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Dupe problems on server restart


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 If player before restart add crypto to bank, about 1 minute before restart, then, when he login, crypto stay with player and also he have it in bank!

Is there way tp prevent this, looks like database wont save player with some actions or there is some saving timer?


Edited by SadBoy1981
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If this was so in earlier versions, then the problem is the saving time of the database...

Otherwise you should post this in the Feedback part of the forum, so Devs can take a look at this.

If this only happens since you could write some temporary code to prevent players from using the Atm 5 or more minutes before restart..


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If this was so in earlier versions, then the problem is the saving time of the database...

Otherwise you should post this in the Feedback part of the forum, so Devs can take a look at this.

If this only happens since you could write some temporary code to prevent players from using the Atm 5 or more minutes before restart..


Maybe u know some way to do that?

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Simple way to do this is to change redis.conf to save more often. It shouldn't add any overheads.

You can change one of the values or add your own to:-

save 30 1

This will save every 30 seconds as long as there is at least 1 change waiting to be saved.

Thanks, i will try!

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 If player before restart add crypto to bank, about 1 minute before restart, then, when he login, crypto stay with player and also he have it in bank!

Is there way tp prevent this, looks like database wont save player with some actions or there is some saving timer?


are you restarting redis when you restart the server?

Simple way to do this is to change redis.conf to save more often. It shouldn't add any overheads.

You can change one of the values or add your own to:-

save 30 1

This will save every 30 seconds as long as there is at least 1 change waiting to be saved.

it wont help saving the database more often, if the keys was never changed.

most likely his server is overloaded with db requests for server restart, when the server shuts down redis for a restart.

if thats the case, the last keys changed will never made it through the queue.

Edited by Halvhjearne
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