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Wicked AI/Missions need help, Bots are too difficult


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  • 2 months later...

You can't be too shocked, if they cant figure out how to change the ai how can you expect them to post in the right forum

Actually I can be extremely shocked considering i've told this hellgamer guy 4-5 times that he's always posted in the wrong forum. I guess people will never learn..

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i want to turn down the bots skills in the missions but it doesnt work, i dont want them to be like aimbots.

i used this 

but i tried changing the skill level but it doesn't do anything


i cant attach the files, please someone help ;( if you want one of the files to look at please tell me


Wrong forum, but I'll be nice.


To edit AI skills, go to AIConfig.sqf and make sure you're using custom skills:

ai_custom_skills = True;

Next, edit the actual settings:

ai_custom_array1 = [

Those are random numbers but lower is generally easier. Toughest setting is 1.00. For simplicity, you could just use the same settings for each of ai_custom_array1, ai_custom_array2, and ai_custom_array3.

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  • 4 months later...

 The sharing info setting is the one you want to turn off.  You can defeat the hardest AI solo if you turn that off.  


But the question should be asked in the forum topic of the mission you are asking about. Wouldn't that make sense?




or ask in the newer version 





I am not sure the share info option was in the older version config, but that is where you would look for it.

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