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    orangesherbet reacted to Raelor in Blow me up Fred   
    Here's a situation for you. Fresh spawn, you spawn in and start looting. Mid way through your business, you hear a vehicle approaching and come to a stop. You SPRINT to it, and almost get inside before they shoot you dead. Now that you've died, you click detonate and destroy their vehicle and anything they might've gained from stopping you. There's nothing tense about that, this will slowly be abused. You can literally jump from helicopters to your death to kamikaze stuff with your dead body lol
  2. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from axeman in Blow me up Fred   
    I am definitely in support of the detonate feature.  I believe that adding tension to situations where you are having highs and lows is a way to engage players. For instance, when you are mostly playing alone: finding good loot then hearing a sapper or a drone can be a tense situation.  And when you are in PVP with a teammate:  communicating to locate and take down your opponent or waiting for a revive from a teammate is stressful.  The added stress of the unknown is the "rush" that people are after (at least it is for me when I'm playing for keeps).  I just hope for a solution that is fair- since we have the multigun with revive attachment I'm not sure limiting the timeout is a good idea.  I really like the idea of a particle effect on the dead player indicating an explosion- I'd like to hear other suggestions too. . . when you have a feature that no one else has there is also no precedent set for what is "fair".  I personally don't want to be coddled but I don't want the explosion to be instant either.  I'll think on it and look forward to hearing what others suggest.
  3. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to raymix in Blow me up Fred   
    Few different ways to go about this:
    * Full screen image that prevents visibility for dead.
    * Button enabled after a N seconds/minutes with a countdown like ESC menu has.
    * 50% chance to show button
    * Detonate happens after N second delay, maybe with black particles coming out of body as an indicator for explosion.
    * and as a joke - mini game where button has 90% chance to change its position when mouse enters it, leaving player chasing it to detonate. Or give them math problem to solve haha.
  4. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to axeman in Blow me up Fred   
    I like the particle effect to warn that an explosion is imminent, or an effect that shows the victim 'may' still be in the body ? Adding certainty and / or turning every feature off is kind of pointless and no longer Epoch..
    The ten minute timer will force the dead player to respawn so maybe reduce that timeout when the new Tapout menu is used ? That way the victim has to make a fairly quick decision..
    Ultimately it was designed to combat the quick battles outside spawn points, aka spawn camping, and to introduce the player as antagonist option as a new / revisited feature.
    The idea that every scenario should be an absolute and no danger exists for players is boring to play and awful to develop for. Please no more pandering to this attitude and let's start making it risky to play again.
    Want to play Epoch ? Then be prepared to lose all your shit at a moments notice.
  5. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from raymix in Blow me up Fred   
    That's a good point @vbawol.  However, I think that a good portion of players immediate reaction is to check for loot on the body or take the gun.  While this is a bad habit a lot of us have that instinct.  My suggestion was a delayed explosion with an audible timer sort of like the bomb in CounterStrike (with a much shorter fuse).  Anyways- like the feature but of course there is always room for improvement.
  6. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to vbawol in Blow me up Fred   
    True, also they cannot stay in that state for more than 10m so you take your chances looting the body too quickly.
