juandayz Posted May 2, 2017 Report Share Posted May 2, 2017 *Allow players to attach zombies in open vehicles class. *To make it the players gonna need an "equipe_rope" in inventory. *Be near of a vehicle type in this list _allowedVehicles = [ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; *Aim to a zed to get the option "attachZed" *When players detach zeds, they (zeds) comes with 15seconds of godmode. and while they are attached have a godmode. *Vehicles in _allowedVehicles have the option to release zeds from inside. INSTALL: 1-create this path mpmissions\your instance\attachzeds\ 2-in this new path create this sqfs attachzed.sqf Spoiler private ["_zbody","_objects","_allowedVehicles"]; _zbody = _this select 3; _zattached = _zbody getVariable["zattached",false]; _allowedVehicles = [ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; if(!_zattached) then { _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, _allowedVehicles, 10]; _objects = _objects select 0; if (player distance _objects < 10) then { if (_zbody distance _objects < 10) then { _zbody attachTo [_objects, [0, -1.5, -1]]; player removeMagazine "equip_rope"; _zbody addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}]; [objNull, _zbody, rSwitchMove,""] call RE; _zbody setVariable["zattached",true,true]; systemChat("Zed tied up"); }; }; }; detachzed.sqf Spoiler private ["_zbody"]; _zbody = _this select 3; _zattached = _zbody getVariable["zattached",true]; if(_zattached) then { player addMagazine "equip_rope"; detach _zbody; systemChat("Freedom"); _zbody setVariable["zattached",false,false]; sleep 15; systemChat("Zed normalized"); _zbody addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}]; }; create detachzed_veh.sqf Spoiler private ["_zbody","_ppos","_zombies","_zombie","_random"]; //player addMagazine "equip_rope"; area = 2; _ppos = getPos player; _zombies = _ppos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",area]; _count = count _zombies; for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do { _zombie = _zombies select _i; detach _zombie; _random = round(random(3)); switch (_random) do { case 0 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 1 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 2 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 3 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 3, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 4 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+3,0]; }; }; _zombie setVariable["zattached",false,false]; systemChat("Zed release"); }; 3-now go to your custom fn_selfactions.sqf (this part is based on takes clothes and salival´s bury /butcher) Spoiler A-find this line: //Towing with tow truck /* if(_typeOfCursorTarget == "TOW_DZE") then { if (s_player_towing < 0) then { if(!(_cursorTarget getVariable ["DZEinTow", false])) then { s_player_towing = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_ATTACH" "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tow_AttachStraps.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true]; } else { s_player_towing = player addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_DETACH", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\tow_DetachStraps.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true]; }; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_towing; s_player_towing = -1; }; */ below paste: if (_isAlive && {(_cursorTarget isKindOf "zZombie_base")}) then { _zattached = _cursorTarget getVariable["zattached",false]; if (!_zattached) then { if ("equip_rope" in magazines player) then { if (s_player_zhide4 < 0) then { s_player_zhide4 = player addAction [format["<t color='#0096ff'>TieUp Zed</t>"], "attachzeds\attachzed.sqf",_cursorTarget,0, false,true]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_zhide4; s_player_zhide4 = -1; }; }; if (_zattached) then { if (s_player_zhide5 < 0) then { s_player_zhide5 = player addAction [format["<t color='#0096ff'>detach zed</t>"], "attachzeds\detachzed.sqf",_cursorTarget,0, true,true]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_zhide5; s_player_zhide5 = -1; }; }; B-find: } else { //Engineering below add player removeAction s_player_zhide5; s_player_zhide5 = -1; player removeAction s_player_zhide4; s_player_zhide4 = -1; C-find: //Grab Flare if (_canPickLight && !dayz_hasLight && !_isPZombie) then { if (s_player_grabflare < 0) then { _text = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _nearLight) >> "displayName"); s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_15",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_pickup.