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Tons and Tons of Cherno City, Town, Road Add-Ons

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I've decided to close down my Cherno Epoch server this month to concentrate on mods for Napf. Accordingly, I don't want my mods to be lost forever. I'd like to share everything I'm not going to use any more. 

This is the construction mods only -- the buildings, roads, and supporting loot table mods.


Let's start with just the buildings and roads:


- An industrial annex east of Electro, self-explanatory. Nice spot for fresh spawns to loot and build a kit.

- Ghost Town 2.0, a heavily bombed-out community on the main road SE corner of the map, west of Kamenka, with quite a few oddball props and geometry loads. Shipwrecks. Mass graves.
Peasants hanging from rafters in a bombed-out church. Other stuff. I used this in conjunction with a collection of localized detection zones and halloweeny sound track oggs to creep
out new players, who frequently spawn in this area. 

- Hill Road, a paved spur off the main north-south road along the west side of the map that runs up to one of the nice, flat-topped hills in that area, near the upper NW corner.
Intended to build a base or other stuff up there, but never got around to it.

- NCRV2, "North Central Research Village" version 2.0, a large, complex city and military industrial center located in one of the broad flat valleys, top center of the map, near the
edge. NCRV2 is designed as a combat venue, with tons of loot and tons of places to hide. There is a complex road system, a separate hilltop residential area, outlying farms,
barracks, and tons of places to climb to get the drop on bandits. There is no road system connection to the rest of the map. You fly in or drive overland through the woods. I loaded up the region around UMB with DZAI patrols and choppers and worked the roof of the Biotech building with buddies, defending it against more or less continuous onslaughts...

- NEAF Details 1 and 2, debris, dead vehicles, additional buildings, wrecks, assorted stuff strewn about the airstrip. Parts of these two files might be based on the work of others.
I honestly can't remember. It's been a long time since I was up there.

- Special Forces Training Base ( SFTB ), an entirely new complex airport and military community with barracks, residential, and industrial areas located SW of the main NWAF. Employs
quite a few buildings from other expansions, so make sure you use my custom building loot files too. Tied via roads to existing roads in the region, east to NWAF and west to Lopatino.

- Unidentified Military Base, "UMB" version 2.0. This is a very loot-rich military industrial complex in one of the hidden valleys in the far NW corner of the map. Includes access
roads connecting it to the main road. Includes outlying derelict industrial area, rarely used Euro building models, and tons of military stuff. On my Cherno server zeds are faster,
tougher, and hit harder the further you go north and west, so by the time players get to UMB zeds are outrunning sprints easily and pretty much killing with one hit. Additionally, my
custom loot extensions place relatively high zed spawn rates on some of these dredged-up models, so the place is absolutely deadly, zed-wise.  When used in conjunction with extra-
difficult zeds and no AI, this mod offers an oddly relaxing, super intensive zombie combat experience....

- A collection of water wells spread over the map, used in conjunction with a canteen water filling mod which isn't likely necessary in later versions of Cherno or Cherno Epoch.

- West Pavlovo and the Unauthorized Settlement. This is a large, complex, sprawling development with kilometers of new roads, one small city, one town, and numerous outlying farm and
industrial installations. A new major road intersects the main n-s road west side south of Pavlovo and runs northwest into a new city using a number of rarely used models. A separate
dirt road intersects this road just south of West Pavlovo and heads into Pavlovo proper, intersecting some dirt roads on the west side.  Other roads leave West Pavlovo to its SW and
NW, the SW road heading out to some chalets and infrastructure sets, and the NW road heading through the hills and forest into the Unauthorized Settlement. The settlement is a small
rural farming village overrun by a shanty town and some tenements. From the settlement, a road splits off into the woods, west, and leads to some small shacks. Another heads up and
east to some new farms and eventually the main road between Pavlovo and Zelenogorsk. The main road that starts in West Pavlovo and leads all the way through Settlement heads through
a pass, winds through some hills, and eventually intersects some farm roads west of Zelenogorsk. West Pavlovo was designed as a single combat area and I generally placed a single
very high skill AI assassin there. It made for interesting gameplay.  Settlement is a nice looting area for middling-newbies who have moved away from the coast. Again, it will all //be a boring place without my building loot extensions.

I've posted this stuff previously, but here are old links:

The large floating ocean city of Jotunheim, off the SE coast:


Here's the building loot extensions -- tested loot drop locations for just about every building in every module. Need a custom loot table system, of course, documented elsewhere by


Finally, you'll need this in your mission.sqm file. Should load all of the above without that blasted deleted content message on startup:


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