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[EMS] Epoch Mission System - Release 0.2.1


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I'm not sure where Fuchs as gone again, I know he said he was going on holiday's, but he didn't tell me if that meant he'd be offline the whole time.


Anyways, I'm making lots of progress on my "Hardcore Epoch Mission System (HEMS). Look for a release over the next couple of days. I'll make a new thread for it.



  • Epoch 1.0.3.x compatible
  • No map markers
  • Text hint and debug monitor show nearest city/town/landmark of the active mission
  • Mission could be as far as 1000m from location given, you'll have to hunt for it
  • AI patrol up to 300m from the mission center point
  • Restructured AI using SargeAI (Requirement for HEMS to work, sorry no DZAI, or factions support)
  • Customized SargeAI conifg and groups config file (Required for HEMS to work as intended)
  • Loot from certain missions adjusted to be less abundant
  • High value missions are extremely well defended and nearly impossible for an individual to complete on their own
  • and more...

A release is just around the corner. Definitely before Christmas.


OK, are there now gonna be 2 different mission systems?

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Hey, I added this to my dayz_server folder.


But in order to make it work, I had to rename the epoch "missions" folder to "missions1" (or whatever) that was already in it, to load the EMS "Missions" folder.


Now, my traders are gone...


Is there a way to rename the folder to make both work?


What files do I need to edit lines in to make it work properly?

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I know you guys don't officially support DZAI but I am running this and DZAI on my server and unfortunatley absolutely 0 ai spawn. I've done everything I can think of at this point to get them to spawn just from the mission running. At this point I'm about to go and set static spawns for all the events and setup custom spawns on those locations through DZAI. I would rather not do this as 1. it's a lot of work. and 2. It would leave static ai spawns in random places on the map that would trigger on players even when there are no missions there.


I believe Fuchs has it working on his server and I'm just curious how that was achieved. I have edited all the Sarge stuff to DZAI and tweaked everything I could find to try and get this to happen without any luck.

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Hey, I added this to my dayz_server folder.


But in order to make it work, I had to rename the epoch "missions" folder to "missions1" (or whatever) that was already in it, to load the EMS "Missions" folder.


Now, my traders are gone...


Is there a way to rename the folder to make both work?


What files do I need to edit lines in to make it work properly?

You don't need to do that. Just add all the serverside stuff to the missions folder

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Early X-Mas Present for u guys just optimizing last files for DZAIMissions ,but i want them to be in real i hope i can make it !


Boxes will stay with the permaloot variable ,for the vehicles i have no fix at the moment ,but i dont want them to save into DB !


If not i will try it again when back from holidays next year !


BTW : Any Suggestions for the Standard Version ?

Edited by Fuchs
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maybe this helps you I#m very buys at the moment ! sry !






Current fixes and changes:

# permaloot variable added for boxes

# Sarge variable replaced to DZAI

# added waTTe's markerfix THX

# changes to the fillloot boxes,crates



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Hi there!


Loving the script. Only one small problem i have. 


It seems to be spamming my RPT file with this:


10:35:33 Error in expression <le ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf >
10:35:33   Error position: <_safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf >
10:35:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
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