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Posts posted by js2k6

  1. I have a problem with this, do not really understand what the "_OLD".

    I can buy and sell gems but when I go to purchase an article by ruby so buy without any inventory.

    please help


    when you add _old to the database. 

    the game will then use trade_items_old.sqf or trade_any_vehicle_old.sqf


    so what that does, is tells the game to use a different sqf script. and then the game will take the gems or whatever other item you may have out of your inventory to buy it. 

    if i'm not mistaken, this is because the new version of trade_items or trade_any_vehicle will give change, so if you have a briefcase with 2x10oz and you spend 8 gold. it returns a 10oz + 2oz


    whereas the _old version doesn't return change, so it doesnt matter. 




    this is a screenshot of my db, notice that any items selling for rubies have _old at the end. 

    and those that sell for regular currency do not. 

  2. After playing a3 epoch mod for a bit, 

    I'm noticing a trend where players are trying to wall off entire military compounds and use that as their bases, effectively keeping all that loot for themselves


    in a2 epoch, i use a piece of maca's code to prevent players building within 150m of high loot areas on my servers

    /* credits go to Maca134 */
    NoBuildNear = [
    NoBuildRange = 150;
    if ({typeOf _x in NoBuildNear} count nearestObjects[player, NoBuildNear, NoBuildRange] > 0) exitWith {
    	DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
    	cutText ["You are building too close to a high loot building.","PLAIN DOWN"];

    a similar piece of code should  be added into arma 3 epoch.
    I'm not sure if others agree with me, but i think any high loot areas shouldn't be able to be built in. 

    it just creates a negative experience for the majority of players.


    my 2c 



  3. that video is definitely not desync.

    I admin several servers, and when players ask me to deliver a starter crate of building supplies to them

    more oft than not, they shoot the crap out of me

    so I tp with god mode on, I take bullets just like that video, 

    coincidentally enough I spawn crates for the players, just like the breaking point vid in the comments


    We gotta remember here, this is arma,  there are a lot of hacks readily available for the game

    it would be foolish to think that epoch mod would be an exception to this rule


    So far I've been lucky, I have not been killed by a hacker

    But I have witnessed a helicopter teleporting around the map on AU01 server. I have no idea who it was, but I saw it

    then others saw it and made mention of it in side chat, I decided it was time to log out then

    (it doesnt take long for cheaters to get bored of just TP'ing around the map, before they start killing people for fun)

  4. Hi everyone,

    this isn't really an urgent request as I can make this script work

    I'm just wondering what I've done wrong with my forEach loop


    Basically, I use P4L, snap pro and build vectors

    And I disallow building in certain areas.


    this code here, works perfectly. 

    	if ((player distance [6710.0474, 2571.0735, 0]) < 500) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build in Cherno!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	if ((player distance [10340.616, 2068.4207, 0]) < 500) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build in Elektro!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	if ((player distance [12100.296, 9311.5938, 0]) < 500) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build in Berezino!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	if ((player distance [4422.5376, 10643.881, 0]) < 500) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build near the NWAF Compound!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	if ((player distance [4529.9561, 8276.0459, 0]) < 500) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build near the Dichina Compound!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	if ((player distance [11951.005, 12712.544, 0]) < 1000) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build near the Aircraft Trader!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	if ((player distance [5025.2598, 9780.6973, 0]) < 1000) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build near the Aircraft Trader!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };

    But I tried to get a little bit fancy and use a foreach loop, 

    When I use my foreach loop, I get the error message telling me that I cannot build in the area, but I can still place the item. 


    this is my foreach loop

    uCantBuildHere = true;
    _cantBuild = [
    	[[6710.0474, 2571.0735, 0],500],
    	[[10340.616, 2068.4207, 0],500],
    	[[12100.296, 9311.5938, 0],500],
    	[[4422.5376, 10643.881, 0],500],
    	[[4529.9561, 8276.0459, 0],500],
    	[[11951.005, 12712.544, 0],1000],
    	[[5025.2598, 9780.6973, 0],1000]
    if (uCantBuildHere) then {
    		_cbPos = _x select 0;
    		_cbRad = _x select 1; 
    		if ((player distance _cbPos) < _cbRad) exitWith { DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText ["You cannot build in this area!","PLAIN DOWN"]; };
    	} forEach _cantBuild;

    As I said, the top code works, so this is not by any means urgent. I'm just curious to know why one piece of code stops me from building, but the other does not. 

  5. Honestly, my favorite is the Chernarus map.


    Despite short, but massive spikes in popularity with my Tavi and Lingor servers

    (which always seem to coincide with psi and frankie releasing videos set on those maps)


    The players always come back to chernarus. 

