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Is metal upgraded floor even destructable?


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A stupid question I know. Last time I was raided I saw that metal floor bellow my jammer had only 50 percent health left (all other parts were intact). But now certain people who dupe satchels tried to raid my fortress again and failed... again. I have 2 layers of metal floor roof, yet they managed to destroy only cinder walls and some stairs. So curious how much it takes to destroy metal floor, it seems OP now. Anyone tested it?

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Or I found another bug. It seems like after server restart damaged walls "reset" their health to those surrounding original and untouched walls. Because realistically, if I put satchel, from inside, on a 1x1 floor surrounded by 4 cinder walls and 3 of them gone and the 4 is standing and shows absolutely NO DAMAGE, then what should I think? :D It was obviously explosives, because even walls that were not targeted (I assume) were destroyed, but again, those walls that were standing had absolutely no damage taken. Or at least it did not show to me (because I logged in only after server restart).

It is either some kind of magic or a bug, when damage stops showing after restart.

P.S. and yes, my base survived 5 attacks already :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also one should take into account that rarely it is possible to place a satchel at perfect spot to achieve full intended damage (unless I am wrong and such thing never existed). I suspect most of it still gets absorbed by other structures somehow... Though when I did my tests with metal floor, I placed regular wooden floor close to metal one and it got damaged a little bit too even though satchel was placed on top of metal floor. Furthermore, damage acts funny when parts are above the ground, snapped to epoch building part or snapped to ground, or snapped  to Altis houses.

Due to arma bugs I doubt this decent mid way is even possible. One can only increase the amount of satchel spawns or decrease it. Way easier than trying to achieve the balance through damage, which WE ALL KNOW is bogus in Arma 3, because sometimes it takes 2 shots to kill a person with a lynx... :D


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