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Vehicle DZE4 can not be sell


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I replaced all SUV in the trader by SUV_THECOLOR_DZE4, also spawn on the map instead regular. We can buy it without any problem but not sell it. I always had that on my servers before and was working fine.  I have no error in the RTP.  When you look the trader list (buy) you can see it in green, so trader know its there near him but when you click sell its not there, no option to sell. BTW all my DZE4 vehicles cannot be sell, UAZ, pickup......

I had my server hosting guy coming to look and he has no clue why.

Is there any reason why? Anything changed in the new update for that?

I'm using Epoch



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hello Petite good to see you around again.  I just added ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE1 ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE2 ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE3 ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE4 and have no issues buying or selling any of them.

    class ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {500000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {50000,"worth"};


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Ok, first didnt even know the armored suv can be DZE4 or maybe its new, what about if you try with regular SUV? Is it working? 

This is hat I have


class Category_565 {
    class SUV_TK_CIV_EP1_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Blue_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Charcoal_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Green_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Orange_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Pink_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Red_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Silver_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_White_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Yellow_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {20000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {10000,"worth"};
    class SUV_Camo_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {40000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {20000,"worth"};
    class UAZ_CDF_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {8000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {4000,"worth"};
    class UAZ_INS {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {8000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {4000,"worth"};
    class UAZ_RU {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {8000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {4000,"worth"};
    class UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {8000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {4000,"worth"};
    class UAZ_Unarmed_TK_EP1_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {8000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {4000,"worth"};
    class UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1_DZE4 {
        type = "trade_any_vehicle";
        buy[] = {8000,"worth"};
        sell[] = {4000,"worth"};


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@Petite @kingpapawawa

I implemented a while ago a feature in Advanced Trading where you can sell upgraded vehicles without having them on the traders (so you didnt need 5 different Armored SUVS) (https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/commit/d987fb290cacf8204aec3a00e3a6fb45c218472e)

I justed tested on my server and I can sell all ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE(x) vehicles no problem, so it's definitely working.

You need to not have them in your trader configs, just the base vehicle ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE and the children will be able to be sold from that.

You can see from this code here in the vehicle configs that ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE1 is a child of ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgVehicles/Car/ArmoredSUV.hpp#L430

The next upgraded classnames will inherit this child structure also. This is the same for all DZE1-4 vehicles in the mod.

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