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infiSTAR building controls



I've seen a few "OLD" posts about this very topic, but can't find a post that solves the issue. I contacted infiSTAR and gtxgaming (who I paid to $13 to install and continue to pay $13/month to keep updated with addons/scripts). InfiSTAR can't seem to reply to my question. I've been waiting for some time and submitted a ticket a few times and have yet to receive any kind of explanation. GTXGaming.com support tells me to contact infiSTAR support, which bothers me since I pay $13/month for GTXGaming to keep updated to work. It seems other servers have no problem rotating, moving, placing, etc, etc, a building spawned via the infiSTAR "Spawn Buildings" option.  I know there are options to use ARMA's Alt-E build mode and I understand that it does not take up as much server space, but at this time, this is what I am wanting to do but can't find a solution. After spawning a building, it is stuck to me and I can't get rid of it without "KILL" or disconnecting. I can't rotate because the keys stay bound to the character movement. Page up, page down, and space do nothing.

On a side note, why can't we get player custom spawn points and custom loadouts set up without the whole ESSV3 gui? I would love the old way to work....where someone asks for a special loadout and I enter that information in a file named loadout.sqf and custom respawn points in newspawn.sqf. I love the idea and concept of ESSV3, but I want my players to be able to get their loadouts and spawn at the designated spot without having to go through anything pre-game (no GUI).

Thanks for reading my rant. Just miss the old days when I was serving back in 2013/2014.

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On 5/25/2018 at 11:53 PM, Oryahn said:

On a side note, why can't we get player custom spawn points and custom loadouts set up without the whole ESSV3 gui?

What's that question? No one forces you to use ESS. And if you want to setup own loadouts and spawnpoints, why don't you just do so? I really don't get the point of this post.

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Actually meant to ask 2 questions. I thought they were implied in my rant, but just forgot to actually post them in question format.

1. Is there any post on any forum that explains how to fix the infiSTAR issue I'm having with the "Spawn Buildings" option? My host (gtxgaming.com) says there is nothing wrong with the install that I paid them to do. When selecting a building to spawn, it does spawn....but it I can't rotate it, move it, or place it. It is permanently stuck to me until I "Kill" myself via infiSTAR admin controls. I've searched for over a week with many different search terms to try and find a post that has the same problem. The only one I found didn't have a solution. 

2. As for the spawn/loadout issue, I was just stating that I would like to have a script that allowed to give custom loadouts and spawn points without the way it is done with ESSV3. I like what it does, but it's more than I want. I don't have scripting experience and can't write it myself. I was trying to ask if there was still a script/addon around that offered the option for loadouts and spawn points without the player having to do anything. Three or four years ago I was able to do it that way with code I found on one of the DayZ forum sites. I can't seem to find it now. Is there code anywhere that can do it the older way or is anyone working on code for this at the moment? As for your comment, Relentless, I never said I had to use ESS. Only that it wasn't what I needed. I would set up my own if I knew how to write it. So I really don't understand the point of your reply to my post. It was not helpful and comes off as you being a bit of an *** to someone simply looking for some help. If you don't understand someone's question or post, simply ask rather than post some smart*** remark about the post. Thank you.

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English is not my native language so sometimes my replies may sound rude. There are a lot of people thinking I am a rude person. Who cares...

To your problem. I've never heard of this infiSTAR issue and also never experienced it myself. I can't help with that.

To the loadout issue. You could still use the vanilla built-in system that's in Epoch. You can set Loadouts globally and if you want to do it for specific player UID's you make an if-statement. Should look like that:

_loadout1 = ["123609182069861","12907109827097125"];	//enter the player ids here
_loadout2 = ["126127137137233","12731724872471351"];	//a different loadout

if (getPlayerUID player in _loadout1) then {
      DefaultMagazines = ["HandRoadFlare","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"];
      DefaultWeapons = ["Makarov_DZ","ItemFlashlight"];
      DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
      DefaultBackpackItems = []; // Can include both weapons and magazines i.e. ["PDW_DZ","30Rnd_9x19_UZI"];

if (getPlayerUID player in _loadout2) then {
      DefaultMagazines = ["HandRoadFlare","ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"];
      DefaultWeapons = ["Makarov_DZ","ItemFlashlight"];
      DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
      DefaultBackpackItems = []; // Can include both weapons and magazines i.e. ["PDW_DZ","30Rnd_9x19_UZI"];

That way you could create lists with player IDs with their custom loadout. I guess that's the easiest method without writing an own script for this. If you have no clue of code this should work fine. ESS for example handles spawns and loadouts itself.

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I apologize for coming off as rude myself. I should not have jumped to any conclusions. I appreciate your help with this. I do have a couple questions about your code.

First, will the loadouts only load when the person respawns from death or will they lose everything they were carrying and get the loadout when logging in after quitting the game? Example: I log out of the game successfully to quit for the day and I'm holding miscellaneous items (I did not die). When I log back in will the loadout replace what I had collected, or will it only replace with custom loadout after player death and respawning?

Second, can I just enter separate code without grouping loadouts? Example:

if (getPlayerUID player in ["12345678901234567890"]) then { AND ENTER THE REST OF YOUR CODE FOR LOADOUT

I know the code may not be proper, but can it be entered to give custom loadout to individual players rather than grouping them first?

Again, I apologize for assuming you were being rude and thank you for helping me.

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5 hours ago, Oryahn said:

I apologize for coming off as rude myself. I should not have jumped to any conclusions. I appreciate your help with this. I do have a couple questions about your code.

First, will the loadouts only load when the person respawns from death or will they lose everything they were carrying and get the loadout when logging in after quitting the game? Example: I log out of the game successfully to quit for the day and I'm holding miscellaneous items (I did not die). When I log back in will the loadout replace what I had collected, or will it only replace with custom loadout after player death and respawning?

Second, can I just enter separate code without grouping loadouts? Example:

if (getPlayerUID player in ["12345678901234567890"]) then { AND ENTER THE REST OF YOUR CODE FOR LOADOUT

I know the code may not be proper, but can it be entered to give custom loadout to individual players rather than grouping them first?

Again, I apologize for assuming you were being rude and thank you for helping me.

The loadouts only affect new characters (new players, respawns from death).

If you want to give a single player a custom loadout then use: if (getPlayerUID player == "12345678901234567890") then { rest of code };

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What Jason said is right. If you check for an individual player id, use:

if (getPlayerUID player == "1234567891011121314") then {

You only get that loadout you specified in this code when you respawn means if you log out like a normal person, this code doesn't take effect. I was thinking that it's a hell of work to give each player an individual loadout that's why I suggested small groups, you can also do both. However you want.

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Besides the check of every players uid, you can work with profileNameSpace.


If you create a small dialog or an action menu where players can choose their weapons and spawn point, you can save it directly in the playerprofil locally on the pc of each player. it is a good possibility to work with. the downside of the that command is if a player change something on his profile like name changes, changes of the characters head these values getting overwritten. And you cannot call it from a server like normal variables. you have to convert it in another variable before.


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The loadouts are working great. Thanks again. I now need to know how to do the same for custom respawn locations after player dies. I just want to enter the coordinates for their respawn location like we did 3 or 4 years ago. It seems the script has changed a lot of the years and I can't seem to get any of them to work.

Example:  create a player_spawn.sqf that holds the custom spawn points for players by UID. I know how to add the call for the sqf file, just not sure how to do the rest.

Thank you all, in advance.

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