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Well this is the result of my best enemy "what if?". I just start it as a simple mod.. but with the running of the days the "what if" appear more and more, ending in a mod who uses all epoch files.

Many tnks to @iben  @oldmatechoc @Hooty   @Th3-Hunter333    for all support and tests.

*What is DEATHMATCH: Is a mixture of Wasteland and Epoch with a system of Ranks Exclusive only for UTES map. You can choise between play a clasic DeathMatch or Epoch-DeathMatch

*Mission Cache Size: Less than 500kb.

*Install: The install is pretty simple, you just need 10 minutes for create a fresh server files, create a database, overwrite all with DeathMatch files and edit some paths.

*What´s inside?:


*DEATHMATCH uses the original epoch files provided by this comunity.

Also uses: a custom  DeployAnything by @mudzerelli.  and a custom HUD by @Cherdenko.  Coins by @salival // @zupa  and Plot restrictions by @BigEgg

*What´s was writed exclusive for DEATHMATCH?



1-An Admin Panel (F3 key) with this functions:  /*Run Events/*Teleport/*Adm Mod /*ShowPlayers/*Spy cam/*Ghost/*Adm Custom Skin/*Civil Skin/*Heal-Unheal/*Add-Remove Hum/*Add Coins/*Spawn Crates/*Remove Object with Cursor Target/*Detailed Manually Server Cleanup in game.


1-A Player Menu (F2 key) with this functions: /*DEATHMATCH TP (fast travel to deathmatch zone) /*RISE MY RANK (buy rank) /*SELL HUMANITY /*BUILD MY HOUSE (details below) /*HUD (turn on/off the epoch hud) /*SET VIEW /*SUICIDE /*DM-RULES

2-Trader Menu (TAB key) : DEATHMATCH do not need AI Traders. Just press TAB and the traders menu spawns. Players can buy more things when have higer ranks.

3-Drag Boxs/crates and load in vehicles.


AUTORESTART FILES: with BEC, server maintain functions (by @bigegg)  and wipe functions (in case you want it). Server restart each 2 hours.

FIX FRESH SPAWNS AND RELOG SWIMING // PREVENTION FOR ADM ABUSE // RANDOM SKINS ON FRESH SPAWNS and CUSTOM LOADOUT // 8 EXCLUSIVES EVENTS: "Public Enemy","Infection","Enemy Heli","Enemy Jet","Enemy Paratroops","Vehicles from Air","Supplys from Air" (Details below). // RANKING SYSTEM (More Kills more Rank) // KILL REWARDS IN COINS // CEMETARY // WIN MONEY HOLDING THE DEATHMATCH ZONE POSITION // MILITARY VEHICLES SPAWNED BY THE SERVER AND FILLED WITH MILITARY LOOT // WRECKS SPAWNS IN THE FOREST NOT IN ROADS // MINEVEINS WAS CHANGED BY STATICS WEAPONS (M2 DSHKM MORTAR...etc) // SPAWN CRATES WAS CHANGED BY MILITARY CRATES // ALL WEAPONS ARE ALLOWED // CUSTOM MAP // A LOT OF PREVENTIONS ABOUT PLAYER CRAFTING: only one plot per player, lockbox and safes in plot areas, lower value on max plot objets, players needs buy a house before start to build walls and floors..restricted zones to build// REMOTE_LOCK/UNLOCK  PRESSING "E" KEY // MINEFIELDS // COLOR CORRECTIONS// And others things that i cant record now.



Important!: this not was writed thinking in infistar. You can use it with infi but you will need entry a lot of filters.






heres the rpt: https://pastebin.com/mtV4Ppk1



dowload latest version from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yhls7avnhatq7b8/UTES+DEATHMATCH+v2.rar

OUT OF DATE DO NOT USE IT: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jekbn6o45wxm1g6/UTES+DEATHMATCH.rar



1-We create this path: (do not change it you gonna save a LOT of time if u keep this path) .



2-Copy everything from inside your "Arma 2" Folder inside the "D:\epoch16\"

3-Do the same for your "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" Folder EXCEPT any folders starting with an @. (overwrite if ure machine ask you)


4-A-Download @Dayz_Epoch client files from here

http://epochmod.com/a2dayzepoch.php   (Do not Download Server Files)  And paste the @Dayz_Epoch folder into D:\epoch16\

4-B-Drop all content in download folder in D:\epoch16\  (overwrite if your machine ask you).

5-Create a Database (if u dont know how to do it.. go to this guide and do the steps 29 to 55.)