  7. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to axeman in Antagonist Avoidance   
    Your average Zombie Brain:

  8. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.3.9 Release Changelog   
    Starting on Apex Expansion support with Tanoa map support. New Task based Mission System. Zombies! Simply enable Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 along side @Epoch Mod to get custom Epoch Zombie AI. * Base building and item interaction configs now available to change via mission file. Fixed custom Gestures not working since 1.60 Many other fixes and improvements. Change Log:
    [New] Epoch Mod configs and some community pbo's are now released under APL-SA license here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/EpochCore [Added-WIP] Tanoa map support. [Added] New Task based Mission System. [Added] (Optional) Support for Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 with custom Epoch implementation. [Added] New custom variable EPOCH_playerNuisance that increases based on the type of weapon fired and decreases at a rate of 1 per 10 seconds. This is used to track how active a shooter the player is. [Added] Player option to Morph into a random antagonist (from deathMorphClass) after death. The array 'deathMorphClass' found in CfgEpochClient can be used to specify what antagonists to randomly spawn. [Added] Player option to detonate body after death. Sacrifice yourself by generating a runaway thermal cascade using the nano bots within your body. Nothing left to revive. [Changed] Increased loot bias 10% overall and increased loot density for military and other larger buildings. [Changed] new function Epoch_message, replaces Epoch_dynamicText. [Changed] Object Interaction and EPOCH_client_bitePlayer settings in now config CfgObjectInteractions. [Changed] Moved all Base Building variables to gamemode config CfgBaseBuilding. [Changed] Moved all Item Interaction to new gamemode config CfgItemInteractions. [Changed] Sapper groan or detonate can be triggered by setting a variable on the target or sapper. [Changed] Server can be asked by a client / server to trigger an antagonist on another client. Antagonist is then run on target PC, independent from caller of function. [Changed] Epoch Unit Spawn code. Now can be called specifying the target of the antagonist. Antagonist will run on target client PC. [Changed] Sapper defaults tweaked to make them more responsive. [Changed] New Sapper antagonist config options: reflexSpeed - Set the loop pause. Defaults have been lowered to make sapper more responsive. nestChance - A percentage chance, at each sapper spawn, that he will create a nest. hideLevel - (Fear Emotion) Set level at which sapper will go into hiding based on fear of armed players, being shot near etc. chargeLevel - (Anger Emotion) Set level at which sapper will trigger 'charge the player' mode. [Changed] New UAV Support Troops antagonist config options: unitTypes - an array of soldier classes to randomly choose from. Custom weapons to-do, use soldiers with default weapon loadout or handle weapons with custom script. maxUnitNum - Maximum number of units to spawn per UAV. minAISkill - Minimum value for any AI skill. maxAimingAccuracy -> maxGeneral - Set the maximum value for each available AI skill. A random number between minAISkill and the value for each will be set as that skill. [Fixed] To prevent A3 dupe issues Epoch Militia Solders when taking uniforms, they no longer have uniforms. [Fixed] To prevent animation glitch with weapon switching on the move and holstering. You now must be standing still to holster your weapon. [Fixed] Custom Epoch Gestures not working since 1.60. [Fixed] Issue with animals not returning raw meat. [Fixed] Getting wet and cold on standing on pier. Thanks to umfufu for the report! http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/41929-getting-10-points-of-wetness/ [Fixed] Missing texture issues with some base building objects since 0.3.8. [Info] A big thanks to Isaac, Axeman's chief tester! **Server Only** [Added] Improved plant spawner by Redbeard Actual and [VB]AWOL. [Added] Allow Epoch Events to accept full file path if 4th variable in the EpochEvents array is set to 0. Default is 1. [Added] Function to effect a players Crypto server side: EPOCH_server_effectCrypto [Added] New experimental PBO packing tool found in Epoch/Tools/PowerShell/ [Added] Server function to allow remote exec of setVariable on client - Allows client to ask another client to set a local variable, via the server. Server can run same function. [Added] Epoch AH: Added ability to kick, instead of just log or ban. [Changed] Reworked vehicle load function and made vehicles immune to damage for 120 seconds after startup. [Changed] cfgpatches check now kicks by default with message a message. [Changed] Vehicle persistence texture configs are now found in server settings pbo. https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/CfgEpochVehicles.h [Changed] Use new disableChannels syntax in 1.60 and enable text chat on side chat and not voice. Thanks to @morgoth0 for the heads up! https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/544 [Changed] ForceRestart option should now restart as soon as all players disconnect and server is locked. [Changed] Epoch Events can now self initialize on server startup (if third events[] array element is 1). Fixes issue with weather not changing till first event run. [Removed] Epoch AH removed whitelisted variable check system. [Removed] STEAMAPI Vac ban check as it needs reworked in the extension. [Fixed] Take into account trader stored per class vehicle limits when spawning new vehicles. [Fixed] Disappearing Mags on login / revive. Thanks to He-Man for the fix: http://epochmod.com/forum/topic/42178-disappearing-mags-on-login-revive-fix/#comment-277194 [Fixed] CUP mods enabled check logic typo. Thanks to @morgoth0 for the report: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/543 [Fixed] BE kick when player opened stock A3 dialog (Game > Options > Layout). [Fixed] BE kick with Spawn Loot admin panel option. Thanks to @jostster for the report: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/issues/540 [Updated] Loot position tool: Epoch/Tools/SQF/saveLootPositionsVector.sqf [Updated] World config tool: Epoch/Tools/SQF/getTreesAndTrash.sqf [Info] Changed name of a3_epoch_server.pbo to epoch_server.pbo. Also changed path from \x\addons\a3_epoch_server to \epoch_server [Info] Changed name of a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo to epoch_server_settings.pbo. [Info] RConPort 2306 added to example-beserver.cfg for changes since A3 1.58. [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0390. [Info] Requires Arma 3 1.60 or higher. Additional Notes: 
    * Ryans Zombies support is disabled by default, you must set this variable ( https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgEpochClient.hpp#L28 ) to true and add "Ryanzombies" cfgPatches classname to your missions addOns[] array ( https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Sources/mpmissions/epoch.Tanoa/mission.sqm#L22-L25 ) to prevent players from joining without the mod enabled. 
