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[email protected] , who is this guy?


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I'll try to be as detailed as I can.



Hosting 2 servers, and looking for a good Anti-hack, someone  tells me to contact the guy in the subject, since he does lots of goodies, including antihack.


Having friends, contacts, and access to scripts, I already tried BluePhoenix's admins scripts, Monkeys, and Infistar. So I know what these scripts can do, and how they look like.


^^ This guys posts me a script after I paid 20 English Pounds , and I'm totally confused, since it's Infistars antihack, to the letter, only it doesn't fire up.. When asking, he claims to have a custum antihack etc etc, but the script fails, and after many , many days of "I'm at my GF, G3 sucks", and the tool not working I'm getting more and more frustrated. So I tell him to add his UID in, and join my server.


Which ends up with him unable to join Epoch Panthera, since he bloody fails at it. He can't get his client to join a normal Epoch Panthera server.  In the end I get a feeling this guys is autistic, is not able to communicate, and is just ripping off Infistars scripts.


Anyone know him and can vouch he's genuine ?


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Cheers. Yeah I'll acquire Blurr today. Lesson learned :)

Hope this is a warning for others to stick to the official ones as well ...


I'd reccomend one of them to.

I've purchased infiStars from http://dayzantihack.com/ and so far, so good.

He responds to emails, and those in the Blur Gaming teamspeak even helped me a few times (even Blur himself, really nice)


infiStar even shows up here in the Epoch forums on occasion responding to assistance with it, or you can contact him via his email 


[email protected]



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Paypal probably won't, due to the fact of "digital goods" 

Best way to do it, is if he paid with his credit card through paypal, contact the card company, initiate a chargeback.


I've gotten refunds from PayPal every time I've requested one, for digital goods, to include a couple server hosts that couldn't provide me with a working server.

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