    Tavi may be my personal favourite map (well second fave to Deck 16/17 in UT) 

    but chernarus just feels like home. always good to come back to. 

  6. Those messages in standalone were annoying as all hell

    It didn't add to immersion, it was more intrusive than a small icon in the HUD

    and made me feel like I was (failing at) looking after a tamagotchi, not trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world.


    it looked and felt cheap, rushed and poorly implemented (a succinct analogy for the state of the entire game tbh)


    small, toggle on/off hud icons would be the way to go

    similar to the implementation of asremixhud, but with a press ins to toggle option. 

    something like that. 

  7. [mysqld]
    datadir=C:/Program Files/MariaDB 10.0/data
    key_buffer = 16M
    max_allowed_packet = 2M
    sort_buffer_size = 512K
    net_buffer_length = 8K
    read_buffer_size = 256K
    read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
    myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
    log_error = "mysql_error.log"
    table_cache = 64
    thread_cache = 16
    query_cache_size = 64M
    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M
    innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 32M
    innodb_log_file_size = 256M
    innodb_log_buffer_size = 10M
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
    innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

    mine is also on an SSD

  8. How would I go about making it so Combo locks unlock/disappear after x amount of days. I have indestructible bases and no maintenance on plot poles, so players that stop playing on the server deserve to have there base opened after a certain amount of time.



    the sql query mentioned here would not only unlock unused vehicles it would also reset the unused locked doors to 000 after 7 days, just change the 7 to however many days you want. 

    it wont affect lockboxes or safes


    you could re-write it a bit to only include locked doors?,

    I'm not the best in the world with SQL, but create this query as an event and it should work


    set the combo to 0 on safes and locked doors after 14 days without use

    UPDATE `object_data` SET `CharacterID` = 0 WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `CharacterID` > 0 AND `Classname` IN ('CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ','Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked','CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ','Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked','Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked','VaultStorageLocked') 

    if anyone is more proficient with SQL than I am can see any flaws in this please feel free to correct me. 

  9. server_timeSync = {
    //Send request
    private ["_hour","_minute","_date","_key","_result","_outcome"];
        _key = "CHILD:307:";
    _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
    _outcome = _result select 0;
    if(_outcome == "PASS") then {
    _date = _result select 1;
    _hour = _date select 3;
    _minute = _date select 4;
    _date = [2012,1,1,_hour,_minute];
    setDate _date;
    PVDZE_plr_SetDate = _date;
    publicVariable "PVDZE_plr_SetDate";
    diag_log ("TIME SYNC: Local Time set to " + str(_date)); 

    I updated this section in my server_functions.sqf

    changes the sun position, makes it far less glarey. 


    As for full moon nights, I'm not sure. due to the extended periods of darkness my players voted to make tavi 24/7 day

  10. i'm liking these cultists. generally creepy. 

    i was stalking some other players in a military outpost, had a mean camp going on. next thing i know some cultist is spitting red shit at me. 


    i was actually freaked out and ran


    doesn't take that much to kill them, about 5-10 upper body/headshots with the zafir. 

    i think they add quite a bit to gameplay, give me cultists over the arma 2 zed's any day!

  11. I was under the impression that the server files were going to be locked down early so they couldn't be modded

    That way if problems arose, the dev team could be certain it was the mod itself, not changes the server hosts had made


    I really do hope that us dedicated server owners can host it.

    As DeceitfulPhoenix says above, GSPs for arma in aus are few and far between, not to mention generally overpriced and awful for support.


    I was wondering about this earlier tonight while playing on AU1 and AU2.

    When it gets to beta stage, It would of course be a private hive we would be hosting though, right?

  12. was the same in the a2 mod.

    using chainsaw or hatchet counted as entering combat, you're using a weapon. so it makes sense that the game would recognise this as being in combat. 


    the placeholder "swing" item you get is effectively ammunition for your hatchet, the game just sees this as using a gun


    i mean there could maybe be some sort of if statement thrown in... 


    if (player getweapon == itemhatchet_dze) then {

    startcombattimer = false; 

    } else { blah blah blah};


    ^ obviously not real code, but this is kinda what i mean


    i get where you're coming from, but no matter how i look at it, i just see another potential exploit for combat loggers opening up. 

  13. same thing is happening to me right now, 


    spawn in jedish3ep was killed by jedish3ep. just drop dead...

    change to my other profile, jakehekesfists was killed by jakehekesfists


    deleted my profiles from my docs, deleted the local copies of mpmission files stored in appdata folder,

    restarted steam, restarted pc. 


    still same thing. just insta death on spawn


    the last thing that happened in my previous life, was i took a boat to a trader, got out of the boat then died, then i logged out straight after that. i wonder if that is somehow the cause of it? 



    waited the full 10 minutes. was ok again. 