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true]; s_player_removeflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_17",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_remove.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_grabflare; player removeAction s_player_removeflare; s_player_grabflare = -1; s_player_removeflare = -1; }; below paste: _allowedVehiclesA = typeOf _vehicle in[ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; if (_inVehicle && _allowedVehiclesA && (driver _vehicle == player)) then { dayz_addrelease = _vehicle; if (s_player_zedsr < 0) then { s_player_zedsr = dayz_addrelease addAction ["Release Zeds","attachzeds\detachzed_veh.sqf",dayz_addrelease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; 4-in a custom variables.sqf if u have some kind of error on rpt about undefined variable ..find: dayz_resetSelfActions = { below add: s_player_zhide4 = -1; s_player_zhide5 = -1; Schalldampfer, BigEgg, Hooty and 4 others 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted May 2, 2017 Report Share Posted May 2, 2017 This is weird 0_O But cool! My taste! :D Nice release :) juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted May 2, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 2, 2017 9 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said: This is weird 0_O But cool! My taste! :D Nice release :) tnks mate! gernika 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hooty Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 @juandayz you done it again !!! Nice work home dog grilled cheese dill pickle. gernika, chi and juandayz 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltan Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 Looks great! is there a limit to how many Zeds you can put in each vehicle? Does it consume a rope per zed they tie up? Can you release the zeds from inside the vehicle? juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigEgg Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 @juandayz, this is hilarious! I wish I had your creativity haha juandayz, gernika and Hooty 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted May 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 @Voltan is there a limit to how many Zeds you can put in each vehicle?- No, but is possible write it. (give me time and i can do it) Does it consume a rope per zed they tie up? (yes , 1 rope per zed, and feedback the rope when you release the zed) Can you release the zeds from inside the vehicle? (not now, but yes is possible write it.) @BigEgg @Hooty tnks mates!!! Voltan, Hooty, BigEgg and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Relentless Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 18 minutes ago, juandayz said: @Voltan is there a limit to how many Zeds you can put in each vehicle?- No, but is possible write it. (give me time and i can do it) Does it consume a rope per zed they tie up? (yes , 1 rope per zed, and feedback the rope when you release the zed) Can you release the zeds from inside the vehicle? (not now, but yes is possible write it.) @BigEgg @Hooty tnks mates!!! I would be glad if this is none of these scripts that are developed one time and then never get updated. Please do it as you said and update it from time to time and listen to the requests of the community. I don't want to call you lazy, don't take it as an insult. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gernika Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 very very glad to see new things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @juandayz tnks its works amazing.. and if i can help you to the update required by @DAmNRelentless just call me. juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted May 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 11 minutes ago, gernika said: very very glad to see new things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @juandayz tnks its works amazing.. and if i can help you to the update required by @DAmNRelentless just call me. yeah sure tnks for the offer gonna write you at any time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hooty Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 This is what i did xD Spoiler _allowedVehicles = [ "2s6m_tunguska", "aav", "armoredsuv_pmc", "ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE3", "armoredsuv_pmc_dze", "atv_cz_ep1", "atv_us_ep1", "av8b", "av8b2", "baf_atv_d", "baf_atv_w", "baf_fv510_d", "baf_fv510_w", "baf_jackal2_gmg_d", "baf_jackal2_gmg_w", "baf_jackal2_l2a1_d", "baf_jackal2_l2a1_w", "baf_merlin_dze", "baf_offroad_d", "baf_offroad_w", "bmp2_ambul_cdf", "bmp2_ambul_ins", "bmp2_cdf", "bmp2_gue", "bmp2_hq_cdf", "bmp2_hq_ins", "bmp2_hq_tk_ep1", "bmp2_ins", "bmp2_tk_ep1", "bmp2_un_ep1", "bmp3", "brdm2_atgm_cdf", "brdm2_atgm_ins", "brdm2_atgm_tk_ep1", "brdm2_atgm_tk_gue_ep1", "brdm2_cdf", "brdm2_gue", "brdm2_hq_gue", "brdm2_hq_tk_gue_ep1", "brdm2_ins", "brdm2_tk_ep1", "brdm2_tk_gue_ep1", "btr40_mg_tk_gue_ep1", "btr40_mg_tk_ins_ep1", "btr40_tk_gue_ep1", "btr40_tk_ins_ep1", "btr60_tk_ep1", "btr90", "btr90_hq", "car_hatchback", "car_sedan", "chukar", "chukar_ep1", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "fishing_boat", "gaz_vodnik", "gaz_vodnik_dz", "gaz_vodnik_dz_lm", "gaz_vodnik_dz_vlm", "gaz_vodnik_dze", "gaz_vodnik_hmg", "gaz_vodnik_medevac", "glt_m300_lt", "glt_m300_st", "gnt_c185", "gnt_c185c", "gnt_c185e", "gnt_c185f", "gnt_c185r", "gnt_c185t", "gnt_c185u", "grad_cdf", "grad_ins", "grad_ru", "grad_tk_ep1", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE", "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_3_open_ep1", "hmmwv", "hmmwv_ambulance", "hmmwv_ambulance_cz_des_ep1", "hmmwv_ambulance_des_ep1", "hmmwv_armored", "hmmwv_avenger", "hmmwv_avenger_des_ep1", "hmmwv_des_ep1", "hmmwv_dz", "hmmwv_m1035_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_cz_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_cz_des_ep1_dz", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_cz_des_ep1_dze", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m2", "hmmwv_m998_crows_m2_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m998_crows_mk19_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m998a2_sov_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m998a2_sov_des_ep1_dz", "hmmwv_m998a2_sov_des_ep1_dze", "hmmwv_mk19", "hmmwv_mk19_des_ep1", "hmmwv_terminal_ep1", "hmmwv_tow", "hmmwv_tow_des_ep1", "ikarus", "ikarus_tk_civ_ep1", "jetskiyanahui_blue", "jetskiyanahui_green", "jetskiyanahui_red", "jetskiyanahui_yellow", "Kamaz_DZE", "kamazopen", "kamazreammo", "kamazrefuel", "kamazrefuel_dz", "kamazrepair", "lada1", "lada1_gdr", "lada1_tk_civ_ep1", "lada2", "lada2_gdr", "lada2_tk_civ_ep1", "lada4_gdr", "lada5_gdr", "lada_base", "ladalm", "landrover_cz_ep1", "landrover_mg_tk_ep1", "landrover_mg_tk_ep1_dz", "landrover_mg_tk_ep1_dze", "landrover_mg_tk_ins_ep1", "landrover_special_cz_ep1", "landrover_special_cz_ep1_dz", "landrover_special_cz_ep1_dze", "landrover_spg9_tk_ep1", "landrover_spg9_tk_ins_ep1", "landrover_tk_civ_ep1", "lav25", "lav25_hq", "m1030", "m1030_us_des_ep1", "m1126_icv_m2_ep1", "m1126_icv_mk19_ep1", "m1128_mgs_ep1", "m1129_mc_ep1", "m1130_cv_ep1", "m1133_mev_ep1", "m1135_atgmv_ep1", "m113_tk_ep1", "m113_un_ep1", "m113ambul_tk_ep1", "m113ambul_tk_ep1_dz", "m113ambul_un_ep1", "m113ambul_un_ep1_dz", "m1a1", "m1a1_us_des_ep1", "m1a2_tusk_mg", "m1a2_us_tusk_mg_ep1", "m2a2_ep1", "m2a3_ep1", "m6_ep1", "maz_543_scud_tk_ep1", "mlrs", "mlrs_des_ep1", "mmt_civ", "mmt_usmc", "mq9predatorb_us_ep1", "mtvr", "mtvr_des_ep1", "mtvrreammo", "mtvrreammo_des_ep1", "mtvrrefuel", "mtvrrefuel_des_ep1", "mtvrrefuel_des_ep1_dz", "mtvrrepair", "mtvrrepair_des_ep1", "mtvrsalvage_des_ep1", "mtvrsupply_des_ep1", "offroad_dshkm_gue", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dz", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze1", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze2", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze3", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze4", "offroad_dshkm_ins", "offroad_dshkm_tk_gue_ep1", "offroad_spg9_gue", "offroad_spg9_tk_gue_ep1", "old_bike_tk_civ_ep1", "old_bike_tk_ins_ep1", "old_moto_tk_civ_ep1", "papercar", "pbx", "pchela1t", "pickup_pk_gue", "pickup_pk_gue_dz", "pickup_pk_gue_dze", "pickup_pk_ins", "pickup_pk_ins_dz", "pickup_pk_ins_dze", "pickup_pk_tk_gue_ep1", "pickup_pk_tk_gue_ep1_dz", "pickup_pk_tk_gue_ep1_dze", "policecar", "rhib", "rhib2turret", "s1203_ambulance_ep1", "s1203_tk_civ_ep1", "seafox", "seafox_ep1", "skoda", "skodablue", "skodagreen", "skodared", "smallboat_1", "smallboat_2", "suv_blue", "suv_camo", "suv_charcoal", "suv_dz", "suv_green", "suv_orange", "suv_pink", "suv_pmc", "suv_pmc_baf", "suv_red", "suv_silver", "suv_tk_civ_ep1", "suv_tk_ep1", "suv_un_ep1", "suv_white", "suv_yellow", "t34", "t34_tk_ep1", "t34_tk_gue_ep1", "t55_tk_ep1", "t55_tk_gue_ep1", "t72_cdf", "t72_gue", "t72_ins", "t72_ru", "t72_tk_ep1", "t90", "towingtractor", "tractor", "tractorold", "tt650_civ", "tt650_gue", "tt650_ins", "tt650_tk_civ_ep1", "tt650