  9. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from Redbeard Actual in Calling all Axeman(s)   
    Now sappers need trigger warnings- I knew that sapper looked like a sjw, it all makes sense now!
  10. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to KPABATOK in Calling all Axeman(s)   
    have no idea how it works but I think it is interesting :D could never even dream of such idea appearing in Epoch.
  11. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to axeman in Calling all Axeman(s)   
    When I get a chance he is going to get some updates, the default reflex speed lowering helps with trying to dodge them.
    The antagonist spawn was heavily tested by my Son and I, it's a lot of fun.. I suspect however, it will be loved or hated, not gonna be many sitting on the fence :)
  12. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from Richie in Calling all Axeman(s)   
    Saw changelogs for 0.3.9 Exp and yeah!
    [Added] Player option to Morph into a random antagonist (from deathMorphClass) after death. The array 'deathMorphClass' found in CfgEpochClient can be used to specify what antagonists to randomly spawn. [Added] Player option to detonate body after death. Sacrifice yourself by generating a runaway thermal cascade using the nano bots within your body. Nothing left to revive.
    [Changed] New Sapper antagonist config options: reflexSpeed - Set the loop pause. Defaults have been lowered to make sapper more responsive. nestChance - A percentage chance, at each sapper spawn, that he will create a nest. hideLevel - (Fear Emotion) Set level at which sapper will go into hiding based on fear of armed players, being shot near etc. chargeLevel - (Anger Emotion) Set level at which sapper will trigger 'charge the player' mode. Interesting!!!
  13. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from KPABATOK in Small (one hopes) Vehicle COnfig Request   
    Currently the vehicles do spawn in with a random fuel level I can confirm that. 
  14. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from vbawol in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    It's ok AWOL I got you dawg! Also, here's a throwback to the best present you ever gave us. RIP Gumby Slide :( http://www.twitch.tv/orangesherbet/c/5197718 oh, and happy birthday man :D

  15. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to Richie in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    Happy Birthday Awol, all the best mate :)
  16. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from Axle in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    It's ok AWOL I got you dawg! Also, here's a throwback to the best present you ever gave us. RIP Gumby Slide :( http://www.twitch.tv/orangesherbet/c/5197718 oh, and happy birthday man :D

  17. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to RC_Robio in Happy Birthday AWOL!!!!   
    Have a Great Birthday!!!!
  18. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to vbawol in Epoch Released (Server Build 050)   
    Find the client file download links here: http://epochmod.com/download.php
    Find the server files download links here: http://epochmod.com/download_server.php
    Client Changes:
    [Added] Epoch: Configurator menu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nho4kNF8fMc 
    [Added] Fishing Pole and ocean fishing, also added crafting recipes to allow cooking fish. 

    [Added] Workbench storage device added and used as a nearby crafting requirement for most Kit based crafting options.
    [Added] New secure storage device: The Epoch Safe.
    [Added] Totally new crafting system and UI by Raymix.

