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Update from to 1.0.3


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Black_sheep, I see by you posting your link, you are proud of your discussions to the community. You are an asset.


I am just trying to get a deep understanding as to what is needed. I do not want to lose any of my DB so, this is why I am asking my question.


I am working on my PBO's to move each mod one by one. I assume this is what the best method is. Anyway, if someone knows a better way.. I am interested in that.



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I starting my update about 2h ago.....I can honestly say that if you have a fair amount of mods in your server now..it will take you at least a full week to do the upgrade.

The github and the actual epoch.pbo files are not the same in some files...the github looks updated in some cases but outdated in other.

You have to check between 3 files all the time (your files, the github and the epoch pbos).

There is no easy way to do this....you have to start from scratch.

A clean 103 server files, and slowly and painfully add one by one all your stuff.

It took me weeks to get my server the way it is now....and it still has some bugs...It will take me weeks to fully update it.

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I starting my update about 2h ago.....I can honestly say that if you have a fair amount of mods in your server now..it will take you at least a full week to do the upgrade.

The github and the actual epoch.pbo files are not the same in some files...the github looks updated in some cases but outdated in other.

You have to check between 3 files all the time (your files, the github and the epoch pbos).

There is no easy way to do this....you have to start from scratch.

A clean 103 server files, and slowly and painfully add one by one all your stuff.

It took me weeks to get my server the way it is now....and it still has some bugs...It will take me weeks to fully update it.

dude how many scripts/mods have you installed? :P

It has to be said most scripts are a pain to install and could be made a lot easier to install for cases like an epoch update :/

but still a few hours of work should do it, not weeks :D

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Most of the easy stuff yeah, they are doable....but BaseBuilding ? Maintainance, remove buildings, and general rules on construction ? forget it.

Check my post here and you'll understand



The github with the .pbo files have differences. Instead of checking 2 files (you old and 103 files) you have to check 3 files now, to make sure everything is done right.

Even know after 2 weeks of bug fixing in 1025 i still got some weird bugs that i have no idea why and how to fix them.

I dont wanna carry them to 103, but trying to sort what is what (especially with Basebuilding and epoch construction stuff) will take ages.


And what about friendtags ? is it working now with 103 ? do i need the fixes in 1025 in there as well ? noone says that in the changelog.

Anti-salvage stuff, owner keys and temp keys ? whats the temp keys fore ? documentation ? Is there a new way of tagging friends ?

We gotta add again antiwallhack sqf...i just checked it and its totally dirfferent.

Removing buildings ? before i was checking OwnerID, now it checks UID...and tons more stuff like that

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