_tk_ep1", "uaz_ags30_cdf", "uaz_ags30_ins", "uaz_ags30_ru", "uaz_ags30_tk_ep1", "uaz_cdf", "uaz_ins", "uaz_mg_cdf", "uaz_mg_cdf", "uaz_mg_cdf_dz_lm", "uaz_mg_cdf_dz_vlm", "uaz_mg_ins", "uaz_mg_ins_dz_lm", "uaz_mg_ins_dz_vlm", "uaz_mg_tk_ep1", "uaz_mg_tk_ep1_dz", "uaz_mg_tk_ep1_dze", "uaz_ru", "uaz_spg9_ins", "uaz_unarmed_tk_civ_ep1", "uaz_unarmed_tk_ep1", "uaz_unarmed_un_ep1", "ural_cdf", "ural_ins", "ural_tk_civ_ep1", "ural_un_ep1", "ural_zu23_cdf", "ural_zu23_gue", "ural_zu23_ins", "ural_zu23_tk_ep1", "ural_zu23_tk_gue_ep1", "uralcivil", "uralcivil2", "uralopen_cdf", "uralopen_ins", "uralreammo_cdf", "uralreammo_ins", "uralreammo_tk_ep1", "uralrefuel_cdf", "uralrefuel_ins", "uralrefuel_tk_ep1", "uralrefuel_tk_ep1_dz", "uralrepair_cdf", "uralrepair_ins", "uralrepair_tk_ep1", "uralsalvage_tk_ep1", "uralsupply_tk_ep1", "v3s_civ", "v3s_gue", "v3s_open_tk_civ_ep1", "v3s_open_tk_ep1", "v3s_reammo_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_refuel_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_refuel_tk_gue_ep1_dz", "v3s_repair_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_salvage_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_supply_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_tk_ep1", "v3s_tk_gue_ep1", "volha_1_tk_civ_ep1", "volha_2_tk_civ_ep1", "volhalimo_tk_civ_ep1", "vwgolf", "warfarereammotruck_cdf", "warfarereammotruck_gue", "warfarereammotruck_ins", "warfarereammotruck_ru", "warfarereammotruck_usmc", "warfarerepairtruck_gue", "warfaresalvagetruck_cdf", "warfaresalvagetruck_gue", "warfaresalvagetruck_ins", "warfaresalvagetruck_ru", "warfaresalvagetruck_usmc", "warfaresupplytruck_cdf", "warfaresupplytruck_gue", "warfaresupplytruck_ins", "warfaresupplytruck_ru", "warfaresupplytruck_usmc", "zodiac", "zsu_cdf", "zsu_ins", "zsu_tk_ep1", "a10", "a10_us_ep1", "ah64d_ep1", "AH1Z", "AH64D_Sidewinders", "AW159_Lynx_BAF", "ah6j_ep1", "ah6x_dz", "an2_1_tk_civ_ep1", "an2_2_tk_civ_ep1", "an2_dz", "an2_tk_ep1", "baf_merlin_dze", "BAF_Apache_AH1_D", "c130j", "c130j_us_ep1", "c130j_us_ep1_dz", "ch53_dze", "ch_47f_baf", "ch_47f_ep1", "ch_47f_ep1_dz", "ch_47f_ep1_dze", "csj_gyroc", "csj_gyrocover", "csj_gyrop", "f35b", "Ka52Black", "l39_tk_ep1", "m6_ep1", "mh6j_dz", "mi17_civilian_dz", "mi17_dze", "mq9predatorb_us_ep1", "mv22_dz", "su25_cdf", "su25_ins", "su25_tk_ep1", "su34", "su39", "uh1h_dze", "uh1h_tk_ep1", "uh1y", "uh1y_dze", "Mi171Sh_rockets_CZ_EP1", "uh60m_ep1_dze" ]; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted May 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 2 minutes ago, Hooty said: This is what i did xD Hide contents _allowedVehicles = [ "2s6m_tunguska", "aav", "armoredsuv_pmc", "ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE3", "armoredsuv_pmc_dze", "atv_cz_ep1", "atv_us_ep1", "av8b", "av8b2", "baf_atv_d", "baf_atv_w", "baf_fv510_d", "baf_fv510_w", "baf_jackal2_gmg_d", "baf_jackal2_gmg_w", "baf_jackal2_l2a1_d", "baf_jackal2_l2a1_w", "baf_merlin_dze", "baf_offroad_d", "baf_offroad_w", "bmp2_ambul_cdf", "bmp2_ambul_ins", "bmp2_cdf", "bmp2_gue", "bmp2_hq_cdf", "bmp2_hq_ins", "bmp2_hq_tk_ep1", "bmp2_ins", "bmp2_tk_ep1", "bmp2_un_ep1", "bmp3", "brdm2_atgm_cdf", "brdm2_atgm_ins", "brdm2_atgm_tk_ep1", "brdm2_atgm_tk_gue_ep1", "brdm2_cdf", "brdm2_gue", "brdm2_hq_gue", "brdm2_hq_tk_gue_ep1", "brdm2_ins", "brdm2_tk_ep1", "brdm2_tk_gue_ep1", "btr40_mg_tk_gue_ep1", "btr40_mg_tk_ins_ep1", "btr40_tk_gue_ep1", "btr40_tk_ins_ep1", "btr60_tk_ep1", "btr90", "btr90_hq", "car_hatchback", "car_sedan", "chukar", "chukar_ep1", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_2_covered_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "fishing_boat", "gaz_vodnik", "gaz_vodnik_dz", "gaz_vodnik_dz_lm", "gaz_vodnik_dz_vlm", "gaz_vodnik_dze", "gaz_vodnik_hmg", "gaz_vodnik_medevac", "glt_m300_lt", "glt_m300_st", "gnt_c185", "gnt_c185c", "gnt_c185e", "gnt_c185f", "gnt_c185r", "gnt_c185t", "gnt_c185u", "grad_cdf", "grad_ins", "grad_ru", "grad_tk_ep1", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_2_covered_DZE", "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_3_open_ep1", "hmmwv", "hmmwv_ambulance", "hmmwv_ambulance_cz_des_ep1", "hmmwv_ambulance_des_ep1", "hmmwv_armored", "hmmwv_avenger", "hmmwv_avenger_des_ep1", "hmmwv_des_ep1", "hmmwv_dz", "hmmwv_m1035_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_cz_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_cz_des_ep1_dz", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_cz_des_ep1_dze", "hmmwv_m1151_m2_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m2", "hmmwv_m998_crows_m2_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m998_crows_mk19_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m998a2_sov_des_ep1", "hmmwv_m998a2_sov_des_ep1_dz", "hmmwv_m998a2_sov_des_ep1_dze", "hmmwv_mk19", "hmmwv_mk19_des_ep1", "hmmwv_terminal_ep1", "hmmwv_tow", "hmmwv_tow_des_ep1", "ikarus", "ikarus_tk_civ_ep1", "jetskiyanahui_blue", "jetskiyanahui_green", "jetskiyanahui_red", "jetskiyanahui_yellow", "Kamaz_DZE", "kamazopen", "kamazreammo", "kamazrefuel", "kamazrefuel_dz", "kamazrepair", "lada1", "lada1_gdr", "lada1_tk_civ_ep1", "lada2", "lada2_gdr", "lada2_tk_civ_ep1", "lada4_gdr", "lada5_gdr", "lada_base", "ladalm", "landrover_cz_ep1", "landrover_mg_tk_ep1", "landrover_mg_tk_ep1_dz", "landrover_mg_tk_ep1_dze", "landrover_mg_tk_ins_ep1", "landrover_special_cz_ep1", "landrover_special_cz_ep1_dz", "landrover_special_cz_ep1_dze", "landrover_spg9_tk_ep1", "landrover_spg9_tk_ins_ep1", "landrover_tk_civ_ep1", "lav25", "lav25_hq", "m1030", "m1030_us_des_ep1", "m1126_icv_m2_ep1", "m1126_icv_mk19_ep1", "m1128_mgs_ep1", "m1129_mc_ep1", "m1130_cv_ep1", "m1133_mev_ep1", "m1135_atgmv_ep1", "m113_tk_ep1", "m113_un_ep1", "m113ambul_tk_ep1", "m113ambul_tk_ep1_dz", "m113ambul_un_ep1", "m113ambul_un_ep1_dz", "m1a1", "m1a1_us_des_ep1", "m1a2_tusk_mg", "m1a2_us_tusk_mg_ep1", "m2a2_ep1", "m2a3_ep1", "m6_ep1", "maz_543_scud_tk_ep1", "mlrs", "mlrs_des_ep1", "mmt_civ", "mmt_usmc", "mq9predatorb_us_ep1", "mtvr", "mtvr_des_ep1", "mtvrreammo", "mtvrreammo_des_ep1", "mtvrrefuel", "mtvrrefuel_des_ep1", "mtvrrefuel_des_ep1_dz", "mtvrrepair", "mtvrrepair_des_ep1", "mtvrsalvage_des_ep1", "mtvrsupply_des_ep1", "offroad_dshkm_gue", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dz", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze1", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze2", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze3", "offroad_dshkm_gue_dze4", "offroad_dshkm_ins", "offroad_dshkm_tk_gue_ep1", "offroad_spg9_gue", "offroad_spg9_tk_gue_ep1", "old_bike_tk_civ_ep1", "old_bike_tk_ins_ep1", "old_moto_tk_civ_ep1", "papercar", "pbx", "pchela1t", "pickup_pk_gue", "pickup_pk_gue_dz", "pickup_pk_gue_dze", "pickup_pk_ins", "pickup_pk_ins_dz", "pickup_pk_ins_dze", "pickup_pk_tk_gue_ep1", "pickup_pk_tk_gue_ep1_dz", "pickup_pk_tk_gue_ep1_dze", "policecar", "rhib", "rhib2turret", "s1203_ambulance_ep1", "s1203_tk_civ_ep1", "seafox", "seafox_ep1", "skoda", "skodablue", "skodagreen", "skodared", "smallboat_1", "smallboat_2", "suv_blue", "suv_camo", "suv_charcoal", "suv_dz", "suv_green", "suv_orange", "suv_pink", "suv_pmc", "suv_pmc_baf", "suv_red", "suv_silver", "suv_tk_civ_ep1", "suv_tk_ep1", "suv_un_ep1", "suv_white", "suv_yellow", "t34", "t34_tk_ep1", "t34_tk_gue_ep1", "t55_tk_ep1", "t55_tk_gue_ep1", "t72_cdf", "t72_gue", "t72_ins", "t72_ru", "t72_tk_ep1", "t90", "towingtractor", "tractor", "tractorold", "tt650_civ", "tt650_gue", "tt650_ins", "tt650_tk_civ_ep1", "tt650_tk_ep1", "uaz_ags30_cdf", "uaz_ags30_ins", "uaz_ags30_ru", "uaz_ags30_tk_ep1", "uaz_cdf", "uaz_ins", "uaz_mg_cdf", "uaz_mg_cdf", "uaz_mg_cdf_dz_lm", "uaz_mg_cdf_dz_vlm", "uaz_mg_ins", "uaz_mg_ins_dz_lm", "uaz_mg_ins_dz_vlm", "uaz_mg_tk_ep1", "uaz_mg_tk_ep1_dz", "uaz_mg_tk_ep1_dze", "uaz_ru", "uaz_spg9_ins", "uaz_unarmed_tk_civ_ep1", "uaz_unarmed_tk_ep1", "uaz_unarmed_un_ep1", "ural_cdf", "ural_ins", "ural_tk_civ_ep1", "ural_un_ep1", "ural_zu23_cdf", "ural_zu23_gue", "ural_zu23_ins", "ural_zu23_tk_ep1", "ural_zu23_tk_gue_ep1", "uralcivil", "uralcivil2", "uralopen_cdf", "uralopen_ins", "uralreammo_cdf", "uralreammo_ins", "uralreammo_tk_ep1", "uralrefuel_cdf", "uralrefuel_ins", "uralrefuel_tk_ep1", "uralrefuel_tk_ep1_dz", "uralrepair_cdf", "uralrepair_ins", "uralrepair_tk_ep1", "uralsalvage_tk_ep1", "uralsupply_tk_ep1", "v3s_civ", "v3s_gue", "v3s_open_tk_civ_ep1", "v3s_open_tk_ep1", "v3s_reammo_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_refuel_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_refuel_tk_gue_ep1_dz", "v3s_repair_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_salvage_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_supply_tk_gue_ep1", "v3s_tk_ep1", "v3s_tk_gue_ep1", "volha_1_tk_civ_ep1", "volha_2_tk_civ_ep1", "volhalimo_tk_civ_ep1", "vwgolf", "warfarereammotruck_cdf", "warfarereammotruck_gue", "warfarereammotruck_ins", "warfarereammotruck_ru", "warfarereammotruck_usmc", "warfarerepairtruck_gue", "warfaresalvagetruck_cdf", "warfaresalvagetruck_gue", "warfaresalvagetruck_ins", "warfaresalvagetruck_ru", "warfaresalvagetruck_usmc", "warfaresupplytruck_cdf", "warfaresupplytruck_gue