    [Added] Epoch variant of the unarmed Strider vehicle. (I_MRAP_03_EPOCH)
    [Added] Broad Sword Melee weapon that can chop down trees and mine rocks. 
    [Added] Halloween Clown mask and re-added to loot tables: Wolf/Pumpkin masks as well as Meeps Candy. 
    [Fixed] Unable to remove lit fireplace.
    [Fixed] Group members unable to lock a Lockbox or Safe that was placed by the group leader.
    [Fixed] Shadow artifact at top of Jammer.
    [Fixed] Reduce client fps lag when first joining the server by preloading objects before exiting loading screen.
    [Fixed] Being unable to remove a solar generator.
    [Fixed] Angry Pumpkin mask was incorrectly visible in first person.
    [Fixed] Issue with Headless clients being treated as players. @dayzai/Face
    [Changed] Removed debug hint text for 3d rotation of objects as it was not needed.
    [Changed] Re-enable Move button, this system will stay and be refined in the next few patches.
    Server Changes:
    [Added] Example "Epoch Event" Code to provide an example on how to broadcast a message to all players using BE.
    [Added] 'CfgTraderLimits' config can control stock limit per trader per item. Default is 100 per item class per trader.
    [Added] storedVehicleLimit variable in CfgEpochServer can now control the total max allowed vehicles on traders. Default limit is 20.
    [Fixed] Logging to the database was not working due to missing function.
    [Fixed] Issue when trading vehicles that caused the trader data to save data to the wrong slot.
    [Fixed] Added missing prices for female vests.
    [Fixed] Error Generic error in expression in EPOCH_server_repairVehicle.
    [Changed] Reworked secure data storage system to be more reliable. (NOTE: This may cause issues with existing lockboxes spawn on the ground with incorrect orientation.)
    [Changed] Base building maintain option now also maintains storage devices.
    [Changed] Moved vehicle spawn config that controls how many vehicles can spawn at different location types to settings pbo. See new vehicleSpawnTypes array in the (WorldName).hpp config.
    [Changed] Use new sort command instead of BIS_fncSortBy.
    [Changed] Use new worldSize command as default if maps worldSize setting in CfgEpoch does not exist.
    [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0340.
    [Info] The source code for the a3_epoch_server.pbo is now on the GitHub.
  19. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to vbawol in The Drinkables.   
    The second design in our new line of Epoch Mod soda can T-shirts is here! The Purple Nurple Soda shirt, mug or hoodie can be purchased on TeeChip and shipping internationally is only $5.99
    The sales of these shirts support the development of Epoch Mod and you get a cool limited edition T-shirt!
  20. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.3.4 Rolling Changelog   
    [Added] Fishing Pole and ocean fishing, also added crafting recipes to allow cooking fish.
    [Added] Workbench storage device added and used as a nearby crafting requirement for most Kit based crafting options.
    [Added] New secure storage device: The Epoch Safe.
    [Added] Totally new crafting system and UI by Raymix.
    [Added] Epoch variant of the unarmed Strider vehicle. (I_MRAP_03_EPOCH)
    [Added] Broad Sword Melee weapon that can chop down trees and mine rocks.
    [Added] Halloween Clown mask and re-added to loot tables: Wolf/Pumpkin masks as well as Meeps Candy.
    [Fixed] Unable to remove lit fireplace.
    [Fixed] Group members unable to lock a Lockbox or Safe that was placed by the group leader.
    [Fixed] Shadow artifact at top of Jammer.
    [Fixed] Reduce client fps lag when first joining the server by preloading objects before exiting loading screen.
    [Fixed] Being unable to remove a solar generator.
    [Fixed] Angry Pumpkin mask was incorrectly visible in first person.
    [Fixed] Issue with Headless clients being treated as players. @dayzai/Face
    [Changed] Removed debug hint text for 3d rotation of objects as it was not needed.
    [Changed] Re-enable Move button, this system will stay and be refined in the next few patches.
    **Improved Dog AI Dog Brain by Axeman**
    [FIXED] Dog not taming due to var reset in wrong place / BIS animal update.
    [UPDATED] Dog text format updated.
