding a new trader, add:


    if((_traderMenu select 2) == "superhero") then {
    _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 25000);
    if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then {
    _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000);



    The 25000 is the humanity needed. So, _humanity < 25000 is hero and _humanity > -25000 is bandit.

    Also change the name for each custom trader.


    If just changing the already current traders just change the 5000 to what you want


    if((_traderMenu select 2) == "hero") then {
    _humanity_logic = (_humanity < 5000);










  6. ACR woodland camo:

    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_G33_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HAMR_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_HWS_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_IRN_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_WDL_RCO_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    Scoped Weapons:

    class SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SR25 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SR25SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SV_98 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SV_98_69 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SV_98_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_sc2shd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_sc2sp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G3sg1b {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class DMR_DZ {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class gms_k98 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class gms_k98zf39 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class gms_k98_knife {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class gms_k98_rg {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SKS {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SVDK {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SVD_63 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SVD_M {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SVD_N {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SVD_P21 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_SVD_S {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_MSR_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_sc2 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_sc2acog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_sc2aim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_sc2eot {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m14 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m14acog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m14aim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m14eot {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_vsk94 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G3SG1 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1s {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1sacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1saim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1seot {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1sshd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1ssp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1stacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1staim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1steot {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1stshd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_HK417s {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class USSR_cheytacM200 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class USSR_cheytacM200_sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_MSR_NV_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_MSR_NV_SD_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_MSR_SD_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_RSASS_SD_TAN {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_RSASS_TAN {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_XM2010_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_XM2010_NV_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    class FHQ_XM2010_NV_SD_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    class FHQ_XM2010_SD_DESERT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m21 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M110 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M110sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M14G {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M21G {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1st {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_m1stsp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Groza_SC {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"Itembriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};


    class USSR_5Rnd_408 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_5Rnd_300Win_XM2010_NT {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_5Rnd_300Win_XM2010_NT_SD {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_7Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_7Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT_SD {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_bhp_mag {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class gms_k98_mag {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_usp45sd_mag {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_usp45_mag {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_10Rnd_762x54_SV {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_10Rnd_SVDK {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_20Rnd_762x51_G3 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_32Rnd_uzi {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_32Rnd_UZI_SD {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_10Rnd_22LR_mk2 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_12Rnd_45cal_usp {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_13Rnd_9x19_bhp {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_15Rnd_9x19_usp {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_17Rnd_9x19_g17 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_17Rnd_9x19_g17SD {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_19Rnd_9x19_g18 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_20Rnd_32cal_vz61 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_20Rnd_762x51_hk417 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_20Rnd_762x51_SD_hk417 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_20Rnd_9x19_M93 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_30Rnd_9x19_tec {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_32Rnd_9x19_Muzi {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_6Rnd_357_Mag {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_6Rnd_44_Mag {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_7Rnd_32cal_ppk {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_7Rnd_50_AE {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_8Rnd_45cal_m1911 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_8Rnd_762_tt33 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_8Rnd_9x19_Mk {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_8Rnd_9x19_Mksd {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_8Rnd_9x19_P38 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_20Rnd_762x51_PMAG_NT {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_20Rnd_762x51_PMAG_NT_SD {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class 2000Rnd_762x51_M134{
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 200Rnd_556x45_M249 {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class 20rnd_762x51_B_SCAR {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class 20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class 20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS {
    type = "trade_items";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar"};

    Police Vehicles:

    class CVPI_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_Trooper_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_TrooperSL_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_NYPD_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_HighwaySL_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_UnmarkedB_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_UnmarkedG_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_LAPD_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_UnmarkedW_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_LAPDSL_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class CVPI_NYPDSL_Patrol {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class policecar {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Copcar {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Copcarhw {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Copcarswat {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemBriefcase100oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    Civ Vehicles:

    class Civcar {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Civcarbu {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class civcarbl {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Civcarre {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Civcarge {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Civcarwh {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Civcarsl {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_red {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_kiwi {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_black {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_silver {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_green {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_blue {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_gold {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_white {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_pink {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_mod {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_ruben {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_v {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_city {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class 350z_yellow {
    type = "trade_any_vehicle";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

  7. MySQL Entries:
    Config Traders! 

    1. In your mission file, open init.sqf and add:
    DZE_ConfigTrader = true;
    spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500
    2. Open your description.ext and add
    #include "CfgServerTrader\cfgServerTrader.hpp"
    enableItemsDropping = 0;
    3. In the root directory open @Dayz_Epoch > addons > dayz_epoch_b.pbo
    *note, If you don't already have a pbo manager, here is a link
    Inside there will a folder called "CfgServerTrader", Copy to the root of your mission folder.
    In the newly copied CfgServerTrader folder there will be a folder called "Category" and a .hpp file called "cfgServerTrader.hpp"
    The category folder is where you add the new trader entries.