", "warfaresupplytruck_ins", "warfaresupplytruck_ru", "warfaresupplytruck_usmc", "zodiac", "zsu_cdf", "zsu_ins", "zsu_tk_ep1", "a10", "a10_us_ep1", "ah64d_ep1", "AH1Z", "AH64D_Sidewinders", "AW159_Lynx_BAF", "ah6j_ep1", "ah6x_dz", "an2_1_tk_civ_ep1", "an2_2_tk_civ_ep1", "an2_dz", "an2_tk_ep1", "baf_merlin_dze", "BAF_Apache_AH1_D", "c130j", "c130j_us_ep1", "c130j_us_ep1_dz", "ch53_dze", "ch_47f_baf", "ch_47f_ep1", "ch_47f_ep1_dz", "ch_47f_ep1_dze", "csj_gyroc", "csj_gyrocover", "csj_gyrop", "f35b", "Ka52Black", "l39_tk_ep1", "m6_ep1", "mh6j_dz", "mi17_civilian_dz", "mi17_dze", "mq9predatorb_us_ep1", "mv22_dz", "su25_cdf", "su25_ins", "su25_tk_ep1", "su34", "su39", "uh1h_dze", "uh1h_tk_ep1", "uh1y", "uh1y_dze", "Mi171Sh_rockets_CZ_EP1", "uh60m_ep1_dze" ]; haah nice! if u wanna use all vehicles, air,land,water.. you just need change this line _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, _allowedVehicles, 10]; by _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"], 10]; in attachzed.sqf anyway. using the variable _allowedvehicles you have more control to what kind of vehicle gonna use or not. Hooty 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hooty Posted May 3, 2017 Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 @juandayz Thanks cool cat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted May 3, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2017 @Hooty thinking now if u use others vehicles classes that not is opened.. you must write diferents attachs for each vehicle cuz gonna looks ugly the zed attached over the roof or use _zbody attachto [0,0,0]; or behind the vehicles like tow & lift mod do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hooty Posted May 4, 2017 Report Share Posted May 4, 2017 lol i did not even think of that. Very good point. juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted May 4, 2017 Author Report Share Posted May 4, 2017 @Voltan @gernika for release zeds from vehicles you can test it plepase? create detachzed_veh.sqf Spoiler private ["_zbody","_ppos","_zombies","_zombie","_random"]; //player addMagazine "equip_rope"; area = 2; _ppos = getPos player; _zombies = _ppos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",area]; _count = count _zombies; for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do { _zombie = _zombies select _i; detach _zombie; _random = round(random(3)); switch (_random) do { case 0 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 1 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 2 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 3 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 3, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 4 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+3,0]; }; }; _zombie setVariable["zattached",false,false]; systemChat("Zed release"); }; fn_selfactin.sqf Spoiler find: if (_canPickLight && !dayz_hasLight && !_isPZombie) then { if (s_player_grabflare < 0) then { _text = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _nearLight) >> "displayName"); s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_15",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_pickup.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true]; s_player_removeflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_17",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_remove.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_grabflare; player removeAction s_player_removeflare; s_player_grabflare = -1; s_player_removeflare = -1; }; below paste: _allowedVehiclesA = typeOf _vehicle in[ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; if (_inVehicle and _allowedVehiclesA and (driver _vehicle == player)) then { dayz_addrelease = _vehicle; if (s_player_zedsr < 0) then { s_player_zedsr = dayz_addrelease addaction[("<t color=""#F7D708"">" + ("Release Zeds") +"</t>"),"attachzeds\detachzed_veh.sqf"]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; Hooty and Voltan 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hooty Posted May 4, 2017 Report Share Posted May 4, 2017 1 hour ago, juandayz said: @Voltan @gernika for release zeds from vehicles you can test it plepase? create detachzed_veh.sqf Hide contents private ["_zbody","_ppos","_zombies","_zombie","_random"]; //player addMagazine "equip_rope"; area = 2; _ppos = getPos player; _zombies = _ppos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",area]; _count = count _zombies; for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do { _zombie = _zombies select _i; detach _zombie; _random = round(random(3)); switch (_random) do { case 0 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 1 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 2 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 3 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 3, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 4 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+3,0]; }; }; _zombie setVariable["zattached",false,false]; systemChat("Zed release"); }; fn_selfactin.sqf Hide contents find: if (_canPickLight && !dayz_hasLight && !