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Posts posted by FreakingFred

  1. 5 hours ago, salival said:


    For what it's worth this didn't work for me.

    I had to change it to the following code to actually eject them.


    	if ((count crew _object) > 0) then {
    		{ _x action ["Eject",_object];  } forEach crew _object;


    That is odd.  It is still working on my server.  Also, I was under the impression "moveOut" was the same thing as ejecting, just without an animation.  Like I stated in my first post, it can take longer to eject players if the server hasn't restarted in a while, or has a lot of players online.  On my test server, it ejects players instantly.  On my live server, with 70 people online, it can take 10+ seconds.  Let me know if anyone has gotten this to work on their server.  Thanks.

  2. On 6/10/2016 at 2:00 AM, Shak said:


    This script requires the 'execute epoch events manually' by Sandbird to run, but I am sure that someone with greater scripting ability then me could make this execute via the epoch events system, or perhaps at server startup.

    It would be great if this script detected if a player were nearby and only spawned the loot crate if the area had been 'held' for a certain amount of time. Alas, that's well beyond my level.

    The event marker does not show to people who either die or join after the event has started.

    The event marker does not delete, it stays until restart. I don't really see that as an issue however, as each .sqf is quite small (7-12kb) and they do contain military buildings to loot.

    1. What is actually stopping this from being executed as an Epoch Event?  From a quick glance, I believe you should be able to.  You could even randomly choose which battlefield location spawns.
    2. This is very rough pseudo code, and could be completely incorrect or bad practice, but I believe you could do something along the lines of:
      i = 0;
      while {players are within radius of area} do {
      	waitUntil { _i = _i + 1; _i >= "# in seconds to wait" };
      	create loot box;


    3. You can refresh the markers in whatever interval you want by creating a while loop that runs while the event is active (more pseudo code):
      while {EventRunning} do {
      	//create your marker(s)
      	sleep "# in seconds for refresh";
      	//delete your marker(s)


    4. To delete the marker you should only have to:
    5. deleteMarker "Marker Name";


    It's almost 5 in the morning, so if this was completely unintelligible, then please ignore me. xD

  3. Neat idea.  I am not sure if this has been suggested to you before or not, but have you thought about running this as an Epoch Event?  That way instead of running it at server startup, and having it sleep for an hour, you could just set it to run the script at a specific time.  Just a suggestion.  Good luck!

  4. We have ran into the following two issues regarding blown up vehicles on our server:

    1. Players get stuck in blown up vehicles, and are actually unable to eject.
    2. Players refuse to eject from a blown up vehicle, as a way to avoid combat.

    These are the steps I took to fix this issue:

    1. Navigate to dayz_server\compile.
    2. Open server_updateObject.sqf with your text editor of choice.
    3. CTRL+F and search for the following:
      _object_killed = {


    4. Under that, copy and paste the following:
      if((count crew _object) > 0) then{
      	{ moveOut _x } forEach crew _object;


    5. Save and done.


    This has been tested a decent amount over the past few restarts on my server, and has been reported to be working by the players.  The only small issue we have found, is that when it gets close to a server restart, and there are 60-70 players online, it can sometimes take up to 20-30 seconds to eject the player(s).  If anyone has any suggestions on how to do this better, then please feel free to share.  Hopefully, this helps a few people.  Enjoy!

  5. Well you just did a really good job of telling me to go away without saying it. Nice to see so much help out of someone that clearly has some experience. I read enough to know of you. Cant miss that pic.

    So I guess that small number of people dont matter. Guys like you make me sick.

    Thanks anyhow Pal!!

    It is no one else's responsibility to hold your hand through the installation of these addons. I have seen posts from Richie all over this forum, helping out where he can, and offering advice to people in need of it. Your inability to successfully implement this addon is not anyone's fault but your own. You tell Richie that "Guys like [him] make [you] sick." Well, it is the falsely entitled, lazy, ignorant "server administrators" like you, who make me sick, and who make the creators of addons question whether they should release their work publicly or not, knowing they will have to filter through countless posts from "administrators" like you, just to get to the posts from people who have legitimate issues and deserve the help.

  6. Hey,


    Our server has all of these additions, outside of Plot 4 Life (we use Plot Management + Door Management instead), and meets the rest of your criteria.  Our server has only been up for a couple of weeks now, and we don't have any clans larger then a few players.  We are currently seeing, during our peak hours, a population of around 15-25 players.  If you would like some more information, then you can refer to our post

  7. What time zone are you in, and what size server population are you looking for?


    I host an Overpoch server on a dedicated server machine out of Chicago, US.  Our server is not one of the "FULLY MILITARIZED | TANKS | JETS | SPAWN WITH EVERYTHING YOU WILL EVER NEED" kind of servers, but it is also not quite a hardcore survival atmosphere either.  We offer very modest starting loadouts (Pistol + Decent Backpack + Food/Drink + Med Supplies), and we will be adding LAVs, BTRs, and Armed Little Birds, as well as RPGs to be able to combat the armored vehicles.


