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[OLD Release] Custom Chernarus Server Pack 1.2.1 - For Epoch (Development Stopped)


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I have found a way to edit the kh_actions.sqf to include other fueling sources besides just the rusty fuel tanks.  Was just a simple matter of adding the other fuel tank types.  I have also added entries for both types of refueling trucks.  Just copy and paste this code in its entirety into your kh_actions.sqf file, replacing the entire contents of the old file.  Enjoy!

private ["_vehicle", "_vehicle_refuel_id"];
//Awesomely Edited by Seven, Then modified by Muddr, Then modified again by Darth_Rogue
_vehicle = objNull;
diag_log "Running ""kh_actions"".";

_distance = 10; // Distance from object to display Refuel Message
_amount= 0.01; // Amount of fuel to add per loop. Default was 0.005

while {true} do
    if (!isNull player) then {
        private ["_currentVehicle", "_isNearFeed", "_countFuel"];
		_currentVehicle = vehicle player;
		_countFuel = (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["MAP_GasMeterExt", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_A_FuelStation_Feed", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Ind_TankSmall", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Ind_TankSmall2", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["Land_fuel_tank_stairs", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["V3S_Refuel_TK_GUE_EP1_DZ", _distance]));
		_countFuel = _countFuel + (count ((position _currentVehicle) nearObjects ["UralRefuel_TK_EP1_DZ", _distance]));
		_isNearFeed = _countFuel > 0;

        if (_vehicle != _currentVehicle) then {
            if (!isNull _vehicle) then {
                _vehicle removeAction _vehicle_refuel_id;
                _vehicle = objNull;
            if (_currentVehicle != player && _isNearFeed && !(_currentVehicle isKindof "Bicycle")) then {
                _vehicle = _currentVehicle;
                _vehicle_refuel_id = _vehicle addAction ["Refuel", "custom_scripts\kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf", [_amount], -1, false, true, "", "vehicle _this == _target && local _target"];
        if (!_isNearFeed) then {
            _vehicle removeAction _vehicle_refuel_id;
            _vehicle = objNull;
    sleep 2;
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It sure will. I have may eyes and minds working on it now as I cannot dedicate my time at the current.


Once the BE Filters are fixed and no kicks are being issued for allowed actions and added extras a release will come out.

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ignore all my ramblings on before this post. (kinda new to having to add code etc).

Hfb server currently updated to running the pack setup how i want sarge ai working, tow working, lift working, cargo working (cant work out how to refuel yet lol)

knockout doesn't work take clothes kicks when used?

admin vehicles don't despawn thanks to poster for the fix.

just about to add the refuel at tanks from above will report back.

Thank you very much everyone who helped me out and being patient and a big thanks to Bungle for the pack.

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is there a way i can get hold of the beidi files for the following


[] ExecVM "custom\villages.sqf"; // Epoch Trader Villages 
[] ExecVM "custom\buildings.sqf"; // Extra Charnarus Buildings


reason i ask is that im trying to find a few errors i found in the map for example solid walls in the middle of the road and petrol pumps on the floor and not where they should be.


also im trying to add another base in NEA for communal reasons (Based on my servers need)  and its a pain on the community having to shut down and keep swapping the .sqf files over all the time.


when i am done making the corrections (without my NEA base as i am not the best at this stuff) i will send you the updated .sqf back so there implemented in next possible update if you allow me what i need.

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Here we go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9t2w6royjs1l3t/Buildings%201.3.1%20%26%20Villages%201.2.zip

That is the latest versions of the two requested (Not sure if they are the ones in the 1.2.1 or the new pack coming soon.)

You are welcome to change anything you wish, if you do add something and would to share you can send them back I can check out the additions, or re-post them here. :)





The AI Bodies are on a timer which I think you can extend in the SAR_Config.sqf file.. (Used to be configurable, not sure about now)

As for the Helicopter cleanup, not sure about that one. They de-spawn when you get close/in the vehicle as they are not placed in the database and if players were to get one, they would despawn @ next server restart anyways.

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hi all
First of all sorry for my poor english

second thing ... fantastic pack :D

Now I have a question .. is pretty stupid .. but putting the pack the debug mode is disabled, I tried to enable it but to no avail you can sign how to do? (I tried it back riaggiungendo files in the debug monitor and putting the string in the init file, since I had not found .. but it is not enabled anyway .. if you can help I'd be grateful :)

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hey, got a quick question. is there anything to stop the ai bodies, ai vehicles despawning? sucks when you shoot the heli down only to despawn.. cheers

Line 146-147 of SAR_config.sqf. I set mine at 300 (5 minutes.) Default is 120 (2 minutes.)


// time after which dead AI bodies are deleted 
SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 300; // 5 minutes
Can't seem to get the static spawns to work, but hey, so far it has been great.
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It sure will. I have may eyes and minds working on it now as I cannot dedicate my time at the current.


Once the BE Filters are fixed and no kicks are being issued for allowed actions and added extras a release will come out.

First off - Great work Bungle and the team, this is a great pack.


I saw somebody else posted re BE script #40 kick when removing clothes. I had the same


at the end of line 42 in the scripts.txt file i noticed that the directory structure has changed, current setting is !"custom\clothes.sqf" - i think it should be !"custom_scripts\clothes.sqf" 


awesome job, keep up the good work all.




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I wouldn't make setDamage a 1.. I would just add the scripts to the line as an exception.


i.e !"Path\Script.sqf"


In my latest I have forgotten to update the BE Filters and will be fixed asap. Once again sorry guys just really busy with other stuff and struggling to multi-task it all.

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In stalled the pack on our dedicated server however, i get this error message:


You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependable on downloadable content that has been deleted.



Press Continue and it goes away and I can load in....


Whats this error about?



can we have the updated script files????

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Im still getting  BE Script kicks with the scripts.txt file supplied in the pack on HFB server. Followed all the advice I've got but its still kicking for 126 error (think it's sarge's AI) and occasionally script 40 for towing. 

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@Trigga go to ur mission.sqm and add




so ur starting mission.sqm looks like this


class Mission

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