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any rules on charging someone to help setup server?


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I was just curious if there is any rules on charging a person a fee or accepting a donation to setup a server, bec, infistar, mods etc.


I know there are people out there that want to run their own servers, but do not have the knowledge of scripting.


and if its not allowed, then how can game hosting companies get away with it? i know of at least 1 that charges a fee to install arma 3 mods for their clients.



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Technically you are only selling your time (services) not the content created by others.


Other than that, the issue with the idea itself is more personal, imo - plaguing game with poor quality servers. Plus if something breaks, they will contact and blame you for every dumb shit they broke themselves, mate.

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Other than that, the issue with the idea itself is more personal, imo - plaguing game with poor quality servers. Plus if something breaks, they will contact and blame you for every dumb shit they broke themselves, mate.


Or they'll post here saying "Someone else set up my server and now I've getting a battleye kick. How do I fix it?!?!"

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here is my experience with this. and why i will not likely do it again.  a guy on the forum contacted me, requesting i setup his server. he wanted some mods installed, intro credits with music. and a few missions. easy peasy.


So i do all this for him. everytime i think im done, he wants something changed, this that and the other. take 3 times as long. but he does pay me. not as much as i would have liked, but alright for a couple hours work. The reason why it took even this long is his server would kick me, no matter what i did. Im in Canada, he is hosted with gtxgaming.  couple days later he contacts me again. says his players data is missing. And that his "Friend" use to run a server, gave him the backup to use on his server. Emails me a copy of that. asks if I can install that instead.  I take a look, see the scripts/mods that backup is using. I take his mission, add those features, I setup this mission on my own test server first. and it works like a charm. I upload the mission to his server, upload any hive addons he was missing. keys etc. he says its hung up on loading screen. sure enough it is. I make a backup of his db. wipe the db. then his server allows me to login to it. and everything is gravy. its late where i am at the time, i go to sleep, i wake up next morning, he has left me a bunch of messages. saying its not working. players data is missing, and then he goes and restores the server.  wiping out anything i did.  He wants me to get the mission working with the existing dump.  I tell him. this is out of my scope of work. This requires redis commands, and could take sometime, but the whole time he is bugging me saying when will it be done. my players want to play.  


At this point i was getting PO'd at him. words were said, he deleted me off his steam friends list. and i wasted hours of my time. 


the positive thing about this whole experience:  I learned infistar, learned how to install bec, and setup the scheduler to work.  I learned how to setup markers, sensors in the mission.sqm, so not all is wasted. i will take the work i did, and use it on my own server. Im not going to slander this person. But if anyone is interested in knowing who this person is so he does not do the same to you. message me.  I will say he has posted on the forum, requesting help, and he has spammed in at least 1 post to check out his server.

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the positive thing about this whole experience:  I learned infistar, learned how to install bec, and setup the scheduler to work.  I learned how to setup markers, sensors in the mission.sqm, so not all is wasted. i will take the work i did, and use it on my own server. 

That's the attitude I like to see, Arma has steep learning curve, but it gets more interesting the more you start understanding about it :)

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