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Scroll menu appears and appears


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Hello everyone, I have the script to remove grass and add grass that appears in the scrolling menu of the character pore and has time that appears and time that does not and I'm not understanding how I do to keep it fixed without it fading!

I'll call them after
If (! Is Dedicated) then {
[] ExecVM "custom \ grass_active.sqf";
[] ExecVM "Scripts \ ativa_rules.sqf";

I put the rules because the same thing happens


if (isnil "player_grass") then {
    player_grass = false;
if (player_grass) then {
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    systemchat "Grass turned on.";
    player_grass = false;
} else {
    setTerrainGrid 50;
    systemchat "Grass turned on.";
    player_grass = true;

grass active.sqf

waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
sleep 15;
setview = player addaction [("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("GRAMA ON/OFF") +"</t>"),"custom\grass.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];

Anyone know how to get it fixed please help me

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