_isPZombie) then { if (s_player_grabflare < 0) then { _text = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (typeOf _nearLight) >> "displayName"); s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_15",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_pickup.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true]; s_player_removeflare = player addAction [format[localize "str_actions_medical_17",_text], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\flare_remove.sqf",_nearLight, 1, false, true]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_grabflare; player removeAction s_player_removeflare; s_player_grabflare = -1; s_player_removeflare = -1; }; below paste: _allowedVehiclesA = typeOf _vehicle in[ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; if (_inVehicle and _allowedVehiclesA and (driver _vehicle == player)) then { dayz_addrelease = _vehicle; if (s_player_zedsr < 0) then { s_player_zedsr = dayz_addrelease addaction[("<t color=""#F7D708"">" + ("Release Zeds") +"</t>"),"attachzeds\detachzed_veh.sqf"]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; Idk if anyone tested this yet. I not i will tomorrow. How fun would it be to drop zed heads from a heli onto players lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emeraldpointgaming Posted September 3, 2017 Report Share Posted September 3, 2017 I followed instructions exactly, the release zeds from inside the vehicle does not work. Part of my Arma 2 oa rpt. ive tried recoding the script since it didnt work, without any luck. could you assist me? Spoiler File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted September 3, 2017 Report Share Posted September 3, 2017 8 minutes ago, Emeraldpointgaming said: I followed instructions exactly, the release zeds from inside the vehicle does not work. Part of my Arma 2 oa rpt. ive tried recoding the script since it didnt work, without any luck. could you assist me? Hide contents File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Error in expression <elease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error position: <dayz_addrelease removeAction s_player_ze> Error Undefined variable in expression: dayz_addrelease File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 Change all instances of dayz_addrelease to DZE_myVehicle looter809 and juandayz 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emeraldpointgaming Posted September 3, 2017 Report Share Posted September 3, 2017 Will test salival, Thank you, also great scripts btw! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emeraldpointgaming Posted September 3, 2017 Report Share Posted September 3, 2017 Still no success, new error: Spoiler Error in expression < }; } else { DZE_myVehicle removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; > Error position: <s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; > Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_zedsr File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 My Fnselfaction code for release zeds: Spoiler _allowedVehiclesA = typeOf _vehicle in[ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; if (_inVehicle && _allowedVehiclesA && (driver _vehicle == player)) then { DZE_myVehicle = _vehicle; if (s_player_zedsr < 0) then { s_player_zedsr = DZE_myVehicle addAction ["Release Zeds","attachzeds\detachzed_veh.sqf",DZE_myVehicle,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { DZE_myVehicle removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; my detachzed_veh.sqf: Spoiler private ["_zbody","_ppos","_zombies","_zombie","_random"]; //player addMagazine "equip_rope"; area = 2; _ppos = getPos player; _zombies = _ppos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",area]; _count = count _zombies; for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do { _zombie = _zombies select _i; detach _zombie; _random = round(random(3)); switch (_random) do { case 0 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 1 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 