    class Category_575 {
            class ITEM_1 {
                 type = "trade_any_vehicle";
                 buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
                 sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
           class ITEM_2 {
                 type = "trade_any_vehicle";
                 buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
                 sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};



    Either create a new Trader_entry.hpp file or add to the bottom of a pre existing .hpp file.
    note that the 575 is the trader TID which will need to be changed as i'm using custom traders.
    If you wish to add a custom trader check out
    If you do create a new .hpp file make sure to call it from "cfgservertrader.hpp"
    Example, Add:
    #include "Category\YOUR_FILE.hpp"



    Bowbii's more indepth guide


    Below i've included most if not all Overwatch weapons. Chop and change as you wish ^_^  
    AK Variants:

    class vil_ak12 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_ak12_ap {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_ak12_gp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKM {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AKMS {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKMSB {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKMS_GP25 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKM_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKS_47 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKS_74 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKS_74p {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKS_74p_45 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKS_74p_gp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKS_74_gp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKs_74_u {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AKs_74_u45 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Vil_AKS_74_UB {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Vil_AKS_74_UN_kobra {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AK_101 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_103 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_105 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Vil_AK_105_c {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_107 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class Vil_AK_107_c {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_47 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AK_47_49 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_47_m1 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_c {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_EOT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_EOT_Alfa {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_EOT_FSB {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_EOT_FSB_45 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_EOT_FSB_60 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_gp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_gp_29 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_k {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74m_p29 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74M_PSO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74P {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74_gp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_74_N {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_nato_m1 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AK_nato_m80 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AEK1 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AEK2 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AeK_23 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AeK_3 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AeK_3_K {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AEK_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AMD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AMD63 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_ASH82 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M64 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M70 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M70B {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_type88_1 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_9a91 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_9a91_c {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_9a91_csd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Abakan {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Abakan_gp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Abakan_P29 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_VAL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_VAL_C {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    G3 Variants:

    class vil_AG3 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AG36 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AG36A2 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AG36KA4 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_AG36KV {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_AG3EOT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Vikhr {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36a2 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G36CC {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G36E {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G36KA4 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KES {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KSK {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KSKdes {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G36KSKdesES {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KSKES {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KV3 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KV3Des {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36KVA4 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G36KVZ {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G36VA4 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G36VA4Eot {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G3a2 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3a3 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3a4 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3a4b {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3an {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3anb {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3TGS {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3TGSb {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_G3ZF {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_G3zfb {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_Galil {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_Galil_arm {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};


    class RH_deagle {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_Deagleg {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_Deaglem {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_Deaglemz {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_Deaglemzb {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_Deagles {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_g17 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_g17sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_g18 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_g19 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_g19t {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_browninghp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_bull {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_anac {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_anacg {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m1911 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m1911old {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m1911sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m9 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m93r {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m9c {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m9csd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_m9sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_usp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_uspm {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_uspsd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_mk2 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_mk22 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_mk22sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_mk22v {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_mk22vsd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_p226 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_p226s {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_p38 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_ppk {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_python {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_tec9 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_tt33 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_vz61 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_B_HP {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_USP {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_USP45 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {6,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_USP45SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_USPSD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_uzi {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_uzimini {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_uzimini_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_uzi_c {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_uzi_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_MP5SD_EOTech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_MP5_EOTech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Glock {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class vil_Glock_o {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};

    Masada ACR:

    class RH_mas {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_masacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masb {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {7,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_masbacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masbaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masbeotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masbsd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masbsdacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masbsdaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_masbsdeotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_maseotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_massd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_massdacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_massdaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_massdeotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    SCAR Rifles:

    class SCAR_H_CQC_CCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_L_CQC {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_L_CQC_Holo {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_L_STD_HOLO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};


    class RH_hk416 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_hk416acog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_hk416aim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416eotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416gl {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_hk416glacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416glaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416gleotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416s {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416saim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sdaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sdeotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sdgl {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sdglaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sdgleotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416seotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sgl {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sglacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sglaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk416sgleotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};


    class RH_hk417 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar"};
    class RH_hk417acog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417aim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417eotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417s {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417saim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sd {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sdacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sdaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sdeotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sdsp {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {9,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417seotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sgl {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sglacog {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sglaim {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class RH_hk417sgleotech {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};


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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_M249_Para {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_FnMag {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Mg3 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_MG4 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_MG4E {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_Minimi {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_MPi {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_PK {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_PKM {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_PKP {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_PKP_EOT {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_PMI {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_PMI74S {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK74 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK74M {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK74M_P29 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK75 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK75_M72 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_RPK75_Romania {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class vil_zastava_m84 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class skavil_M60 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class skavil_M60e3 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    ACR snow camo:

    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_CCO_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33 {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_G33_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HAMR_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_HWS_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_IRN_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_SNW_RCO_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    ACR black camo

    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_CCO_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_G33_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_G33_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_BLK_G33_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

    ACR tan camo:

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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
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    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_HWS_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_HWS_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_HWS_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_IRN_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_GL {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_GL_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {3,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {1,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_GL_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_GL_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_SD {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    class FHQ_ACR_TAN_RCO_SD_F {
    type = "trade_weapons";
    buy[] = {5,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};
    sell[] = {2,"ItemGoldBar10oz"};

  8. I'm suffering from database rollbacks with 20-25+ players. 

    Is there any obvious reason why its doing this from looking at my sql settings?


    With a dedicated server are you renting a mysql server or are you hosting it yourself alongside an epoch server?


    Here is my, my.ini:


    port= 3306
    socket = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock"
    basedir = "C:/xampp/mysql" 
    tmpdir = "C:/xampp/tmp" 
    datadir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
    pid_file = "mysql.pid"
    key_buffer = 16M
    max_allowed_packet = 4M
    sort_buffer_size = 512K
    net_buffer_length = 8K
    read_buffer_size = 256K
    read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
    myisam_sort_buffer_size = 234M
    log_error = "mysql_error.log"
    plugin_dir = "C:/xampp/mysql/lib/plugin/" 
    server-id = 1
    innodb_data_home_dir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
    innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
    innodb_log_group_home_dir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data"
    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G
    innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 256M
    innodb_log_file_size = 128M
    innodb_log_buffer_size = 10M
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
    innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
    max_allowed_packet = 16M
    key_buffer = 8M
    sort_buffer_size = 8M
    read_buffer = 2M
    write_buffer = 2M
    key_buffer = 20M
    sort_buffer_size = 20M
    read_buffer = 2M
    write_buffer = 2M


    Any feedback would be amazing!

  9. Heres mine, pretty straight forward. Restart every 3 hours.


    Change cmdtype to 0


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <job id="0">
    <cmd>say -1 message every 30mins</cmd>
    <job id="1">
    <cmd>say -1 Message every 35 mins  </cmd>
    <job id="2">
    <cmd>say -1 Message every 25 mins </cmd>
    <job id="3">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="4">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="5">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="6">
    <job id="7">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="8">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="9">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="10">
    <job id="11">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="12">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="13">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="14">
    <job id="15">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="16">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="17">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="18">
    <job id="19">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="20">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="21">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="22">
    <job id="23">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="24">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="25">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="26">
    <job id="27">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="28">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="29">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="30">
    <job id="31">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="32">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 3 minutes</cmd>
    <job id="33">
    <cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now or risk losing your gear.</cmd>
    <job id="34">

  10. Maybe trying a custom debug from this thread: 


    Or using Infistar.


    Or adding it to playerstats.sqf

    *note that this is untested


    If you dont already have a custom compiles.sqf  visit


    In your custom compiles.sqf find:


    dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";



    Change to:


    dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";




    Copy dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf from dayz_code.pbo>actions and paste into your 'custom' folder


    Open your newly created dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf and find this line:




    _nill = execvm "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\playerstats.sqf"; 


     Change to both instances to :


    _nill = execvm "custom\playerstats.sqf";



    Copy playerstats.sqf from "dayz_code.pbo > actions > playerstats.sqf" and paste into your custom folder.


    Open your newly copied playerstats.sqf and paste this:

    private "_name";
    //Let Zeds know
    [player,4,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
    //display gui (temp hint)
    _name = if (alive player) then {name player;} else {"Dead Player";};
    hintSilent parseText format ["
    <t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>%1</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.20' font='Bitstream' color='#5882FA'>Survived %7 Days</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Blood Left: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%8</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Murders: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%5</t><br/><br/>
    <t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='left'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' font='Bitstream' align='right'>%6</t><br/><br/>",
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
    player createDiarySubject ["MyDiary","My Diary"];
    player createDiaryRecord ["MyDiary",["Stats", "Zombies Killed: <execute expression=player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]'</execute&gt]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["MyDiary",["Stats", "Headshots: <execute expression=player getVariable['headShots', 0]'</execute&gt]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["MyDiary",["Stats", "Murders: <execute expression=player getVariable['humanKills', 0]'</execute&gt]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["MyDiary",["Stats", "Bandits Killed: <execute expression=player getVariable['banditKills', 0]'</execute&gt]];
    player createDiaryRecord ["MyDiary",["Stats", "Humanity: <execute expression=player getVariable['humanity', 0]'</execute&gt]];




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