    [UPDATED] Dog whine, instead of bark, when alerting of other nearby players (When player crouched).
    [UPDATED] Dog prey kills now use animal looting system. i.e. Dog will loot dead animals, and other objects, then will fetch loot.
    [UPDATED] Attached weapon (loot) holder is now dropped if dog finds a new one. Needs update.
    [ADDED] New Quiet dog bark and whine.
    [UPDATED] Make dog sounds global and use quieter sounds to alert player once dog is tamed. Untamed dog or when attacking is still loud.
    [UPDATED] Add occasional quiet dog whine when other players in the area.
    [UPDATED] General Dog timeout tweaks to compensate for Arma Animals 'doing their own thing'
    [Added] Example "Epoch Event" Code to provide an example on how to broadcast a message to all players using BE.
    [Added] 'CfgTraderLimits' config can control stock limit per trader per item. Default is 100 per item class per trader.
    [Added] storedVehicleLimit variable in CfgEpochServer can now control the total max allowed vehicles on traders. Default limit is 20.
    [Fixed] Logging to the database was not working due to missing function.
    [Fixed] Issue when trading vehicles that caused the trader data to save data to the wrong slot.
    [Fixed] Added missing prices for female vests.
    [Fixed] Error Generic error in expression in EPOCH_server_repairVehicle.
    [Changed] Reworked secure data storage system to be more reliable. (NOTE: This may cause issues with existing lockboxes spawn on the ground with incorrect orientation.)
    [Changed] Base building maintain option now also maintains storage devices.
    [Changed] Moved vehicle spawn config that controls how many vehicles can spawn at different location types to settings pbo. See new vehicleSpawnTypes array in the (WorldName).hpp config.
    [Changed] Use new sort command instead of BIS_fncSortBy.
    [Changed] Use new worldSize command as default if maps worldSize setting in CfgEpoch does not exist.
    [Info] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0340.
    [Info] The source code for the a3_epoch_server.pbo is now on the GitHub.
    Expected Release is within 1-2 weeks.
  21. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to vbawol in What you can expect from future major milestone updates   
    There have many bugfixes since the initial release of the 0.3.x client files and we will have more fixes to come soon. A Client side hotfix build will likely be released in about 2 weeks to roll up any client side fixes.   Now for the best part, A small taste of what you can expect from future major milestone updates (0.4,0.5,...): Advanced crafting with total UI overhaul fully extensible and customizable. [Released] Refined P2P and NPC trade systems. More Custom Base building objects and base building refinements. More server and user configurable options. [Released] Documentation on backend DLL calls and usage. [Released] More antagonists and AI refinements. CRC check and server file obfuscation removed. [Released] Custom Vehicles, Weapons, Uniforms and apparel. Custom map based in America. Linux server support. [Released] Bugfixes and much more. Download server files here: http://epochmod.com/download_server.php
  22. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to Axle in Congrats to the MANW winners!   
    Check out the winners here! Looks like it was a close race for quite a few entries.

    Now with that out of the way we at the Epoch house would like to thank everyone for the support you provide. In the end it's our main driving force. Although it would have been nice to win :P It's not what was driving us to do what we do. So you guys know we were working on A3 Epoch before the contest was even known about and we will continue to be here well after the fact. So "Stay Tuned" because we have some awesome stuff planned and we would love to share it with everyone!
  23. Like
    orangesherbet reacted to RC_Robio in New Arma Monetization Faq have been updated!!!   
    Please read them CAREFULLY!!
  24. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from area00 in Epoch Videos   
    I updated the base building tutorial for v0.3.0.1 and there will be more videos on the wiki. Many of you veterans of the mod need not look but what I'm trying to accomplish is to keep the casual players up to date and continuing to play!
    Feel free to link the wiki to your friends whenever they need to learn something :)
  25. Like
    orangesherbet got a reaction from Nic in Epoch Videos   
    I updated the base building tutorial for v0.3.0.1 and there will be more videos on the wiki. Many of you veterans of the mod need not look but what I'm trying to accomplish is to keep the casual players up to date and continuing to play!
    Feel free to link the wiki to your friends whenever they need to learn something :)
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