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Money making issues, need feedback/advice


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So I'm new to Epoch and first off just let me say I love it. 


I'm having trouble though when it comes to making a lot of money. For scale on the server I play on most unmodified assault rifle sell for 2-5 oz gold, M4A3 CCO is 7 oz gold, NV is 1 oz gold, cinder blocks cost 1 oz gold to buy. If you need more more reference let me know. People on server talk about making a few briefs in a reset and I just don't see how. If I farm barracks at NW or NE I can make maybe 1 brief in a reset and that's with very good luck and nobody shooting at me. The missions only have 1-2 briefs on them and are extremely competitive on the server. Normally getting the loot from the event requires being RIGHT there to kill the AI quickly and get in or waiting for the war and picking off the winners. Usually the latter takes the better part of an hour. I've read countless forums on the best ways to make money and besides events and gun running the most common response I see is selling people's chopper. 


That brings me to another question. How does everyone have so many hotwire kits? I've tried farming them off the police zombies and in a few hundred kills I only found 1 kit. I guess some servers have them on the vendors but after looking through all of them I can't find one that sells hotwire kits. Everyone locks their vehicles so how are people finding these choppers and selling them fast enough to make a good profit?


I'd appreciate any advice on the subject.

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So I'm new to Epoch and first off just let me say I love it. 


I'm having trouble though when it comes to making a lot of money. For scale on the server I play on most unmodified assault rifle sell for 2-5 oz gold, M4A3 CCO is 7 oz gold, NV is 1 oz gold, cinder blocks cost 1 oz gold to buy. If you need more more reference let me know. People on server talk about making a few briefs in a reset and I just don't see how. If I farm barracks at NW or NE I can make maybe 1 brief in a reset and that's with very good luck and nobody shooting at me. The missions only have 1-2 briefs on them and are extremely competitive on the server. Normally getting the loot from the event requires being RIGHT there to kill the AI quickly and get in or waiting for the war and picking off the winners. Usually the latter takes the better part of an hour. I've read countless forums on the best ways to make money and besides events and gun running the most common response I see is selling people's chopper. 


That brings me to another question. How does everyone have so many hotwire kits? I've tried farming them off the police zombies and in a few hundred kills I only found 1 kit. I guess some servers have them on the vendors but after looking through all of them I can't find one that sells hotwire kits. Everyone locks their vehicles so how are people finding these choppers and selling them fast enough to make a good profit?


I'd appreciate any advice on the subject.


Its possible the server has custom loot tables which would effect to police zombies.


But, I pretty much loot farmed things that sold for a good amount, or I went vehicle hunting. Something most server owners know, planes like to build up right along North debug on Chernarus. A Good place to look for vehicles is the Black Forest, or around Rogovo to Kozlovka, and around Dolina to Tulga. Unless its a super hot PVP server, most people don't visit those areas and instead stick to either the Zelenogorsk > Vybor > NWAF, the Cherno/Elektro > Vyshnoye > Starry, or the Kamyshovo > Berezino > Klen.


If you are going to loot farm on a PVP server, don't do it somewhere where other people do it. NWAF and NEAF are pretty much deathtraps. Balota is decent, but then you get hatcheted when your back is turned. I'd suggest farming Industrial or maybe even farm loot, but if you need to farm military, i'd suggest stopping by Green Mountain periodicly of its not someones base to grab the 3 military spawns there. The military zombies can have grenades, MRE's, and other good stuff on them too. Most people avoid looting Green Mountain because the Zed to loot ratio, but it works.

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Its possible the server has custom loot tables which would effect to police zombies.


But, I pretty much loot farmed things that sold for a good amount, or I went vehicle hunting. Something most server owners know, planes like to build up right along North debug on Chernarus. A Good place to look for vehicles is the Black Forest, or around Rogovo to Kozlovka, and around Dolina to Tulga. Unless its a super hot PVP server, most people don't visit those areas and instead stick to either the Zelenogorsk > Vybor > NWAF, the Cherno/Elektro > Vyshnoye > Starry, or the Kamyshovo > Berezino > Klen.


If you are going to loot farm on a PVP server, don't do it somewhere where other people do it. NWAF and NEAF are pretty much deathtraps. Balota is decent, but then you get hatcheted when your back is turned. I'd suggest farming Industrial or maybe even farm loot, but if you need to farm military, i'd suggest stopping by Green Mountain periodicly of its not someones base to grab the 3 military spawns there. The military zombies can have grenades, MRE's, and other good stuff on them too. Most people avoid looting Green Mountain because the Zed to loot ratio, but it works.


Yeah it's a PvP server and pretty action packed so airfields are always a gamble but I'm a pretty decent shot so more often than not combat ends with me alive. 


The problem with cars is not finding them it's that they are all locked. There are vehicles everywhere on this server but locked. As far as normal spawn vehicles that don't have keys this server has almost none, just bunches of abandon locked vehicles. So it's the hotwire kits that give me a hard time. Is there any place that's really good for finding police zombies? I know cities are better but maybe a particular area of Cherno or Elek?


Thanks for the advice, TheVampire.

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Your best bet is probably to invest in buying a Cargo Truck (Ural/V3S/MTVR/Kamaz) and filling it up with guns you farm from the airfield, and then selling them all. Also, grenades sell for a nice amount of money too.

Other then that, try to scout the northern edge of the map for planes.

Also, as you stated missions are worth about 1 or 2 briefs and only take an hour, if you're close by you could rush them, otherwise you could wait until the "victors" walk up to the crate/vehicle and shoot them.

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Yeah it's a PvP server and pretty action packed so airfields are always a gamble but I'm a pretty decent shot so more often than not combat ends with me alive. 


The problem with cars is not finding them it's that they are all locked. There are vehicles everywhere on this server but locked. As far as normal spawn vehicles that don't have keys this server has almost none, just bunches of abandon locked vehicles. So it's the hotwire kits that give me a hard time. Is there any place that's really good for finding police zombies? I know cities are better but maybe a particular area of Cherno or Elek?


Thanks for the advice, TheVampire.


If its locked, kill it. All its doing is preventing one more vehicle from spawning thats not locked the next restart.

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When I used DayZ.st I had a consistent issue where freshly spawned vehicles would pop into the map locked. It was very random, sometimes a couple and sometimes several but over time it led to 100+ locked vehicles before I caught the problem. I manually removed the lock via SQL query for locked vehicles without keys anywhere (thank you Maca for that) but next reset a couple more popped back in. I never figured out why it was happening either but it stopped when we moved to HFB.


Previous poster was right, hatchet the cars. You are doing the server a favor. 

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BUy a bike for a few silver, and ride the countryside(mid and North) for fresh helis/ospreys!

cycle the tents at Stary if its a safe zone.


Bikes? I thought that was what Mozzies were for. :) I find a few helicopter locations then buy a Mozzie and fly them out to the location. I then crash land it and fly the helicopter back, buy new mozzie, repeat.  That way I am not cluttering up the server with mozzies I'll never find again. 

Fuel Trucks work well too. 3 10oz gold for one. 

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