  14. I love this snap building mod of yours, 

    but the snapping points on the cinder walls really annoyed me,

    the only way to make cinder line up correctly was to place a metal floor down and snap to that. 


    well i got bored last night and started playing with the points,

    this pushes them in closer together and seems to work better metal floors and the overall appearance of the structure.

    (in my opinion)


    changed all values of 2.752 & -2.752 to 2.625 & -2.625 respectively. 



    // Created by Raymix
    // Last update - August 21 2014
    class SnapBuilding {
    	//Barriers whitelist
    	class Barrier {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 5;
    	//snap points
    	class Land_HBarrier5Preview: Barrier{ //fix for broken offsets in ghost
    		points[] = {
    	class Land_HBarrier5_DZ: Land_HBarrier5Preview {
    		points[] = {
    	class Land_HBarrier3ePreview: Barrier { //whitelist inheritance
    		points[] = {
    	class Land_HBarrier3_DZ: Land_HBarrier3ePreview{}; //point inheritance
    	class Land_HBarrier1Preview: Barrier {
    		points[] = {
    	class Land_HBarrier1_DZ: Land_HBarrier1Preview{};
    	class Fort_RazorWirePreview: Barrier {
    		points[] = {
    	class Fort_RazorWire: Fort_RazorWirePreview {};
    	class Sandbag1_DZ: Barrier {
    		points[] = {
    	class BagFenceRound_DZ: Barrier {
    		points[] = {
    	//Snapping whitelists for Floors, walls and stairs
    	class FloorsWallsStairs {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 7;
    	class WoodFloorQuarter_Preview_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs { //fix for broken offsets in ghost
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodFloorQuarter_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs { 
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodFloorHalf_Preview_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs { //fix for broken offsets in ghost
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodFloorHalf_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs{
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodFloor_Preview_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs {
    		points[] = {
    		radius = 10;
    	class WoodFloor_DZ: WoodFloor_Preview_DZ{};
    	class Stairs_DZE: FloorsWallsStairs {
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodStairs_DZ: Stairs_DZE {};
    	class WoodStairs_Preview_DZ: Stairs_DZE {};
    	class WoodStairsSans_Preview_DZ: Stairs_DZE {};
    	class WoodStairsSans_DZ: Stairs_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmall_DZE: FloorsWallsStairs { // Small wood walls
    		points[] = {
    		{-2.285, 0, 1.5,"Left"},
    		{2.285, 0, 1.5,"Right"},
    		{0, 0, 3,"Top"}
    	class WoodSmallWallDoor_Preview_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmallWall_Preview_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmallWallWin_Preview_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmallWallDoor_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmallWall_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmallWallWin_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class Land_DZE_WoodDoor: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked: WoodSmall_DZE {};
    	class WoodDoor_Preview_DZ: WoodSmall_DZE{};
    	class WoodLarge_DZE: FloorsWallsStairs { //Large wood walls
    		points[] = {
    		{-2.45, 0, 1.5,"Left"},
    		{2.45, 0, 1.5,"Right"},
    		{0, 0, 3,"Top"}
    	class WoodLargeWall_Preview_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class WoodLargeWallWin_Preview_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class WoodLargeWallDoor_Preview_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class WoodSmallWallThird_Preview_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {
    		points[] = {
    		{-2.445, 0, 1.5,"Left"},
    		{2.445, 0, 1.5,"Right"},
    		{0, 0, 1.17,"Top"}
    	class WoodSmallWallThird_DZ: WoodSmallWallThird_Preview_DZ{};
    	class WoodLargeWall_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class WoodLargeWallWin_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class GarageWoodDoor_Preview_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class LargeWoodDoor_Preview_DZ: WoodLarge_DZE {};
    	class Cinder_DZE: FloorsWallsStairs { //All cinder walls and doors
    		points[] = {
    		{-2.625, 0, 1.5,"Left"},
    		{2.625, 0, 1.5,"Right"},
    		{0, 0, 3.37042,"Top"}
    		radius = 10;
    	class CinderWall_Preview_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallDoorway_Preview_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallSmallDoorway_Preview_DZ: Cinder_DZE {}; 
    	class CinderWallHalf_Preview_DZ: Cinder_DZE {
    		points[] = {
    		{-2.625, 0, 1.5,"Left"},
    		{2.625, 0, 1.5,"Right"},
    		{0, 0, 1.5,"Top"}
    	class CinderWall_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallDoorway_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallDoor_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class CinderWallHalf_DZ: Cinder_DZE {
    		points[] = {
    		{-2.625, 0, 1.5,"Left"},
    		{2.625, 0, 1.5,"Right"},
    		{0, 0, 1.5,"Top"}
    	class CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ: Cinder_DZE {};
    	class MetalFloor_Preview_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs { //fix for broken offsets in ghost
    		points[] = {
    		{0, -2.64, 0.009,"Back"},
    		{0, 2.64, 0.009,"Front"},
    		{-2.64, 0, 0.009,"Left"},
    		{2.64, 0, 0.009,"Right"}
    		radius = 12;
    	class MetalFloor_DZ: FloorsWallsStairs{
    		points[] = {
    		{0, -2.64, 0.15,"Back"},
    		{0, 2.64, 0.15,"Front"},
    		{-2.64, 0, 0.15,"Left"},
    		{2.64, 0, 0.15,"Right"}
    		radius = 12;
    	//Non essential Items that only snap to themselves, do whitelist inheritance if you want these to snap
    	class WoodCrate_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 5;
    		points[] = {
    	class MetalPanel_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 5;
    		points[] = {
    		class MetalGate_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 5;
    		points[] = {
    	class StickFence_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 10;
    		points[] = {
    	class Fence_corrugated_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 10;
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodRamp_Preview_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 7;
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodRamp_DZ: WoodRamp_Preview_DZ{};
    	class WoodLadder_Preview_DZ {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 5;
    		points[] = {
    	class WoodLadder_DZ: WoodLadder_Preview_DZ{};
    	class VaultStorageLocked {
    		snapTo[] = {
    		radius = 5;
    		points[] = {
    	class VaultStorage: VaultStorageLocked {};


