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Posts posted by js2k6

  1. Yea Im still having the problem Admins Can use the traders just fine while players without Admin cannot, I added the exception in the Allowed Dialogs. 


    The Player can open the menu but when they select buy they cannot see any of the guns in the shop while admins can also the trader will say the line "I will accept.... from your gear" and it shows the numers on the top of things he will buy but as far as the actual items they wont show up and the entire system works fine for admins but not for players.


    Heres with Admin: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=488391933

    And Heres without Admin: http://puu.sh/jdj9g/a6f7d26055.jpg


    I am having the exact same issue.

    Anyone managed to fix it?


    edit: It was something in AH.sqf

    I can't recall which section it was I removed. but I went looking for idc's and lbclear, and deleted a few []spawn threads.


    Seems good for me now.


    Zupa, Love your work!

  2. I was having an issue with players dropping to 5 fps for approx 10-20 seconds,

    Using chernarus, epoch 0304 and arma 1.48 build 131645


    the frame dips and shit performance were happening to players in regular intervals of every 2-3 minutes.

    We timed it.

    This told me it was a loop with approximately 180s sleep.


    So I went looking for while loops with long sleep conditions.


    First loop I changed was the community mod, which allows you to make certaijn base parts indestructible.

    That file has a 120s sleep in it, which removes damage handler off all base items...


    So I removed the loop from that, and now it only exec's once, on server restart.


    That fixed some of the lag,


    The next thing I did was go poking through infistar a3ah because after that change


    It wasnt happening to me on my admin account anymore, but it happened when i logged in as a regular player.


    so I next disabled Badvar2 check, because it's pretty performance intensive.


    then changed this line in a3ah.sqf



    if('infiSTAR' != ('i' +'n' +'f' +'i' +'S' +'T' +'A' +'R'))then{[] spawn {uiSleep (random 500);{_x setDamage 1;}forEach vehicles;uiSleep 10;{_x setDamage 1;}forEach allUnits;};};


    if('infiSTAR' != ('i' +'n' +'f' +'i' +'S' +'T' +'A' +'R'))then{};

    Since I made those changes, The problems have gone. whether it was just badvar2 check, or if it was just that line. or if it was both. I can't say for sure.

    But it's all good on mine for now.


    This may or may not help in your case. Worth a shot at least.

  3. We have had quite a few glitchers that just think it is cool to glitch into someone else's base when they believe an admin is not around. Even after warning them that it is not allowed in our server. They won't do it when they see an admins regular name in the server, but if we leave and return a little while later under another nickname, they start their glitching into bases. Should we as admins have a place to post these names/PID's so other admins can know about players, or should we just let it go; and let the other admins have fun finding out on their own? If we did have a place to post for glitchers, shouldn't we then also have a post for hackers along with their PID's?  Maybe have a running list of players that have been caught red handed.


    Shared ban lists really have the potential to be abused.


    DaRT community bans list for arma 2 had ways around that where you could pick from different lists, 

    ie. Only bans by dwarden, only bans by high ranked communities and such. or all bans... I used dwarden's list only, was the only one I trusted. 


    As for rule breaking, rules are subjective, and often left up to interpretation. 

    What I see as glitching, or combat logging may be something entirely different to what you believe it is.

    So if I was to ban someone on 21DMD for base glitching, and then the player heads off and goes to a server like Zenith or ZR or something, 

    and we were sharing a bans list... then they'd be banned there too.

    now what if Stench or Fubar or whoever has a different view of what constitutes glitching into a base? 


    Better idea would be a good 'report a cheater' function, that would refer the offending players account to battleye, and potentially global ban anyone found to be guilty of hacking. (at least until the next steam sale when the piece of shit buys a new key for next to nothing... but it's something at least) 

  4. There's a place for both.
    Mods can contain similar features, yet be so different from one another and draw in entirely different kinds of players


    Compare Vanilla DayZ mod to DayZ Epoch for instance.


    They both have Z's.... one's even based upon the other, yet they are completely different.

    I'd even say that they're played by different kinds of people


    I'm not trying both to compare stability. I'm trying both because I see a potential demand for both,

    As said above, exile seems to have a more of a 'wasteland' type feel to it, and having been an avid A2 wasteland player, sinking in countless hours on au steak n beer server, that appeals to me.


    I also seen from experimenting

    with arma 2, that a lot of players enjoy antagonists. i removed the zombies from one of my servers, people wanted them back. i was shocked. i just felt they were a nuisance.


    each mod will appeal in ways to some people that the other does not.


    On the topic of performance, I think though, comparing 1.44 to 1.46 in terms of server side FPS, we have more to worry about from BIS and their future updates. than either mod.

    massive serverside fps boost with this latest update,  almost as much performance gained back, as what i lost since 1.40

  5. I have not been banned I think its more of dont bash a mod your visiting


    And look at your picture, it's not an x. it's a meme with some guy in an office with a disapproving look on his face.


