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RPT help v2


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I gather this is the RPT from the first startup of your Taviana server?



All the config 'class missing lines' are normal for Tavi.


The HIVE: WRITE and PUBLISH lines are vehicles being spawned on your server.


You have some errors though, maybe you havent installed a mod correctly or left out a ; someplace? :)

18:34:47 "[AGN] Starting Trader City Safezone Commander!"
18:34:47 "Error: Attempting to start AGN products on a server where it should not be!"

I dont use AGN so dunno the install method. Double-check the install instructions

19:04:57 Error in expression <if (DZE_CleanNull) then {
[] spawn server_sp>
19:04:57   Error position: <DZE_CleanNull) then {
[] spawn server_sp>
19:04:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: dze_cleannull

Do any of the custom scripts you have installed require you to edit your server_cleanup.fsm? because thats where the above error originates from. :)



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So did you get it working?  I see your server is up.


It's nice when people reply to posts you make helping them out, so they then know they've been of some assistance, and helped someone in the community out.

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So did you get it working?  I see your server is up.


It's nice when people reply to posts you make helping them out, so they then know they've been of some assistance, and helped someone in the community out.


Agreed.. I wish more people just didnt take the solution and run and instead returned with a simple, Thank you, it worked or something.

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So did you get it working?  I see your server is up.


It's nice when people reply to posts you make helping them out, so they then know they've been of some assistance, and helped someone in the community out.

lol sorry, I haven't been home for the last few days, but after looking at ur reply I know that my WAI use the server clean up as well as my Epoch Events. 

As far as AGN commander goes, I will have to look the scripts over. 


My biggest problem is the spam that has to do with the buildings or objects or whatever they are in Taviana that look like this in the log-

19:49:27 taviana\silnice\semafor.p3d: house, config class missing

errors like those spam my RPT log, most of the rest I think I can handle. 

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So should I not worry about all that spam?


I have a tavi server and the spam in the RPT file is apparently "normal". Most of the spam errors are said to be fixed in the 3.0 version which of course is not available to the public due to it being locked by the mod you musn't speak of.

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I have a tavi server and the spam in the RPT file is apparently "normal". Most of the spam errors are said to be fixed in the 3.0 version which of course is not available to the public due to it being locked by the mod you musn't speak of.


If 3.0 ever comes out you still won't be able to use it since it uses updated dayz base code and won't be compatible with epoch. Same issue with Namalsk.


Sorry to crush your hopes and dreams :D

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