    code is there for anyone too lazy to use find and replace in notepad++ or sublime

    as always, back up your existing files and i take no responsibility if this seemingly minor change murders your family in their sleep. 





  15. got it mostly working now. 

    does not seem to be JIP compatible. 

    SET_FIRE = true;
    _fxList = [
    if (isServer) exitWith {
      if (SET_FIRE) then {
            _fireName = _x select 0;
            _fireInte = _x select 1;
            _fireTime = _x select 2;
            _fireToF1 = _x select 3;
            _fireToF2 = _x select 4;
            PVDZE_obj_Fire = [_fireName,_fireInte,_fireTime,_fireToF1,_fireToF2];
            publicVariable "PVDZE_obj_Fire";
        forEach _fxList;
  16. okay, been playing around a bit more.

    had a look at the crash spawners, noticed that a different function was being called


    scrapped the bis_effects_burn in place of PVDZE_obj_Fire


    adding this to the bottom of my map addition sqf works for one flame

    PVDZE_obj_Fire = [bigFire0,8,time,false,false];
    publicVariable "PVDZE_obj_Fire";

    now how would i go about creating an array that it does this for each? 

    i've tried things like. 

    _FireList = ["bigFire0","smoke0","smoke1","smallFire0","bigFire1","bigFire2","bigFire3","smallFire1","smoke2","smoke3","smoke4","burningChopper0","smokingHMMWV0"];
      PVDZE_obj_Fire = [_x,8,time,false,false];
    } forEach _FireList;

    but unfortunately it did not work

  17. i don't have the answer you seek,

    I'm actually looking at changing the humanity gain/loss system also


    I just used windows grep on a de-pbo'd dayz_code and searched for humanity




    I suspect local_eventKill may be the one we're looking for. But I can't be certain just yet.  (ninja edit: nope.. thats to do with zombie kills)

  18. Hi,

    I'm currently in the process of making some custom map additions with smoke and fire and destruction

    however I'm struggling with BIS_Effects_Burn 


    Everything works perfectly in the editor. 

    But as soon as I attempt to implement this on my dev server


    No fire or smoke


    Basically I've created a whole bunch of game logic across the map and given them all names


    I can see that BIS_Effects_Burn is already in compiles.sqf


    and this block of text here, I've been trying different places in my init.sqf 

    but so far, no good.

    // c130 crash black forest
    [bigFire0,20,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [smoke0,3,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    // devils heli crash
    [smoke1,2,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [smallFire0,6,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    // prig hill fire
    [bigFire1,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [bigFire2,15,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [bigFire3,20,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [smallFire1,5,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [smoke2,2,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [smoke3,2,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    [smoke4,2,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    // burning wrecks
    [burningChopper0,5,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; // near prig
    [smokingHMMWV0,3,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; // in cherno

    i've tried placing this inside the !isDedicated, the isServer and outside those blocks, 

    I've tried moving the map addition with all the game logic from server.pbo to mission.pbo


    I'm really at a loss here, can anyone please help me with this? 

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