    As far as PvE content, we have tons of custom AI missions, and roaming AI.  We are also currently setting up a headless client to run our zombies and AI on, to increase server performance, and allow for higher densities of zombies (walker style).


    Currently, during peak hours, we are seeing in the range of 15-25 people on, but we also just started hosting servers again a couple weeks back, and many of our community members are finishing up college/high school finals.  To find more information on our server, you can refer to our thread 

  8. i follow this thread and...


    so let me understand...

    Warning Message: Error: creating weapon MMG_01_base_F with scope=private

    means, it spawns a wrong Navid with not allowed equipment?


    I believe it can mean a couple things.  It could mean that MMG_01_base_F is not classed as a weapon, or it could mean that MMG_01_base_F is not in any of the mods you have active on your server.


    setFlagTexture is local effect only so to make it local to everyone try change this:

    _this setFlagTexture 'flag.jpg';

    to this:

    _this setVehicleInit "this setFlagTexture 'flag.jpg'";


    I think you missed a semicolon there.  If my understanding is correct, then it should be:

    _this setVehicleInit "this setFlagTexture 'flag.jpg';";

    I could be wrong though.  It wouldn't be the first time.

  10. Also, if you have Infistar AH, then I would just suggest attempting to add in new commands to the AH.sqf.  Just open up the file, hit ctrl+F, search for "dance," and you will see all of the commands.  That would probably be your best bet.

  11. that still didn't work, no errors but it didn't recognize the text at all.


    is there a already made file in compiles.sqf to use?


    If you haven't already, then  I believe you are going to have to loop that if conditional.  I would suggest trying to add it into a while loop that's conditional is always true.

    _condition = true;
    while {_condition} do {
    // if condition then execute code

    [Edit] Never mind, I just realized that Gr8 had already mentioned using a while loop.

  12. Hello, I have a problem with auction script (MMO Style). I installed it, and I see the auction trading menu, near trader, but Database is not working. I trough to change this database to my original, but is not working( Can you help me with install extDB? Already thanks


    Have you added @extDB to the launch parameters of your server?

  13. I actually removed that due to some other thread saying since gamespy is dead it was irrelevant. I'll put it back just incase.


    I didnt send them an email because dayzlauncher didnt tell me anything was wrong. I guess ill give it a go anyways, maybe they have ideas. thanks again everyone.


    You're right.  Bohemia's wiki says it has been deprecated since 1.63.


    steamport = 2326;
    steamqueryport = 2327;
    hostName = "Moog Panthera Server (1.0.5)";
    password = "";
    passwordAdmin = "";
    maxPlayers = 2;
    logFile = "server_log.txt";
    voteThreshold = 2;
    voteMissionPlayers = 3;
    reportingIP = "";
    timeStampFormat = "short";
    motd[] = {"DayZ Epoch","Have fun!"};
    motdInterval = 0;
    vonCodecQuality = 11;
    disableVoN = 0;
    kickduplicate = 1;
    verifySignatures = 0;
    persistent = 1;
    BattlEye = 0;
    doubleIdDetected = "";
    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
    onDifferentData = "";
    regularCheck = "";
    requiredBuild = 125548;
    requiredSecureId = 2;
    class Missions
        class Mission1
        template = "DayZ_Epoch_16.Panthera2";
    entire config. Ive tried flipping the ports 2326 2327 or vice versa, even went with 2323 2324. no luck. 



    For reportingIP, I have:

    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";

    I would try adding that, and see if it helps.  I believe that is your issue though.

  15. I'm beyond frustrated. This is stupid at this point. You enter the ip and the port, and it should work.

    Steam is trash, I miss gamespy.  Help me. Please please please. Shouldnt be soo hard to play with one other person. lol


    If you only have to worry about one other person, and all else fails, then you can just try to have them directly connect to your server through their launch parameters.  Information on doing this can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

  16. In your server's config.cfg, you have to change the difficulty setting.  For example:

    class Missions
        class Mission1
        	template = "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus";

    As you can see, my server is currently set to Veteran difficulty.  If you have player markers, then your difficulty is probably set to Recruit.


    [Edit] Just fyi, I saw this thread on the forums side bar, and just realized it is pertaining to Arma 3, haha.  I haven't messed with Arma 3, so I have no clue if this is relevant.

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