6-Now we only need edit the database name, user name and pass. (The one you put in the step from above) so Open:


A-HiveExt.ini  (D:\epoch16 \instance_2_utes\ ) and change this 3 values for your owns.

Your Database name ,Your mysql user , Your mysql user password.


Database = dm1

Username = dm1

Password = dm1


B-Open BeServer.cfg  (D:\epoch16 \instance_2_utes\BattlEye\) and change password for your BEC.


RConPassword 25210

C-Open DEATHMATCH_LAUNCHER.bat  (D:\epoch16\instance_2_utes\BattlEye\Bec\AUTORESTART_FILES\) and change the values for your owns.



set DB_USERNAME="dm1"

set DB_PASSWORD="dm1"

set DB_NAME="dm1"


D-Open DM_MAINTAIN.bat (D:\epoch16\instance_2_utes\BattlEye\Bec\AUTORESTART_FILES\) and change the values for your owns.


set mysqlschema=dm1

set mysqlpassword=dm1

set mysqluser=dm1

:: Path to mysql.exe file (default by xampp below)

set mysqlpath=C:\xampp\mysql\bin\

E-Open DM_WIPE.bat and change the values for your owns.



set MYSQLDIR=C:\xampp\mysql\bin





7-in this step you need load the function to find vehicles without keys. So open Navicat or Heidy and run as Query the findvehicleswithoutkeyFunction.sql. (epoch16/SQL/)

8-Now the last thing. You need choise if u wanna play the CLASIC DEATHMATCH or EPOCH-DEATHMATCH.

The diference is CLASIC DEATHMATCH  delete your database in each restart and the EPOCH-DEATHMATCH dont, just load the maintain functions.

So if u decide use EPOCH-DEATHMATCH youre done here.

But if u choise CLASIC DEATHMATCH then:

open DM_SHUTDOWN.bat (D:\epoch16 \instance_2_utes\BattlEye\Bec\AUTORESTART_FILES\)  and change this line:


start "" "DM_MAINTAIN.bat"


start "" "DM_WIPE.bat"

9-Time to add you as adm. Go to  D:\epoch16\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_2.Utes\admineventsclientside\ and open enable_Myadm.sqf and enter your id here:

adminsList= ["7656119825757****"];


//Note: You can add anykind of epoch mod or customize at your taste since its uses the epoch files.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, DAmNRelentless said:

Heavily modifying it currently. This is a very nice idea and a good base to make an own gamemode which will not be epoch based. I have a hell of work to do but expect a huge update on this in the future. :)

in this moiment thers a brazilian server by wagner running it. if u wanna join we are playing now :D

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16 minutes ago, juandayz said:

in this moiment thers a brazilian server by wagner running it. if u wanna join we are playing now :D

I'd love too, really but first reason I can't is that my windows is broke and I am currently reinstalling it. Currently I am still using it because Chrome still works while copying files on an external drive and second reason is that I am from Germany and brazil is quite far and my ping would screw myself up. xD
I would just rage because getting killed from somewhere 2 secconds delayed. :D
But thank you for the offer.

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Just now, DAmNRelentless said:

I'd love too, really but first reason I can't is that my windows is broke and I am currently reinstalling it. Currently I am still using it because Chrome still works while copying files on an external drive and second reason is that I am from Germany and brazil is quite far and my ping would screw myself up. xD
I would just rage because getting killed from somewhere 2 secconds delayed. :D
But thank you for the offer.

ohh i was thinking brazil and germany is in the same continent.. Oceania.. ahha no just a joke America-Europe.  Still remember 7-1. :laugh: you know what im talking about.

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Just now, juandayz said:

ohh i was thinking brazil and germany is in the same continent.. Oceania.. ahha no just a joke America-Europe.  Still remember 7-1. :laugh: you know what im talking about.

i was earlier on the server and had a 300ms ping so no i would not recommend on joining on there from germany.
i will also get a server up next month hosting and testing the mission for juan

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its counts humans murders,  _kills = [player getVariable['humanKills', 0]]call BIS_fnc_numberText;  not AI.  But  thers a problem with skins i guess.. skins from civil side killing others do not count the kills.. taked as friendly fire. gonna made a proobe only with west side skins.


Edit: @WagnerMello send you by private a new version with all your changes.

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Updated http://www.mediafire.com/file/yhls7avnhatq7b8/UTES+DEATHMATCH+v2.rar

tnks to @WagnerMello for mount it and giveme a lot of nices ideas!

New Features:


Zeds,Humans and Bandits kills counts as unique score. (this fix somes issues with rank system)

New Hud.

DeathMatch marker area changes his color when thers players inside.

New Events.

and others stetics changes.





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