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A2 epoch safe, vehicles, and sheds losing contents after server restart on my private server

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Hello to everyone out there,

I have been developing my own epoch server and after a great deal of pulling my hair (whats left of it) out lol. I have resorted to this community for help. The problem I have is this after sever restart my safes and sheds and vehicles lose their contents, money and everything just vanishes. This happens 'EVERY' time and is not some occasional bug.  This makes the server unplayable and its a shame because I've put so much work into building it from map creation to scripting. This is putting a big dent in my enthusiasm for dayz and if I can't fix it the I will become just another player leaving the scene for good. 

If anybody knows how to fix this would you please help me? I have spent hours and hours researching to to no avail? 


I wait hopefully for some clever person to help me getout of this.....

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ithanks for the reply folks; hmm the problem is that I'm still learning and in this position I cannot be sure what I really know and what I really need to know... I don't think I changed any server side code.  I don't even know if I'm shutting the server down properly I was just looking a BEC scheduler scripts but there seems so much to learn and I'm pretty lost here... But I'm not ready to give up having  great time with this server my ip is  port  2302 if any one want to check it out . I forgot to mention I'm using navicat lite for the sql database is this okay  or should i be using something else like my sql workbench? I fear the lite version might not be saving the database properly although thats probably a shot in the dark...

regards amigos...

Edited by arkaros42
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Hey Jimbo.

We spoke earlier on your server.

So I have looked through the mission file and found some errors.

Init.sqf  -   lines 140 & 142  (  2x };   ) need deleting

Custom monitor.sqf -  lines 36 & 38  if you need to leave comments then you can place // in front of the text, otherwise the server will try to read them as code

Custom monitor.sqf - line 22 add   "dayz_skilllevel",   to the private array on line 2     e.g.   private [ "dayz_skilllevel", "_kills","_killsH","_killsB","_humanity","_headShots","_vehname","_crew","_crew2","_crew3","_crew4","_crew5","_crew6","_crew7","_crew8","_crew9"];

Custom monitor.sqf      -  - - -  "_vehname","_crew","_crew2","_crew3","_crew4","_crew5","_crew6","_crew7","_crew8","_crew9"   <<<< these don't seem to be related to the debug monitor script?

Description.ext - Line 16 change to this  loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpg"; then change your   splashscreen.jpeg.jpeg to     splashscreen.jpg

Finally I would advise you to place your custom buildings into the server.pbo, like so

Open dayz_server.pbo place your folder 'mybuildings'  into the root of dayz_server.pbo. then open    system/server_monitor.sqf     and above

    allowConnection = true;    
    sm_done = true;

is where i like to put my calls for custom stuff, before DZAI, DZMS or WAI -  like so

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\adminbasejp1.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\jprstation1.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\navydock.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\mymilbarracks.sqf";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\golddam.sqf";

    [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf";
    [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf";
    [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf";

    allowConnection = true;    
    sm_done = true;

Then you can remove the loading execs from your mpmission's init.sqf and remove your 'mybuildings' folder from the mpmission file also.

But take note, too many custom map addons can reduce server performance notably.

Dont forget to check your client rpt for errors along with the server rpt. 99% of the time your problems can be found in one of those report logs.


Good luck hope the server does well for you

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dam it i broke it just doing the splash screen bit  it says 'can't find splashscreen.jpeg and now it just hangs at waiting for character to create grrrrr! THis is what burns me about this; something simple and its so hard and I'm sure it shouldn't be!!!

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make sure the picture is, and named, as a       .JPG  not .JPEG and make sure the line in description.ext reads as the image is named. then make sure the image is in the location as your description.ext and all should be well.

So -    loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpg";            

the image MUST be called           splashscreen.jpg  


loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpeg";            

the image MUST be called           splashscreen.jpeg 

Most of my mistakes come from things as small as misspellings etc, you just have to learn to check things  and compare 2 or 3 times.

