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Needing HELP adding Ai to spawn and map marker?

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I just built and sector of shorts and was needing to know if anyone knows how to get the ai to spawn inside when a player enters the area? Also for some reason when I try to add a map marker with the coords I get from infistars debug monitor it puts it out at sea?

I'm new to coding and such and have a brand new server I keep putting things in, so if someone would be willing to screen share with me on my discord and help it would be really great? Thanks

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Do you still need help?  Sometimes questions don't get answered because there isn't enough info in the question itself. I would suggest, what type of AI are you trying to set up? Are you are adding a map marker to tell everyone where the AI are? Check your coords with the map editor. Post your files you have edited! <<< (most important). Without that info we are just guessing which is really just a waste of time.People here are very helpful, they just need more info.


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I have figured out how to add map markers via the a2 editor and we done away with the idea of having static ai spawning in the area we wanted, But I yet again I have ran into a problem with trying to get working scripts for the deploy bike from toolbox and the remove skin from players body. Do you or anyone know of someone I can get in contact with who has the scripts and can show me or put them on my server? I don't mind paying for the help?

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Are you running older, older instead of current
This section is for releasing&supporting mods for
There's a question section https://epochmod.com/forum/forum/35-scripting/, , and I can't read those loooooong sentence without any break line)

Deploy bike for

I don't know anything about that for If you need, [Search] it yourself 


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