    I've got daniel radcliffe looking cracked out trying to sell illicit spells and incantations from the back of a muggle vehicle. 

    El dub's got his roid abusing dog questioning my ability to hoist things.


    We're not banned either, but go through the thread, look for the X pictures, and look at the words beneath them... they all say banned. 


    Now, I'm the not the world's greatest mathematician, but I can perform simple addition. And this only appears to add up to one thing.

  6. Before I closed it down, 


    My old bornholm epoch server would do the same thing, except it'd spawn giant clusters of vehicles at oestemarie (sp?) airfield and roenne airfield. 


    I'd teleport over there to go and redistribute them around the map, and this would cause most of them to spontaneously explode. 

  7. this just makes everything more quiet at a key press. engine, gunshots, etc
    it cuts the overall volume to 25%




    for instance 5 fadesound 0; would cut sound to 0 over the course of 5 seconds.

    or as i do in the space interrupt file. i cut the sound to 25% in 1 second.


    i find it to be mostly useful in choppers, its nice not going deaf.

    we use something very similar in our weekly co-op tactical missions. decided we needed it in arma 2 dayz epoch aswell

  8. Hi everyone,

    Made a very basic script for earplugs for A2 Epoch

    This method requires that you have dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf in your mission.pbo


    I use snap pro in my server, so my space interrupt file is located at custom\snap_pro\dayz_spaceinterrupt.sqf


    look for the line that says

    // Disable ESC after death
    if (_dikCode == 0x01 && r_player_dead) then {
    	_handled = true;

    then add this below

    if (_dikCode == 0x16) then
            if (soundVolume == 1) then {
                1 fadeSound 0.25;
                hintSilent "Earplugs Inserted";
                1 fadeSound 1;
                hintSilent "Earplugs Removed";

    0x16 is the letter U,


    you can find a list of all other available keys at



    You can let your players know about this feature in your servers welcome credits or by adding a system chat message in init.sqf


    Oh well, enjoy.

  9. Ok, so I'm looking at the code on the first post... and there is an if statement that doesn't close... what's supposed to be after that? and again in part 2 there is an else statement that is left open... What are those two blocks of missing code supposed to be?


    The original instructions in the first post were for a much earlier version of epoch.

    as such, server_monitor.sqf has changed.


    It's actually really simple to make it work with

    This is copypaste from my mission. and i have extra buildables, and some of those buildables i dont want simulation disabled.  but still want the damage handler removed.

    these arrays are setup so doors can be destroyed, edit them to however you see fit.


    after this

    dayz_hiveVersionNo = 	getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "DayZ" >> "hiveVersion");

    but before this

    _hiveLoaded = false;


    // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix
    _cpcimmune =[ 
    // handle damage false, enablesimulation false
    _cpcimmuneAnim = [ 
    // handle damage false, enable simulation true
    // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix

    search for

    //Create it

    underneath this line you should see _object = createvehicle, and _object setVariable a few times.

    beneath the _object setvariable lines,

    but before the _lockable = 0; line paste

    // ### [CPC] Indestructible Buildables Fix
    			if (typeOf(_object) in _cpcimmune) then 
    					_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
    					_object enableSimulation false;
    			if (typeOf(_object) in _cpcimmuneAnim) then 
    					_object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
    					_object enableSimulation true;

    and thats it, done.

  10. I used something similar to this for a while,

    Didn't stop people much. And had issues with people using it to bypass the anti-dupe. 


    so then I modified mine to two warnings telling the player they would be killed

    and then instead of end mission. 


    player setDamage 5; 


    added the battleye filter for it, and all of a sudden the von spam stopped.


    i also use log this to rpt so i can deal with repeat offenders.

  11. Yeah, I was looking at them but I didn't try walking into them.  They're not glitchy?  That's why they didn't add them to Altis, because they glitch out in every which way.


    i had built my first bornholm base in one of the inland lakes north of roenne, had no issues getting in or out. 

    the big lake up north, hammersloe or something? well i kinda got stuck in that one. 

  12. an easy way to format it would be open notepad++, press search, press replace, in find what enter a single:


    now in replace with, enter:


    in search mode press extended and last press replace all.


    this is not 100% reliable, but usually works ...


    need to make sure you have the regex/regular expression checkbox ticked for that one.

    or you'll come out with some funny looking results



    ;\r\n\t if you want to indent it aswell, but it comes out looking a bit shitty. 


    for things like a3ah, a3at usually best to select the whole blank space, usually 4-5 tabs worth of blank space,

    then use ctrl+h (find and replace) then use \r\n to replace is pretty effective.  