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i looked this over very carefully and followed your instructions but it just doesn't find the file its pants!!!  

so i had to put it back to get the server working again.... i feel frustrated at the little things like this hey I know dos commands etc and am familiar with relative directory structures etc; but this just doesn't want to work...


onPauseScript = "";
loadScreen = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\loadingscreen.paa";
// loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpg";

the original is above the line i want but if i change it to this it doesnt find the file


which is in the same directory as the description.ext

just don't know why it cant find it

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30 minutes ago, arkaros42 said:

i looked this over very carefully and followed your instructions but it just doesn't find the file its pants!!!  

so i had to put it back to get the server working again.... i feel frustrated at the little things like this hey I know dos commands etc and am familiar with relative directory structures etc; but this just doesn't want to work...

all you need modify is in YourServerRoot/Mpmissions/instance11Chernarus or whatever instance you use/

and into YourServerRoot/@Dayz_Epoch_Server/addons/dayz_server/

**every time you change something into .pbo  u must repack again

and when you need extract files to make it custom (use it in server side) as compiles.sqf or fn_selfactions.sqf   you will need find this into:



files:  in MpMissions\yourinstance can be Chernarus 11 or other\    you have 3 importants files.  init.sqf , missions,sqm  and description.ext

in mission.sqm  you can find and add map markers, msgs from X places.

most important calls are defined in init.sqf  like call to compiles.sqf , variables.sqf , server_traders.sqf.... thers a lot to edit and add in here.  Ammount of zombies, ammount of vehicles... etc

u can add some custom call from here... for example.. thers a lot of mod who uses a custom compiles.sqf  so u can  paste compiles.sqf from YourServerRoot/@Dayz_Epoch_Server/addons/dayz_server/    into  yourServerroot/mpmissions/yourinstance/custom/  and then goes to init.sqf and find this block of code and change lines in blue:


/Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\variables.sqf";                //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\publicEH.sqf";                //Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf";    //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf";    //Compile regular functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\safezone\lock_god.sqf"; //vehicles locked whit god mod
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\init.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ZSC\gold\ZSCinit.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "overwrites\click_actions\init.sqf";
progressLoadingScreen 0.5;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders_cherno_11.sqf";                //Compile trader configs
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\config.sqf"; // Epoch admin Tools config file
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "admintools\variables.sqf"; // Epoch admin Tools variables
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "logistic\init.sqf";// TOW Y LIFT
progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_selfActions.sqf";

basically is only change paths.  for now on when a mod ask you for change something in compiles.sqf  u must change in your custom/compiles.sqf

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12 hours ago, arkaros42 said:

okay lots of information to digest here thank you for taking the time to explain that... will need to really study this or im going nowhere like driving a car without a steering wheel.


cheers bud :)

here you have a server that i made to no waste time when i need to start a new server again.. u can use it to compare files and make your own.

this files have..  coins,adv trade,group management, spawn selector, tow&lift, debug, load image, WAI missions, snap pro, right click actions, auto restart and others.


(to make it work, you need a server vanilla [



]. onces u have it, overwrite whit the .rar i give u.

Then u need open with note++ and change for your paths in:

files to modify in serverroot:

DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat , (put your path)  (//to launch server without autorestart use it)

monitor.bat , (put your path) (//For autorestart every 3hs launch server with this file)

Premod_restart.bat ( put your path)

files to modify in serverroot/instance_11.chernarus:

config.cfg (put your server name). //

hiveExt.ini (put your user,password and database name). //

files to modify in serverroot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\

BEC Control Epoch.bat (put your paths)

files to modify in serverroot\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye\Bec\Config\

config.cfg (put your path) //

  Scheduler.xlm (put your path)


and here you have links for a lots of mods:


*ESSV2 - Enhanced Spawn Selection V2:


*Single Currency Storage (Coins) :


*Advanced Trading 2.1 :


*Wicked AI 2.2.0 (IAmissions):


*Vehicle Service Point (Refuel, Repair, Rearm) [Script]


*DZGM - DayZ Group Management:


*[1.4.1] Snap Building PRO








*DayZ Custom Right Click Actions 3.0.3:


*ESS - Enhanced Spawn Selection:


*Delete vehicles parked in safezones on restart


*Player ID zone restriction and humanity restriction zone


*GPS Video On Start - Tutorial + Pictures:






*HOW WAS ADDED ANTENA4 & CENTRAL MARKET: (in case if u want to use default traders)


*DayZ Welcome Message Credits Style



*Plot4life / *Plot Management/*DoorManagement/*PlayerTakeClothes/*SpawnCamera/*whatermarkers

* http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11042-release-a-plot-for-life-v25-keep-your-buildables-on-death-take-plot-ownership/

* https://github.com/DevZupa/PlotManagement/blob/master/Modded_Epoch.md

* https://github.com/DevZupa/DoorManagement

* http://opendayz.net/threads/release-zabns-take-clothes-2-0.19290/

 * http://opendayz.net/threads/creating-a-spawn-intro-cut-scene.8324/

* http://opendayz.net/threads/adding-logo-overlay-to-screen.18759/


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