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Why remove it? I personally find it rather useless though (except for revive you play in a group) it is much more convenient to use repair kits which are plentiful.


It just seems like a silly tool to me. I have left it in, but you can only get it from a certain mission and cant buy or sell to trader. 


Multigun repair ist not always working. In whole multigun is very bugged as it seems


Yea I noticed this as well. I was playing with it yesterday and it didnt fix anything. 

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Just wondering how many of you guys have removed the multigun from your server?

Remove it and the muzzles from loots.h in the server settings pbo and you are all set. Just search for the word "multigun" and you should find all 4 items.

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Hmm.  Never had a problem with the mulitgun.



Great for a quick repair of a land vehicle and I don't recall ever not being able to revive someone with the revive attachment.



I don't bother carrying a side-arm anymore.





Choppers take an enormous amount of ammo for a multigun to fully repair.. It's not worth it.  That's where I use a repair kit.

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