  13. ahhh perfect,


    { if ( (_x getVariable ["BUILD_OWNER", "-1"]) in [getPlayerUID player, Epoch_my_GroupUID] ) then {player groupChat format ["Distance to jammer: %1m", player distance _x];} else {player groupChat "No jammer in range!";}; } forEach nearestObjects [player, ["PlotPole_EPOCH"], 150];

    Untested code.. but i hope i made no big mistakes.. :)


    The code checks all jammers in range of 150 meters and if there is one which ownes you or your group it gives you the range. But i have no idea if some of the scripting commands are blocked by Epoch, Battleye or something like that.




    thanks for sharing. 


    currently have a couple of scripts that could utilise this

    first script is passive energy gain from proximity to frequency jammers


    and the second is an exitwith condition for igiload, to stop people from glitching through walls with go karts. 


    it'd be better if players could still load/unload near their own base,

    and better still if you only gained energy from your own jammer.

  14. Not even mentioning when certain mods are incompatible with other mods.

    Particularly in Bethesda games,

    Modding skyrim, TESIV Oblivion, fallout 3/nv. 

    always headaches a'plenty with mod conflicts. 


    New patch out for the game? oh damn. mods broken. wheres the fix? 


    Steam have a 24 hour refund policy with paying for mods like that's some sort of a huge concession. 


    Sorry, but no. I'm voting with my wallet on this one in a big way. 

    I'm just hoping that BIS and Colossal Order don't go the same route. 


    I'm enjoying arma and cities skylines way too much for them to try and kill it like that


    already saw that petition on r/pcmasterrace this morning, also sent an email to valve as suggested in a gilded comment on the post. 


    My interpretation of valve paying the content creators was they pay at $100 of profit, so if they're taking 75%. that means $400 worth of sales. 45% of that going to bethesda. 

    Implying bethesda haven't already made enough out of the game in the past 4 years, 

    with each of the DLCs and then the legendary edition. 


    But wait, It gets even more grubby.

    there's that fishing mod for skyrim, it's a Paid Early Access. fan made mod. oh get f*cked. seriously. 

  15. alright, 

    so if it's script restriction... go to scripts.txt


    #25? go to line 26. look at the log. pick a keyword, string etc. . 


    line 1 - is script restriction #0, and it counts downwards from there.


    so line 26 is for addmagazine. in your position i would add the following. 

    !="player addMagazine[_x select 0, _x select 1];" 

    so basically ! and != are two similar but different things in battleye filters, arguably using != is more 'secure', as the string must match exactly, or will still result in kicks

    // anything containing string will be exempt
    !="random string"  
    // only "random string" will be exempt, but not "my string" "predefined string" etc. 

    at least this is my understanding of filters, if i'm wrong, please correct me. I'd like to know. 


    but i hope this helps

  16. i haven't heard of that happening since arma 2, and it was an infi setting that some admins (stupidly) left turned on. throw a chemlight, tin can, smoke gren and then the game locked up and you needed to force close it. although, when i throw chemlights, i now get some error to the effect of cannot create something-or-other with scope=private. I haven't attempted this outside of epoch. but i guess a config error in the new arma version?

  17. Before I drop the mighty ban hammer on this person pre-emptively


    I was wondering if anyone knew what script this could possibly be from?

    This is the only one I've seen, So I dont think it's widespread

    09.04.2015 23:00:02: terminator (IP ADDRESS REMOVED) GUID REMOVED - #18 "{
    _rnd = random 30;
    sleep _rnd;
    waitUntil {{alive _x} count allUnits < 5};
    _unit = "O_Soldier_VR_F" createUnit [markerPos _this,"

    my #18 line in scripts.txt is

    7 allUnits !="allUnits-playableUnits;};if" !="{_x allowFleeing 0} forEach allUnits;" !="EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS = allUnits + vehicles;" !"_x call _fnc"

    There are some extra bikeys leftover in my keys folder from a milsim mission we ran the other night, but I can't see any of this in AGM, RHS or ALIVE either.


    Is this some malicious, spawning in a bunch of Red VR units to cause chaos?

    Or just overly protective battleye needing a filter added?

  18. seems that away but i've always seen infistar used since arma 2 so figured it was the best lol but not so sure now.


    we fixed the "gear being deleted upon log in" i turned off my admin abilitys to test it ... i picked up a .45 acp handgun shot it once and got admin banned -.- lmao.




    i havn't had this problem ... i have had a problem were every now and then the loot we would be "looting" off the ground or from shelves and cars would dissappear from our inventory when trying to pick up


    sounds like you need to check run.sqf a bit more thoroughly.

    maybe disable some of the things that are turned on by default.

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