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I'm tried (bewildered) by my current GSP and the way the handle mod updates, as they do them manually.

No Steam Workshop mods,  Steam Updater for arma only.

Mods must come from armaholics than be vetted or FTP it and 1 GB take some 4 hours to upload and if their are DLL files in there yep have to wait for them to be vetted.


Can you guys recommended a GSP that must allows at least  SteamCMD for mod updates with Australian locations

Would like to hear first hand about other GSP from people first before move on else where.






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If you don't want to get a full dedi with remote console access then GTX is your friend. They now have a workshop downloader on their TCAdmin which allows you to put in the steam AppID and destination folder. Really convenient and useful addition. Use them for two of my servers. Do recommend them


Ps. Rather than using armaholic just upload the mod from your own steam workshop to cut the time of manual uploads if that's your only option btw

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