2 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 3 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 3, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 4 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+3,0]; }; }; _zombie setVariable["zattached",false,false]; systemChat("Zed release"); }; When i tie up the zombies they get attached, when i go to the back of the vehicle and detach them one by one it works, but in the vehicle the release zeds doesnt work. juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted September 3, 2017 Report Share Posted September 3, 2017 2 minutes ago, Emeraldpointgaming said: Still no success, new error: Hide contents Error in expression < }; } else { DZE_myVehicle removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; > Error position: <s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; > Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_zedsr File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\dayz_code\compile\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 72 My Fnselfaction code for release zeds: Hide contents _allowedVehiclesA = typeOf _vehicle in[ "hilux1_civil_3_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_3_open_DZE", "hilux1_civil_1_open_DZE", "datsun1_civil_1_open_DZE", "V3S_Open_TK_CIV_EP1", "V3S_Open_TK_EP1", "KamazOpen_DZE" ]; if (_inVehicle && _allowedVehiclesA && (driver _vehicle == player)) then { DZE_myVehicle = _vehicle; if (s_player_zedsr < 0) then { s_player_zedsr = DZE_myVehicle addAction ["Release Zeds","attachzeds\detachzed_veh.sqf",DZE_myVehicle,2,false,true,"",""]; }; } else { DZE_myVehicle removeAction s_player_zedsr; s_player_zedsr = -1; }; my detachzed_veh.sqf: Reveal hidden contents private ["_zbody","_ppos","_zombies","_zombie","_random"]; //player addMagazine "equip_rope"; area = 2; _ppos = getPos player; _zombies = _ppos nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",area]; _count = count _zombies; for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do { _zombie = _zombies select _i; detach _zombie; _random = round(random(3)); switch (_random) do { case 0 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 1 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+2,0]; }; case 2 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 2, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 3 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 3, (_ppos select 1)+1,0]; }; case 4 :{ _zombie setpos [(_ppos select 0) + 1, (_ppos select 1)+3,0]; }; }; _zombie setVariable["zattached",false,false]; systemChat("Zed release"); }; When i tie up the zombies they get attached, when i go to the back of the vehicle and detach them one by one it works, but in the vehicle the release zeds doesnt work. The installation instructions is missing a step: 4-in a custom variables.sqf if u have some kind of error on rpt about undefined variable ..find: dayz_resetSelfActions = { below add: s_player_zhide4 = -1; s_player_zhide5 = -1; Need to add s_player_zedsr = -1; As well juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emeraldpointgaming Posted September 3, 2017 Report Share Posted September 3, 2017 Shows no errors this time but it does not release the zeds..? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted September 13, 2017 Author Report Share Posted September 13, 2017 On 3/9/2017 at 2:52 AM, Emeraldpointgaming said: Shows no errors this time but it does not release the zeds..? sory by the late answer.. and tnks @salival to give support on it. reading about your problem @Emeraldpointgaming i found is my bad... i tell you in the guide create: detachzeds_veh.sqf and later in fn_selfactions.sqf i call this sqf " detachzed_veh.sqf" if (s_player_zedsr < 0) then { s_player_zedsr = dayz_addrelease addAction ["Release Zeds","attachzeds\detachzed_veh.sqf",dayz_addrelease,2,false,true,"",""]; }; this is why not work for you. so rename detachzeds_veh.sqf by "detachzed_veh.sqf". and should work. salival 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KraCKzzz Posted October 28, 2017 Report Share Posted October 28, 2017 Hey, im having issues with this script. I followed the script perfectly as far as i can tell.. but im running into a minor issue where when i scroll on the tab in game the action of tieing the zombie dosnt do anything its just like an extra tab in game that does literally nothing but its there so i did something right? Any help is great Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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